Somehow it's Working - Soil, Sun & CFL's

A while back there was something about being able to compel hydro stores to turn over sales info. Just make sure you pay with cash and not a card or check.:)

Hey Chopper thanks for checking in! I used a pre-paid credit card but that was pure luck, I had $28 left over on it after buying my seeds. It'll be cash only from now on.
Today is day 87, thought I'd take the girls out for some sun and pics. I assume they'll finish someday but I've given up guessing when. Some cloudy, a little amber, still mostly clear.

B1 is my big sativa, she's taking her sweet time. She's really starting to smell good, mostly a strong citrus.





Here's Big Amber, I think she's more indica but honestly I have no real clue. I've been thinking she's almost ready for a month now. She smells great and has fat dense buds.







And lastly b5, who has a ton of seeds and has been the least healthy of my plants. She's hanging in there though. For some reason I always have a hard time getting good pics of her outside:


Hey Blue. People that attempt sativas in these parts go late November or even December. Seriously. It's not for everyone... in fact they are not for most everyone. I prefer a sativa, but I think I am in the minority. People like shit they can push out in two months of flower like a cheeseburger.
Sup Blue,

Good for you trying different growing techniques. I'm sending you hempy female positive vibrations. :)
Sup Blue,

Good for you trying different growing techniques. I'm sending you hempy female positive vibrations. :)

Thanks Toes! I'm very excited about Hempy and ultra excited about Osmocote Plus.

Best part so far - when I was moving the girls around yesterday, the soil buckets must weigh over 40 lbs each. The hempy one weighs about 5 lbs. My back is thanking me already.
I found OC+ at Ace Hardware. The same store I called yesterday that told me they didn't have it, so I ordered it from their website and had them ship it to the store for next Weds. She remembered my call and will give me a refund when it arrives.

So.... I took out my 3 girls that are really looking pretty rough, added the OC+, top dressed the soil, and flushed the hell out of them. B5 is looking really bad, think she's got a Mg deficiency. Big Amber isn't looking much better. My big sativa b1 lost about half her fan leaves overnight a week ago, she's been looking pretty stable since then.

I'm really curious about what if any difference it's going to make at this late stage, they only should have 2-4 weeks left.

I also got some epsom salt, should I treat B5 with that too or wait for the OC+ to hopefully do it's thing? Unless I hear otherwise I'm just hanging in there.

Also added OC+ to my hempy plant and watered it in.

I'll be watching closely.
Took a few pics of the damage today.

First up is B5, I think this is an mag deficiency. I've tried to go light on the nutes with this girl, she hasn't been well for probably 6 weeks now. She was looking pretty stable until this week when it suddenly got worse.




And this is Big Amber, who has also been declining over the last week or two, although not as bad as B5.



Just had a chance to get caught-up on your Journal,, things dont look too bad to me.. Looks like your going to have a bunch of good Smoke,, and even some Seeds for later on too !! Thats GREAT in my Humble Opinion (ESPECIALLY with the REDICULOUS cost of Seeds these Days).. lol .. ..

And in my Opinion as well,, Your Ladyz may just be using up ALL of the Nutrients that are stored in the Leaves.. As long as there isnt any Damage to the actual Buds,, I personally wouldnt worry TOO much about the Leaves anymore.. The Ladyz are just about done with their Life-Span so theyre doing everything they can to make you happy by producing the best possible Buddz.. ..

I hope everything else has been going well for you too Sir.. ..

Much Respect to you and yours Brother.. ..

Just had a chance to get caught-up on your Journal,, things dont look too bad to me.. Looks like your going to have a bunch of good Smoke,, and even some Seeds for later on too !! Thats GREAT in my Humble Opinion (ESPECIALLY with the REDICULOUS cost of Seeds these Days).. lol .. ..

And in my Opinion as well,, Your Ladyz may just be using up ALL of the Nutrients that are stored in the Leaves.. As long as there isnt any Damage to the actual Buds,, I personally wouldnt worry TOO much about the Leaves anymore.. The Ladyz are just about done with their Life-Span so theyre doing everything they can to make you happy by producing the best possible Buddz.. ..

I hope everything else has been going well for you too Sir.. ..

Much Respect to you and yours Brother.. ..

Hi RedDawg good to see you again! I hope you've been well.

I hear what you're saying and agree with you, they're so close now that they should make it no matter what. But I still hate seeing them going downhill so fast, and I figure the healthier they are the more energy they'll have for buddage. I'm very interested to see if the OC+ will have any impact.

I'm not sad to see the seeds either. I've ordered some primo seeds, and I can see some breeding in my future. $10+ per femmed seed is a little steep. It's hurt the yield on this one plant but if it gives me 100 plants or so down the road it's well worth it.

Take care my friend, don't be a stranger!
Hi RedDawg good to see you again! I hope you've been well.

I hear what you're saying and agree with you, they're so close now that they should make it no matter what. But I still hate seeing them going downhill so fast, and I figure the healthier they are the more energy they'll have for buddage. I'm very interested to see if the OC+ will have any impact.

Take care my friend, don't be a stranger!

Hey Blue OC+ is really something! You can't over do it...the plant will never burn from nutes. The buds I got this time were just as good or better than when I used expensive nuts. When you plant, just work in a table spoon of OC+ int to the soil, in the top 3" or so. If it's a big pot, put in more. It kinda makes you feel your getting something for nothing, The only thing I gave my plants besides OC+ was a one time feeding of silicon for the stems, don't know if I needed to ad that, kind of don't think so now.
It'll feel funny at first, because you don't need to add anything, but water. :)
Yup...looks just like the pictures of cal/mag problems. I have that problem sometimes, but generally at the beginning when they're piling on leaves. I've been doing the entire comprehensive Fox Farm schedule using all seven different products and it's not an issue any more. The fan leaves are dark green still. (but I'd not describe it as cheap)
I prefer Sativas as well, but you gotta be ready to wait. The first hint of flowers appeared back in July and the hairs sticking outta those big fist sized colas are still a quarter inch long and white! We got a way to go yet. In the past it's gone a full nine months from seed to cut, meaning some finish after Thanksgiving. I don't know how you'd do it up north with'd need a pretty tall setup HAHAHAHA
I forgot.....How do you flush 'em when you're using a time release nute?***
Cal/Mag problems seem to go hand and hand with PH issues. (Our water is treated by the city and it is saline...I've taken to PH-ing with lemon juice and it works great...a side benefit is the smell... a stroll in the garden smells like someone sprayed Pledge on a skunk. I don't know if it'll work thru to the taste or not. I know that if I grow out in the Pines, you can taste it.
Yup...looks just like the pictures of cal/mag problems. I have that problem sometimes, but generally at the beginning when they're piling on leaves. I've been doing the entire comprehensive Fox Farm schedule using all seven different products and it's not an issue any more. The fan leaves are dark green still. (but I'd not describe it as cheap)
I prefer Sativas as well, but you gotta be ready to wait. The first hint of flowers appeared back in July and the hairs sticking outta those big fist sized colas are still a quarter inch long and white! We got a way to go yet. In the past it's gone a full nine months from seed to cut, meaning some finish after Thanksgiving. I don't know how you'd do it up north with'd need a pretty tall setup HAHAHAHA
I forgot.....How do you flush 'em when you're using a time release nute?***
Cal/Mag problems seem to go hand and hand with PH issues. (Our water is treated by the city and it is saline...I've taken to PH-ing with lemon juice and it works great...a side benefit is the smell... a stroll in the garden smells like someone sprayed Pledge on a skunk. I don't know if it'll work thru to the taste or not. I know that if I grow out in the Pines, you can taste it.

Hey Chopper, thanks for your help. I think my probs are definitely ph related. This latest disaster began when I gave them a shot of non-ph'd molasses about 2 weeks ago. I'm running on the low side and it's been a problem all grow. I have lots of containers so I've hardly used any tap water, just captured rain. The 'soil' and nutes supply the acidity.

DocBud grew with OC+ and noticed no nute tastes. You can't flush but you also won't overfeed them. As he noted you don't flush before you pick veggies grown with OC+ or any of the CRF's.

Tomorrow is the end of 14 full weeks of flower, I honestly have no idea when they'll finish. My setup in in my very drafty garage and it's getting cold here fast. We've already hit the low 40's at night.

I'm moving the new grow inside the house, but I don't know what to do with the existing plants. Obviously they're used to finishing in cooler temps, but will they finish faster if I bring them inside and keep it warmer? OC+ is designed to work best at about 70 degrees which is mainly why I'm thinking about it. It'll be a pain in the ass which is why I haven't done it already.
You're correct about finishing cooler than they start. My friends in S. America are growing at the equator almost... but at some altitude. Those plants are accustomed to more intense UV but cooler temps, but they don't go anywhere near 40degrees....I doubt they ever see less than 60 something. I've brought seed home from there and it just doesn't do real well here at sealevel. I'm finding decent sucess with Costa Rican and S. Mexican seed. Seems to deal with the heat better but it still takes forever to finish flowering. :)
You're correct about finishing cooler than they start. My friends in S. America are growing at the equator almost... but at some altitude. Those plants are accustomed to more intense UV but cooler temps, but they don't go anywhere near 40degrees....I doubt they ever see less than 60 something. I've brought seed home from there and it just doesn't do real well here at sealevel. I'm finding decent sucess with Costa Rican and S. Mexican seed. Seems to deal with the heat better but it still takes forever to finish flowering. :)

I know people finish here in the colder temps but it's gotta slow the plant down. I've just been getting the room ready, I'm going to move them over the next couple of days.
I know people finish here in the colder temps but it's gotta slow the plant down. I've just been getting the room ready, I'm going to move them over the next couple of days.

I stick a couple of my favorites in the back bedroom with a thousand ( 12ea.) CFLs around them on rainy days, or if I need to leave the house. It doesn't seem to do them any harm at all.
26 watt 2700 kelvin (red end) CFLs. About 4 bucks each at Home Depot. I believe you could actually flower all the way out with these things....You just need a bunch of 'em. I've been vegging under the 6500k (blue) CFL's...2 per plant, a few inches above. These things are GREAT!! Now I only put them out to water/feed. The foliage is dense, dark green, and the nodes are close. They seem more prone to branching under these things too. I'm a believer. CFL's for vegging :blunt:

I stick a couple of my favorites in the back bedroom with a thousand ( 12ea.) CFLs around them on rainy days, or if I need to leave the house. It doesn't seem to do them any harm at all.
26 watt 2700 kelvin (red end) CFLs. About 4 bucks each at Home Depot. I believe you could actually flower all the way out with these things....You just need a bunch of 'em. I've been vegging under the 6500k (blue) CFL's...2 per plant, a few inches above. These things are GREAT!! Now I only put them out to water/feed. The foliage is dense, dark green, and the nodes are close. They seem more prone to branching under these things too. I'm a believer. CFL's for vegging :blunt:

If you have enough of them, cfl's def work well for flower too. And I have a bunch. Right now they're about 70% 2700 and the rest 6500. These plants have mostly been in the garage under the lights for the last month. I bring them out for a few hours when I can, but mostly they've been in. The move this time was from the garage to an upstairs bedroom, because there's no way I can heat the garage. And this will be the last room they're ever in if you catch my drift.

I got them moved earlier today in a rush job and it bit me in the ass, tonight I got home and saw a light on in the room, I had moved the seedling first and forgot to plug it into a plug on the timer circuit after everything else got moved. So they all got an extra 3 hrs of light. I'm not worried about it, this far into flower they're not going to revert to veg over that.

Tomorrow when the lights come on I'll move in the rest of the lights and try to adapt my light 'rack' to the new location.
Yup...they aren't THAT fragile I don't think. Especially if they get signifigant outside time. A one time or occasional bit of extra dark or light won't do anything at all....hahahaha never has for mine anyway. I'm always plus or minus an hour or worries
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