New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

I'MMMMMMMM Back working on a update
I love the idea of you rolling a barrel down your hallway to mic soil. Where there is a will, there is a way. :thumb:
Hey BAR just a quick thought on your rolling idea. If you make yourself a nice little circular runner base for the drum you can just roll it around in a circle inside the apartment on top of the runner, I'll try and find a picture of the tumbler I saw that does this in case you don't know what I mean. Either way at $30 it was a great find. Did you barter with them? I can't help bartering whenever I buy something, I like the feeling of saving a few pennies just by opening my mouth lol. All the best :thumb:
Yet more congrats on yet another chop BAR. Good growth on the flux, still amazes me just how quick they grow. :high-five:
Thanxx Mr. Amazing.

Good job on the drum barrel! That will work out great. :)


I love the idea of you rolling a barrel down your hallway to mix soil.
... Thanxx

Hey BAR just a quick thought on your rolling idea. If you make yourself a nice little circular runner base for the drum you can just roll it around in a circle inside the apartment on top of the runner, I'll try and find a picture of the tumbler I saw that does this in case you don't know what I mean. Either way at $30 it was a great find. Did you barter with them? I can't help bartering whenever I buy something, I like the feeling of saving a few pennies just by opening my mouth lol. All the best :thumb:

Kraize, I think I know what your talking about. Another member had something similar to this...


For the life of me I don't recall who it was but it was the general idea my mind went to when I saw that barrel. I think you misunderstood a little; I'll be rolling it down the hallway INSIDE MY APT not the hallway of the floor I live on outside my apt. so it's not that big of a deal. The hallway runs from the front of my apt all the way down to the back, my bedroom.
That was a 55gal drum, the 25gal shouldn't be more than $20 at the most.

Oct 19, 2015​

This morning I dropped 4 of what I considered the least viable looking beans from the Mystery X Afghan Kush auto to get 2 to tap-root. I want to conduct an experiment to compare a trained and an untrained auto for results on yield and timelines.




I've heard rumors of a King John C spotting... Tell me it isn't so.
Hello and good afternoon reg :) hope all is good with you and bg :) my journal got moved back into the lives journa's again . I asked colorado to move it back as I'm still about just lurking in the shadows and not as busy as I once was :) I've just started to grow in 2ltr Pepsi bottles . So I'll probably be back to grab some advice :) but I'm using it as a Dwc . Have you ever gone hydro in a Pepsi bottle . And if at all possible could you 're post a picture of what you thinkw as yourb est in a 2ltr bottle .
Hello and good afternoon reg :) hope all is good with you:) my journal got moved back into the lives journa's again . I asked colorado to move it back as I'm still about just lurking in the shadows and not as busy as I once was :) I've just started to grow in 2ltr Pepsi bottles . So I'll probably be back to grab some advice :) but I'm using it as a Dwc . Have you ever gone hydro in a Pepsi bottle . And if at all possible could you 're post a picture of what you thinkw as yourb est in a 2ltr bottle .
Everything's good Brit. Sorry but the closest I've come to water fun period is using 2lts as SIPs (Sub Irrigation Planters). The biggest fear I have of any type of hydro grow is ending up with a leak dripping into the apt. below before anyone gets home in time to clean it up. If they call it in the Super HAS TO come in my bedroom to investigate once we're home.

KJC spotting...that's awesome. Hope he's doing well and rejoins us when and if he's able. Good luck with those seeds BAR, hope they're gems!
Thanxx Carestaker...


WHITE WIDOW X BIG BUD Clone (Re-veg) Day 6 since chopping

I don't think she's going to catch which is strange; I've never had problems re-vegging.



This is the one that came out the gate with pre-flowers.

7 days ago

This Morning

GREAT WHITE SHARK Day 5 since transplanting

She wasn't looking good this morning either.


Now for a little brighter news.

BLUE BLOOD (Clone) Day 33

She was laid down last night and is looking good.


And a quick peep into the Bloom Tent...

MYSTERY X AFGHAN KUSH Auto (My first purposely crossed) Day 10

Reg, so much wonder and excitement! I really need to make your journal my top priority every day. I get so stoked reading through and I'm always so late you've moved on. Give me time, I'm still in transition.

Your cross is growing nicely, which is excitement enough right there, but then you keep loading it on. :laughtwo:

Congrats on yet another harvest, on finding the perfect bin for your PeeJay's mix (something I plan to run myself after I get up and going again after the trip), and on having such a spectacular grow going on. Always good to pop in, and I always find myself lingering just a couple minutes longer in the warm safe feeling your digital space creates. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. :circle-of-love:

Later. I need to make some headway on the sub list. You understand. :hug: :love:

Reg, so much wonder and excitement! I really need to make your journal my top priority every day. I get so stoked reading through and I'm always so late you've moved on. Give me time, I'm still in transition.
It's not that serious Sue. These days I try to do all my responses & updates in one post and keep it short & to the point; not much jibber jabber. I think it makes things easier to follow as well as to catch up.

your always so busy these days :thumb:
I know, right Cronic. But somehow it all makes sense and we don't get overwhelmed. To tell the truth it's getting easier now since all the new 3gal pots are filled with PJ's OSM; JUST ADD WATER.

Hey reg. Subbed up again lol
Won't pretend I'm reading back to were I left off lol but I'm bak to tag along from here on in
Hope Ur well friend
Welcome back.

Oct 21, 2015​

A couple days ago I dropped 4 of the least viable looking beans of our Mystery X Afghan Kush auto seeds to try and get at least 2 to tap-root for an upcoming experiment. Well all 4 tap-rooted.


Took 2 and did my regular rockwool thing.



And threw the other 2 in the 3gal pot the first one that fell is in. Why? Why not...




And here's the Dry Weight of the plant from the 24hr pollination isolation experiment. Just shy of 1/2 Z.


One more test left Fifi; the MYSTERY X CRITICAL SENSI STAR.

I guess you have a point there Cali but I was at around 75% germinating in soil and I'm at about 99.9% germinating in Rockwool cubes.
Bar dude....poppin' beans, cloning, and all around fun! I got busy yesterday and moved out of my closet and back to the outside storage room. Keeping the machine oiled when you feel like crap can be a struggle, but I'm hangin' in there. My numbers were less than expected this fall, but all in all with the neglect and mistakes made I am still pleased. I enjoy watching your grow and the fact that you post a lot of pictures and text works well! Reps to you !
Rock wool is the way the mate. Iv only used it once in a failed attempt to clone s few years back. I like the idea of them though sure ill give them a go at some point
Don't feel bad Cali, they never worked for me cloning either. As a matter of fact up until I purchased a cloner I wasn't only a member but was the President of the Dead Clone Society.

Hard to keep up with a few of you cats, you're all like well oiled machines.:)
It's hard to stop once you get rolling Buddro. Look at Hozona, getting busy while he's under the weather.

Thanxx Hoz...

Oct 22, 2015​

The bodega I was suppose to get the barrel from didn't get their order of the 25gal drums this week and I can't wait any longer to get my soil cooking. I ended up getting a 20gal tote from the 99 cent store. We mixed the base (LI Growers Mix / Peat Moss) then added...

Dried Crushed Cannabis Leaves

Baked Ground Eggshells




Perlite & Bat Crap

Yum Yum & Bone Meal

Worm Castings & Growology Step 1 (Mycos)

Hand Mixed Everything, watered, & sealed...


For 6 gallons:

3 Gallons Peat
1 Gallon Long Island Growers Mix
1 Gallon Perlite
3 Qts Castings
2 Cups Yum Yum
12 ea Egg Shells Burned and Crushed Fine
2 Cups Dried Cannabis Leaves
3 TB Bone Meal
2 TB Guano
Growology Step one and/or Mycos per manufacturers instructions for 1 cubic foot or 7 gallons of soil

I multiplied everything by 5 except the Peat Moss. I'll be adding 1gal to every 2gals I use once it's cooked.
I also had only 2dz eggshells.

Now a look at the three unreleased strains I'm test running for a new breeder soon to go public:


And the Bonus Round




Just waiting for space to flip her to one of the 12/12 tents.



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