Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #1 10 Strains 18 Solo Cups 4x4 HPS/CMH: Thailand!

the HPS/CMH light company were in touch this morning.

“Would you like the newer more efficient 1000w lights “Green” version for 30% less power consumption instead? We’re out of stock the old ones”

- Sure, sounds good. How much more?

“They cost less, I’ll refund you $50USD”

- Awesome.

So that’s

2x 1000w Double Ended all in one digital ballest lights, hoods, bulbs


2x 325w CMH as above.

Delivered for express, no tax. Guy reckons 7 days from today.

Compared to what I’d get with that for an LED seems pretty cool - even I never use them again its like an early/late birthday present to myself.

@InTheShed - you should see the swanky black ducting for the 4x4 all this is all going into. 🤣

The boy planted 200L of coco on top of it. Needs umm disposing of in an environmentally friendly way 😂


No but I know people have had far worse - they send me 2x 1000w LEDs and 2x 315w LEDs for $400 then I’m sure I’ll be OK.

Passion grow, learn the craft grow. Hobby thing.

Remind me when the first months electricty bill comes in 😂

Some nice stuff happened today. Got a package delivered from my lucky win thing.

As I was lucky enough to get some unexpected swaaaag today. Stickers, fridge magnet, stickers, lighters. A T-Shirt and a mug! Which is all I ever wanted! Don’t think there was any sponsor other than @420 for that one. But is was always a mug, and only a mug I ever wanted! 😂

I won the bestest two things by pure silly luck!

“Cannabis Enthusiasts” & a 420 Coffee Mug!

“Krap khun Krup Kihn Rob and yu staff”

Or in English:

“Attention thank you person Rob and your staff”

Anyway a photo below of the awesomeness but a new one (I have literally copy and pasted a chunk of that but this grow feels like the most traffic so thought important to put here too)

I’m a happy camper!

Light upgrade and the @Azimuth SIPs are complete!

The SWICKS and Airpots maybe finished tonight - amazing how cash money motivates my kids. They don't know about the money boxes coming for them tomorrow - to which they won't have access.

The second hydro bath LED - this one is Inkbird. Really excited. Their stuff is awesome. Sensors and stuff. Love them like a couple of other firms lots of us use. I suspect its exactly the same as the @Mars Hydro hydroline 12 - I have one but think discontinued. Its great for what I have in mind - I did it with the Twisted Sisters in the airpots. Mars please bring it back! Its brilliant and the kind of thing my Mum would love for herbs!

Just need more space this time. Batching popping.

The last seeds are down the road. Tomorrow evening I’ll pop the first batch. Have a list somewhere of the order.

Anyway a new Swaaag photo with NH Design v2 x Azi Solo Airpots x SIP

The res is 105ml when I tested it.

I also bought my self a little very cool gift today.

An endoscope small enough to fit down the feed tubes of the Solo Sips. Water proof, lighted and a sideways view kit. Its 5.5ml diameter and the feed tubes are 10ml. Easy.

It has a wifi or USB connection. It cost about $10 so we’ll see - literally I hope.

And there I both endo and boroscope myself!



The boy planted 200L of coco on top of it.
The boy though redeemed himself several times over since.

Finishing up the underside of the pallet with silicone.

He’s doing such a great job.

Nick & Co

The boy though redeemed himself several times over since.

Finishing up the underside of the pallet with silicone.

He’s doing such a great job.

Nick & Co

I gotta tell you, it does my heart good to see how all out you go, and the attention to detail you display. I almost feel guilty when I’m feeling lazy anymore. :rofl: Nick and Co. is a pretty impressive operation. I’m starting to understand just how big the “and Co.” part is!!!
& Co is a force of nature

Her two kids (my step kids) are coming on stream for the “& Fam”

Basically I do nothing all day.

When L becomes Skynet - we are working on her becoming goood goood Skynte😆

“N x B Co and Cubed.

I an the worst for details.

I just have a weird memory.

Pretty sure L has it.

The seed list is by far the most complicated/comprehensive growing notes I’ve ever taken. Probably include my day job too!

Nearly everything here - just the lights but don’t need them for a couple of weeks anyway.

The second hydrobath arrived today. The @Mars Hydro one so much better. Please make/sell them again! Its deeper and has more space in - the black one is clutter inside.

Since I’m putting whole solos in there its a big deal for me.

The Lux bird is on a book to allow for the base the Mars has. (A generously thick book!) but you can see the difference on the solos depth.

I have a plan. Last seeds to arrive (and first to be popped tonight are on top of the black one. Royal Gorilla and Wedding Crasher from @RoyalQueenSeeds Bangkok.

Let the grow commence!



Maybe another couple of posts here but feel
Like grow complete really.
Kick back and wait for 18 little solo harvests.


Easypeasy lemonsqueezy!

Popped 11 according to the chart I figured out for scheduling. The RQS seeds came in packets of three so popping all three. Any spares can go in the veg tent

Here’s the schedule.


So popped the way that’s worked best. Swimming pool water containing just Hydrogen Peroxide (and to beat Shed to it “and Pee”)

Only the dog been in since they topped it yesterday. Not sure what she may have added. Dumbness maybe? Can Chihuahuas swim? Tempted to find out.

So yeah anyway - colour coding from the start.


The black one was sent with out packing as via TRNH. Its the Serious Seeds Warlock CBD 1:1 Strain. Just two in there.

Now waiting an hour or so for the next stage. Paper and ziploks. Giving them a nice bath. Yes I did take them out of the packets!


Also the Airpots are finished and the inners for the SWICK stage too.


Close up of a Solo Airpot. I wanted the bottom slots bigger. The girl “i” cane up with just putting a full ring of holes round the bottom which suits my purposes perfectly. You may remember I had to support with green tape the Twisted Sisters when I cut those equivalent holes


And close up of an “inner” for a bit of SWICK love immediately after the propagator machine



So yeah.

Next step is paper towels in ziplok bags hung vertically with a little of that reserved pool water to dampen. Once a day I’ll fold the 4 bags up incase they dry. They’ll just go in a corner the lounge thats warm and doesn’t get any direct light.

Then potting soil and propagation machine and pop Wave Two.

Tray is finished although currently utilised as & Co and L’s helmet stand. The kid did good. What I wanted exactly.


So yeah mad 24 hours pf day job coming up but this grow on on the go!

Nick & Fam
Did anyone else get into ice machine plumbing and 3D printers during Covid Lockdowns? Our first lockdown was one of the very first and total brutality. Couldn’t go more than 2km either. 4 month old baby no shop that sold nappies in the zone. But cool too. Stopped the overseas commute and stayed home. If it was legal to grow then? Wow sea facing, E-S-W facing 100 sq/ft balcony with glass safety wall?

Wow almost makes me want to rent it again just to grow on!

But yeah, 3D printing.

I bought one in covid. Played around with it a bit. Have many colours of the plastic thread. Who knew?

I’m going to make a Cuda file of a Solo Sip. Like a whole all in one cup, airhole, grate, feed pipe and air holes.

Tske the always free from me file to someone with a suitably sized 3D printer and print a Solo SIP.

Watermark with so prints it every time as part the design. Dunno.

Anyone got an opinion?

@Azimuth - I think I can make that file. 3D printers pretty common now. The place I print and frame photos at has one.

Pretty cool heh?I don’t want to make owt off it - just a cool way to share a design? Takenit down the street let them print ir and give it a go.

I’m pretty much set on the design we made above. Its would be that but all in one. But open to suggestions after I cut the current one open in a few days when I can actually see how it worked!

Nick (I only see rhe printer every rime I walk in the dry room - I am so slow sometimes)

But yeah, 3D printing.

I bought one in covid. Played around with it a bit. Have many colours of the plastic thread. Who knew?

I’m going to make a Cuda file of a Solo Sip. Like a whole all in one cup, airhole, grate, feed pipe and air holes.

Tske the always free from me file to someone with a suitably sized 3D printer and print a Solo SIP.

Watermark with so prints it every time as part the design. Dunno.
@AspenCultivator did some SIP 3D stuff in his last grow. Maybe you guys can swap notes.
Ahh! Another Ender 5 I see? Is that the Pro, or base model? I have an Ender 5 Pro myself, have had it now for almost 3 years. I started with a Prusa clone (RepRap Guru) which was made from acrylic panels, wiring, and motors. Had to put every little screw in the bastard, and then calibrate it for another month before anything "cool" came off of it.

Boy, then I got the Ender 5...pull the machine out of the box, lube up some spots, level the bed, and away we go. I couldn't believe how simple the setup was.

Anyway, Solo SIPs! You have a decent DIY design, but in my humble opinion, the little solo cups don't need all of that. They don't need a fill tube, and don't need an outlet tube either. Again, just my opinion. With the outlet hole positioned correctly, all you should have to do is dip the cup into another bowl/cup of water and let it fill to just above the hole (I use clear plastic cups so I can see where the water goes). Then it goes into a red solo cup to cover up the roots that fill the sides.

Here's what I came up with, but haven't tested fully. I started some catnip with this prototype, but things got busy and it fell to the wayside. I'd still like to test this design, and will definitely be using it to start some canna seeds in a few months once my current grow gets wrapped up.



In the second picture you can see the outlet hole (or overflow if you call it that) and it's located 3/4" below the top of the 3D printed insert. If you dip the entire assembly (with soil of course) and let the water flow through the overflow hole, I can quickly see when it's watered. Takes 3-4 seconds per cup usually. Anything extra flows out of the overflow hole and back into the main water cup/bowl. This setup negates the need for an official fill tube, which makes transplanting easier.

While this design looks neat and provides the same functionality as the commercial gro-inserts for the 5 gallon buckets, it's completely un-tested and I'm not convinced you'd be able to remove the roots from this little insert without some stunting damage. Once they grow through the top mesh and down into the 'res', it'll be a pain to remove it. Perhaps leaving it through the entire grow, or changing the design entirely, I have no idea (yet).

Anyway, this is super long, sorry to hijhack your thread! I created a 3D printing in the Grow Room thread a while back and have posted some stuff there if you want to check it out. (Link in signature). I'd be happy to trade STLs though, and/or work on developing a design for stuff. The idea of sending someone a virtual file that they can then print and functionally use is one of the main reasons I started printing many moons ago. Really cool stuff!
Oh, one more thing, here are some Ender 5 upgrades you can print that I've printed myself which have stepped up the print quality. It amazes me we're able to design and print these upgrades for free, and install them, for free, to make the prints even more higher quality. (okay minus the cost of the filament but that's neither here nor there!) I don't believe I can link to them, but if you're familiar with Thingiverse, search for these items:

Ender-5 Bed Strain Relief

Ender 5 bed Supports - Super Struts 2nd Remix (Truss)

Ender 5 Extruder Arm with M4 bolts (I remixed this one from another person's design to add in the M4 bolts and nuts. Removes strain from the bowden tube by moving the extruder to the top rails, thus shortening your bowden tube. Please ask questions or research this one in-depth, as there are software/slicer settings that need to be changed if you print and install this.)

Hero Me Gen7 Release 3.2 Printhead Platform (Eh, this one takes some work. Actually...a lot of work. I pulled the parts for the Ender 5 into Blender so I could arrange them and figure out which parts I actually needed. However, completely worth it for the 2 blower part-cooler fans as I'm now able to bridge much, much further than with the stock stuff.)

I also have a tool rack installed which keeps all the tools it came with nice and neat in one spot on one of the printer rails. Let's see, what else...LED lighting mounts, platform for wifi camera, extruder knob, and probably a few other generic upgrades I'm missing.

Lastly, take a look at Octoprint. If you have a spare raspberrypi laying around you can turn it into an online server for your printer. You can install a raspberrypi camera to it, open it on a port in your router, and access it from your phone anywhere you have internet. You can control your printer as well. In fact, I'm typing this on a laptop in my living room with another tab open that I flip to and view the progress. The printer is upstairs. All I need to do is get the print started (using a small touchscreen attached to the PI) and then watch it in my browser until it's done. Upload gcode files remotely as well, it's my single biggest most-awesome upgrade/thing I've done to the Ender 5.
I have no idea what much of that meant, but sounds like you know what you're doing! :thumb:
Oh, one more thing, here are some Ender 5 upgrades you can print that I've printed myself which have stepped up the print quality. It amazes me we're able to design and print these upgrades for free, and install them, for free, to make the prints even more higher quality. (okay minus the cost of the filament but that's neither here nor there!)
Thanks Azi,

He does indeed know what he's talking about!


Yep - I have an upgraded mobo for mine to make the self leveller work (handy as I had 10 really powerful magnets that got stored by & Co on top of the control box so I fear for its health!) - the Octoprint, a box with 5 Raspberry Pi's in for that and other projects, looked at it before.

I upgraded the base plate with an Ender upgrade one, can't remember why its glass though. Its the Ender 5 Pro, it was in the spare room at the old place then the Nanny and step daughter moved in so just got put away. We moved the year after and just went into the store room (now flower room) but the only thing & Co didn't put into the storage with the rest the stuff in there so now its its in the dry/cure room. I literally see it 2-3 times a day and took me waaaaay too long to put two and two together!

Your solo thing is sweeeet! Get it totally! Will def get the filament out. I have many colours and its cheap as chips anyway. Gold Solo Cups anyone?!

Thank you both!

Nick & Co

Still gonna try to do the full build for hobby but will try yours too. I should get back on thingy verse and the other one and have some grow related searches!

Thanks you so much both
Reckon 5-6/11 tapped already. Just 2-3mm Obviously want longer anyway. But pretty good after 20 hours. I just sort of flicked through them not a big study.

Gogogo my babies!

And no dirt for you until 2cm ok - 1.5cm.

But that ain't gonna be today! Which is good as I'm busy.

Ahh! Another Ender 5 I see? Is that the Pro, or base model? I have an Ender 5 Pro myself, have had it now for almost 3 years. I started with a Prusa clone (RepRap Guru) which was made from acrylic panels, wiring, and motors. Had to put every little screw in the bastard, and then calibrate it for another month before anything "cool" came off of it.

Boy, then I got the Ender 5...pull the machine out of the box, lube up some spots, level the bed, and away we go. I couldn't believe how simple the setup was.

Anyway, Solo SIPs! You have a decent DIY design, but in my humble opinion, the little solo cups don't need all of that. They don't need a fill tube, and don't need an outlet tube either. Again, just my opinion. With the outlet hole positioned correctly, all you should have to do is dip the cup into another bowl/cup of water and let it fill to just above the hole (I use clear plastic cups so I can see where the water goes). Then it goes into a red solo cup to cover up the roots that fill the sides.

Here's what I came up with, but haven't tested fully. I started some catnip with this prototype, but things got busy and it fell to the wayside. I'd still like to test this design, and will definitely be using it to start some canna seeds in a few months once my current grow gets wrapped up.



In the second picture you can see the outlet hole (or overflow if you call it that) and it's located 3/4" below the top of the 3D printed insert. If you dip the entire assembly (with soil of course) and let the water flow through the overflow hole, I can quickly see when it's watered. Takes 3-4 seconds per cup usually. Anything extra flows out of the overflow hole and back into the main water cup/bowl. This setup negates the need for an official fill tube, which makes transplanting easier.

While this design looks neat and provides the same functionality as the commercial gro-inserts for the 5 gallon buckets, it's completely un-tested and I'm not convinced you'd be able to remove the roots from this little insert without some stunting damage. Once they grow through the top mesh and down into the 'res', it'll be a pain to remove it. Perhaps leaving it through the entire grow, or changing the design entirely, I have no idea (yet).

Anyway, this is super long, sorry to hijhack your thread! I created a 3D printing in the Grow Room thread a while back and have posted some stuff there if you want to check it out. (Link in signature). I'd be happy to trade STLs though, and/or work on developing a design for stuff. The idea of sending someone a virtual file that they can then print and functionally use is one of the main reasons I started printing many moons ago. Really cool stuff!
I like your totally contained SIP idea Aspen! Makes sense to me!
Did anyone else get into ice machine plumbing and 3D printers during Covid Lockdowns? Our first lockdown was one of the very first and total brutality. Couldn’t go more than 2km either. 4 month old baby no shop that sold nappies in the zone. But cool too. Stopped the overseas commute and stayed home. If it was legal to grow then? Wow sea facing, E-S-W facing 100 sq/ft balcony with glass safety wall?

Wow almost makes me want to rent it again just to grow on!

But yeah, 3D printing.

I bought one in covid. Played around with it a bit. Have many colours of the plastic thread. Who knew?

I’m going to make a Cuda file of a Solo Sip. Like a whole all in one cup, airhole, grate, feed pipe and air holes.

Tske the always free from me file to someone with a suitably sized 3D printer and print a Solo SIP.

Watermark with so prints it every time as part the design. Dunno.

Anyone got an opinion?

@Azimuth - I think I can make that file. 3D printers pretty common now. The place I print and frame photos at has one.

Pretty cool heh?I don’t want to make owt off it - just a cool way to share a design? Takenit down the street let them print ir and give it a go.

I’m pretty much set on the design we made above. Its would be that but all in one. But open to suggestions after I cut the current one open in a few days when I can actually see how it worked!

Nick (I only see rhe printer every rime I walk in the dry room - I am so slow sometimes)

Wow. I guess you know stuff. I don’t know much about 3-D printers, but are you saying it’s capable of creating a one piece SIP setup in as big a size as the printer will accommodate? One that’s actually functional? Wow. How much goop or whatever the plastic-y material is does that take? And how long does that take to print the thing and create the design/file or whatever? Also how much coin will it cost to make one? Thanks for letting me pepper you with questions.
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