OMM's Aloha Journal Part III

Reps for the optimistic attitude after losing those plants OMM!:thumb: And at least your outside girls are safe and escaped whatever it was.
Have you decided what is going in their places next?

Hi Young Lady. :thumb:

As a matter of fact I do. In no particular order.


The Church

The Doctor


Moby Dick

Violator Kush

Black Russian

and others I have to decide on. That should keep me busy.
Good evening weed my fellow old fart. sorry I didn't mean to say that you did anything. Heck it's been the pictures I put up every once in a while that don't have any thing to do with our beloved herb. Happy Tokerday Getting close on my babies.


Hey Sunshine! Tell Jo I am with her on the Olympics, but I had to record them and am still trying to get the last 4 days and Closing Ceremonies watched! Ask her if she was as tickled as me to see Meryl & Charlie get gold? Bout time! They didn't skate, they floated!

Was the big BR a twin seed? She sure looks wonderful! As do they all! Beautiful!!! Puts a gummy grin on my face!!! Glad to see you get some snow on chh's OG Kush. Much nicer than the snow many of us are wondering if it will ever go away! EEK!

I am still catchin up on yer journal, so I am slow on responses here... But had to add my 2 cents on the 420 community here too. Yes, we are blessed with this wonderful place. I came in the beginning to learn when starting my own grow. Learn I did, but those teaching, sharing, or just supporting folks quickly became my friends and my 420 family. This cannabis herb blesses us with so much good.
Feelin surrounded with the love for all here. :)

:love::love::love:Hi there Granny Girl!:love::love::love:

Jo and I do NOT miss any Ice Skating at all. Any where we can find it. We are old time 5.9 Judges from the old days. We have been wondering for years if we would EVER win Gold in Ice Dancing. You are right, Meryl & Charlie floated! Truthfully we still have tapes of the old Russian ice dancers too. They were great too! :bravo::bravo::bravo:

I'm glad I was one of the folks that helped you when you joined! You sure fired us all up just being you! You still do!:Namaste::love:
Yep, the Black Russian had 2 sprouts from the same seed. Hope you get to grow is very strong and is a great high!:blunt:

:peace::peace::peace: We are family!:peace::peace::peace:
Good evening weed my fellow old fart. sorry I didn't mean to say that you did anything. Heck it's been the pictures I put up every once in a while that don't have any thing to do with our beloved herb. Happy Tokerday Getting close on my babies.

No beemerbill...I knew you wouldn't do anything wrong on are 420 through and through.

Those girls are looking great! :cheer:

Happy Tokerday to you too!:thumb:


Hey Sunshine! Tell Jo I am with her on the Olympics, but I had to record them and am still trying to get the last 4 days and Closing Ceremonies watched! Ask her if she was as tickled as me to see Meryl & Charlie get gold? Bout time! They didn't skate, they floated!

Was the big BR a twin seed? She sure looks wonderful! As do they all! Beautiful!!! Puts a gummy grin on my face!!! Glad to see you get some snow on chh's OG Kush. Much nicer than the snow many of us are wondering if it will ever go away! EEK!

I am still catchin up on yer journal, so I am slow on responses here... But had to add my 2 cents on the 420 community here too. Yes, we are blessed with this wonderful place. I came in the beginning to learn when starting my own grow. Learn I did, but those teaching, sharing, or just supporting folks quickly became my friends and my 420 family. This cannabis herb blesses us with so much good.
Feelin surrounded with the love for all here. :)

Gran you are fast or rather have become yet another wonderful 420 folk I have the pleasure of talking with Dam right this place is special me an mine are both not in the best of health but with 420 we maintain great communication an really good friends, an I was so lucky cause I have always been kind of shy when it comes to online chatting but 420 its amazing support love respect great an loving friends:circle-of-love:
Top of the buds to you OMM we in Blighty are having a Sunny day
Bro I was so sorry to read about the girls , are the outside ones Ok or is only survivor the White widow I am so sorry Shit happens I guess and in the tropical climate you guys must have a lot of bugs to deal with most if not all year around
Cronic will have something for you in a week or so He He:peace::love::peace:
high and Welcome to :420: :peace:
Hey Buddy Good Night to ya are you sleeping early since you had an early day?
Happy Thurweed day for tomorrow :thumb:
Hey ho! OMM onwards and upwards! Just an excuse for new girls to play with again :) keep ya pecker up buddy :)

Hi LA! You got it....can grow new ones. Have a couple in plugs now. When they are up, I'll tell you what they are. I went through my seeds and made a database for the ones I want to grow. It's a long list, so I better get healthier.
My pecker went on vacation years ago. Still looking for it though.
Hello BollocksBalls. Welcome to 420. How are things in London town?:welcome:

Well Geezer not sa bad s kinda sunny n looking forwards to spring:rofl::rofl:
But I heard we are gonna ave some crap weather for Fryday
Top of the Buds Ya Ol Fart give jo a hug an Pdy sends a smacker your way Pal:circle-of-love:
Well Geezer not sa bad s kinda sunny n looking forwards to spring:rofl::rofl:
But I heard we are gonna ave some crap weather for Fryday
Top of the Buds Ya Ol Fart give jo a hug an Pdy sends a smacker your way Pal:circle-of-love:

Hi jaga. Our spring will start soon too, when the rain slows down. Here it can rain any time any day.
I'll give jo a hug for you. I humbly accept the smacker from Rdy.
Hi jaga. Our spring will start soon too, when the rain slows down. Here it can rain any time any day.
I'll give jo a hug for you. I humbly accept the smacker from Rdy.

:oops: I realised later on that when you put that post up there was a member called Bollock Balls :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Got way behind on my subs. Tune up on my computer cost me a day, still trying to catch up. Guess it was ready to crash, does work quite a bit better now. Wow, really sad news concerning your girls. Think you would`ve liked the good doctor real well, I sure as hell do. Did you ever find out what happened ? Any how, hope the day treats you and Jo good. Gotta be a little warmer there than here. The high for today is BELOW ZERO. Peace
:oops: I realised later on that when you put that post up there was a member called Bollock Balls :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hey shy Jaga! :) Granny thinks Jaga and Padma tokie smokied a bit much! Lol Gotta tease the family!

Welcome to
:circle-of-love:OMM's,:circle-of-love:BB! Beware of the old timers thoughts running amuck at times! Ya know we all be a smokin some of that ganja!

Flower Child, dang government. I really feel sorry for places like Iowa, where marijuana is listed as a schedule 1 - meaning it has NO medicinal value. I read recently that there are parents with epileptic children fighting for that state, but just recently a proposed bill was again dead immediately. I cried when I saw one of the moms Speak on a video at a Dec meeting. My heart broke when listening to her describe her sons reactions to the heavy duty legal prescription meds that still are not controlling his seizures. Four doses of depacote and her son stopped being able to walk, talk, or feed himself for over a year. What a struggle that state and those parents have in front of them.

OMM, I had some plants look like that but it wasn't bugs, I think (that could be trouble!) it was pH too high that caused nute lockout in my plants (used different soil too), but may have also had cold weather attribute to it too. Got very tiny buds on them while all surrounding plants were fine. Some seem to be more finicky than others. It bites when so much time has been invested in them. . Dang, I wanted to see the good dr! But you have many other strains I want to see too, always a great selection! Sure am glad yer outside girls are well! :)

yea, I liked the 6.0 perfect ice judging scores too. Guess now it relies on the exact elements and how they perform each. Loved it tho. Finally got thru closing ceremonies! Loved that lil 15 year old Russian girl's spins! EEK!!! I would be broken permanently! Lol thought she could win, but fall down boom booms usually takes them out of the medals. She was beautiful tho.

lovies ALL!
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