Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow


You're a good man Dank! Thank you for this. If Ed says it, it has to be true! Haha

Cheers, Holmes!

I dont know if id go that far! But it was more then ed, more then one source said the same thing, sooo ya.
While it may be a C3 and not need dark... Idunno... Like BW said..

I like saving on the electric bill so ill let em sleep.
Sorry for the delay guys. It's cram week at the community college. :rofl: I'll get to you guys later on tonight. I have one more class to go. PFF Night class... never again.

Quick update before I finish this final paper.

I managed to get the light to 10 inches from the top of the canopy. I have managed to maintain the Temp between 77F and 82F. RH is between 34% and 44%. Am I good?
@Dankwolf for questions 1 and 2 I would prefer someone besides yourself because I already do follow you and read your stuff all the time. The better question would probably be.... who did you follow? For question 3, I would love to go organic living soil but the budget doesn't permit right now. I want to test some things though, what would you recommend as a good starting point? For question 5, there are plenty of debates about this and to be honest I don't really see how your saving money buy having an off time. You see, apparently 24/7 allows for 25% faster growth. For 6, look it up it's some interesting stuff. For 7, Dank put his hands in the m&m jar!

@Pij For question 1, go ahead and toot all the way home bud! You know I have been scouring over all your stuff and will continue to do so. I was hoping I could learn and read from the people you all have learned from. Question 2, I had Sue in mind but I think her and I have gotten off on the wrong foot. I just don't know how to approach her. I've skimmed some of her journals and I've found a ton of useful stuff but it isn't the same as picking the persons brain. For question 3, I think this is a universal desire, organic is the ultimate goal. I too use soilless and have used soil and so far, soilless it is. Especially with the coco coir. For question 4, thanks I needed that because all I could find were other sites and I'm strictly :420: !!!! For question 5, I understand now. It's kind of the way humans operate with fats and carbs. For question 6, basically it is a DWC without the flood and drain but instead, it is aerating the water. Look it up, I still don't have it down but I think that was the jist of it. Number 7, hell yeah those biatches were mine, was it Pij who put his hands in the m&m jar? Thanks for stopping by, glad I could disembowel you.

@feral For question 3, I'm really liking the whole DWC scene, probably way out of my league right now but I've been a busy beaver. What stopping me from jumping ship is doing a complete overhaul of how I've set up so far. I am definitely going DWC in the future though, for now it still is soilless for me. For question 4, as soon as I find someone I will definitely plug you in. You can count on that. I started cfl as well but as you can see along the way I change my mind. Not sure what it was, maybe the size I wanted without the warehouse of bulbs :rofl:. Question 5, this might be because you used clones. I definitely have seen the benefits of 24/7 from seed. I do have to add that I have also noticed benefits from 18/6 not as much as 24/7 but I have seen her respond accordingly. For 6, do you have anyone you might think I should follow in order to get this down right? For 7, sorry man Pij and Dank had there hands in there when I went for some. :rofl:

@Dank (again) Thanks for that, +reps, that is exactly what I was looking for. Seems as if I need to check up on this Ed guy.

@TheBlaze I managed to get my 400 watter to 10 in from the plant with consistent temps between 77f and 82F. I raised it a little though because I noticed the plants kind of backing away from the light.

@Bud:adore: Thanks, i have already checked up on LA and have a few links set aside when i have the time to sit and read in peace. I see your point about evolution and darkness but i have read studies that sleep is useless to humans in 8hr daily time periods. Apparently we can go a whole 4 days without sleep before we actually see behavioral changes in mood, memory, and fatigue. I was thinking maybe a 24/7 schedule with the once or twice a week 6 hr rest. I want to see what happens. Not this grow though :rofl: Thanks for the well wish i'm gonna need it.

@Mr.A Thanks for looking out for us. I have watched (read) you guys grow and show love to plants in way that I never imagined. I learned from the best!

@Tead thanks bro, I thought i had it there for a min but after some time i decided to move up a few inches. She's at 14 now. Temp has stalled at 79, which I'm ok with.

@OG my man how's it going? That one went right over my head! I'm glad you know what I meant though. Thanks for coming through.

@Glim Hey girl! Thanks I'm going to need it. I had to write about my own personality for personality psyche. I hate talking about myself or explaining who I am or...... I don't think I understood the assignment :rofl: I'll be fine though. One more term and I get my human service certificate. Then 2 more terms for my associate in psychology. Then it's off to Grad School!

Thanks everyone for the love and support. I have really found a new passion, hobby, and amazing people to talk about it with. You guys are awesome!!!!! Don't be strangers now. :Namaste::circle-of-love: :thanks: :passitleft:
@feral I do like the ease of temp adjusting for CFL. Probably the worst thing for me on hps is the heat. I find myself constantly in and out of the room checking for temp. I don't want one burn on these ladies.

@Budworshipper I keep typing you in as Bud: adore : for Bud:adore: because the little guy is worshipping something. I am actually really tempted in typing in :adore::yummy: because you are worshipping the bud leaf and I'm standing there to encourage! :rofl:
@Feral For question 3, I'm really liking the whole DWC scene, probably way out of my league right now but I've been a busy beaver. What stopping me from jumping ship is doing a complete overhaul of how I've set up so far. I am definitely going DWC in the future though, for now it still is soilless for me.

I thought that too at first, I didnt really have anyone i was following on here with a similar setup so it was basically utube videos on many different ways people built their systems etc for me, Net pot lids are very hard to get here in au and my only option was to make my own or get one imported from the US (i aint paying $70au for one lid shipped!). Very simple idea with a small layout cost, 1 bucket, either netpot lid or make your own, air pump, air stone and some tubing. keep the nutrient solution about an inch away from the base of the netpot and adjust your PH's. Tbh i do all my maintenance to the system and girls in about 2 mins each day, the rest of the time is sitting in there with them and taking photos etc lmao. the only time consuming thing is changing out the reservoirs which takes me about 2 hours once a week (however i am in no rush and like to get my PH stable so do it drop by drop). When changing my setup from soil to DWC about the only real difference i needed to take into account is the height of the tent, Bucket itself is almost 17" tall. But at the end of the day dont just switch completely, always great to have different grows on the go to see what works best for you, I still have so many things here to try in my own tests, i have a 3x3 table i want to try out, 5 Dutch Pot system and all of that is before i even think about trying other mediums lol, soil is my usual choice outdoors.

For question 4, as soon as I find someone I will definitely plug you in. You can count on that. I started cfl as well but as you can see along the way I change my mind. Not sure what it was, maybe the size I wanted without the warehouse of bulbs :rofl:.

Im with you there haha, i started out with a 5 cfl setup then moved onto LED, back to a 130w CFL followed by a 400w HPS setup lmfao
So far im happy with my HPS over all the others and i find with the air cooled hood it actually runs cooler than my LED's, about the only thing i would change is the ballast to digital, that way if needed i could just upgrade the bulb to a higher wattage.

Question 5, this might be because you used clones. I definitely have seen the benefits of 24/7 from seed. I do have to add that I have also noticed benefits from 18/6 not as much as 24/7 but I have seen her respond accordingly.

I have only used seed indoors so far, i took clones from my last girl but they went straight outdoors and are still out there in flower mode lmao (have been trying to reveg for months now, only one of the three has new growth only just showing now), Tbh its a topic we could go on about all day and without having a massive setup to test all variables side by side it will always be down to user preference, I do however like your idea of a few days 24h followed by a 18/6, would be something worth testing but would also have to grow the same strain in the same conditions in a different tent under a diff light schedule to see the actual benefits of each method.

For 6, do you have anyone you might think I should follow in order to get this down right?

There are a lot of great DWC growers here on 420mag, i personally read just about everything that pops up on site so i couldnt point you to one in particular sorry dude. I am always around if you have any questions on it, I am in no way a pro but have a pretty good grasp on the concept.

For 7, sorry man Pij and Dank had there hands in there when I went for some. :rofl:

All good dude, i found a few dropped ones on the floor i didnt tell anyone about :rofl:
@Feral I do like the ease of temp adjusting for CFL. Probably the worst thing for me on hps is the heat. I find myself constantly in and out of the room checking for temp. I don't want one burn on these ladies.

I did this quite a lot to begin with also, have you got your cooltube up and running with fans etc yet? In my tent i push air from outside the tent straight into my cooled hood and back out the other side and then out the window, this runs 100%, I then have another exhaust fan which pushes air from inside the tent straight out the top (without this fan my temps would be in the 50c range i would be guessing), this fan is connected to a speed controller so if its cold i turn it down to keep warmth etc
If you are worried about the tops of your plants cooking i would lift the light a little more, as i said earlier, if it is too warm for my hand then its too warm for the girls hehe. I wouldnt expect it to harm them if you are running at 14", before i got my cooled hood i was using a standard hood at 12" running the 400w retro MH bulb.
Kinda busy but wanted to touch on daylight.

I want to test longer days. 24-36hrs ON, followed by 6hrs OFF for veg, then 18-24 ON, 12-14OFF flower..

Its somewhat important not to change the time often. Thats her daylight, she doesnt want to alter her working schedule daily. Ive heard it can stress her into growing balls.

Dont quote me..
@Feral I do like the ease of temp adjusting for CFL. Probably the worst thing for me on hps is the heat. I find myself constantly in and out of the room checking for temp. I don't want one burn on these ladies.

@Budworshipper I keep typing you in as Bud: adore : for Bud:adore: because the little guy is worshipping something. I am actually really tempted in typing in :adore::yummy: because you are worshipping the bud leaf and I'm standing there to encourage! :rofl:


the animated name is cool mate.......:Namaste:

glad you found LA's stuff already....

the light period stuff is interesting reading......learnt summin new :high-five:

hope last paper went well.....

Bud:adore: over n out :laughtwo::laughtwo::passitleft:

Picture's worth 1000 words...

Is that a bud drying on top of your light?:high-five:

Baby Greens Day 32

I fed her today. I stayed low at 1/4 the recommended dose for that week (repeat week 3 for longer veg). She has been an awesome learning experience so far when it comes to nutrients, she really speaks to me and lets me know what she wants. Today she asked for some Nitrogen. I know this because her new growth told me by yellowing a bit. I also gave her silica, bioroots, flora grow, flora micro, and 1/8 the recommended dose of bloom because next week is transition week and I want her to get used to the nutrient before she gets the cannabis recommended dose of 1/4 the manufactures recommended dose. After transition week she will be going into flower. How do I control the stretch during the first week of flower and does doing so affect weight and/or potency?

I re-trained her because the leaves were blocking the more recent tops. She sure is bushy. I MEAN BUSHY! I really like the push pins because it allows me to manipulate the tops at will. Simply pull the pin and move it to a more desired location. It really helps in even-ing the way the plant looks.

I've also come to the conclusion that when growing in coco, you should feed more often. I've been doing 2 feeds and 1 plain water (just to clean out the soil a bit). Also, I seem to be watering every other day pretty consistently. Is this normal for coco? I have grown in soil from a local nursery before and I watered maybe every 4 days give or take a day each week. Or might it be this plants specific environment and genetics..etc?

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to leave a comment if you came through. Now, don't just sit back there staring at the screen. :rofl:

She is a definite candidate for some defol

Looking nice and healthy Mello
@Dankwolf for questions 1 and 2 I would prefer someone besides yourself because I already do follow you and read your stuff all the time. :oops:
The better question would probably be.... who did you follow?
I still follow. Alot weirdos, the whole bunch of em!
Lets see.. Graytail, stage- has that ..:cough: over in POTM..
Icemud does some fine stuff and even does video updates, very nice unfortunately for me i cant watch many..
Atrain and TheBeast grow some :jawdropper: autos..
..Honestly, i could name my whole subscribed list. Id recommend following as many journals as possible, dont look for names, but whats going on.. LED or HPS, soil or hydro, etc.. Get a good mix of every style. Everyone has something to learn from everyone else around here.:Namaste:

For question 3, I would love to go organic living soil but the budget doesn't permit right now. I want to test some things though, what would you recommend as a good starting point?
I dont think i have much here.. Probably be to get some soil? . What things do you want to test?

For question 5, there are plenty of debates about this and to be honest I don't really see how your saving money buy having an off time. You see, apparently 24/7 allows for 25% faster growth.
Ok. Maybe true. Ive heard or read its sometimes strain dependant. Id imagine that to be true. Even down to seed dependant. Some strains/seeds grow perfect sometimes, sometimes 1 out of XxX grows all wompybuckass on ya..
Just comes down to personal preference here.

For 6, look it up it's some interesting stuff. yes sir!:Namaste:

For 7, Dank put his hands in the m&m jar!
Originally posted by DankWolf
..Empties a family size bag of reeces pieces into the m&m jar

Oh and the newer question..
Well 1st, your gonna flip next week ay? can control the stretch by keeping the light close as possible. Also lighter lsting, you can top and train into the 3rd week, but i personally try to avoid toping main colas, little suckers go before 3rd week, tho going to keep some around for easier reveg if i ever choose to do that.
Basically do the same thing u have been, but if your afraid its,gonna stress her to the point of herming..dont go there.
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