The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Not a tremendous beauty, but it had fox tailing on its mind when it began seriously herm-ing. One of my home crosses. AutoCannaBioGenxOrientExpress.
airy buds but good smoke. Anise woody smell.


Here's a Kannabia Power Skunk from my 2L SOG grow that was foxtailing like crazy when I harvested it. It was some great smoke, too! :yummy:





I miss that Power Skunk! :love:
Remember the Desfran (Destroyer X Destroyer) Two of the four plants went 14 weeks, the other two went 10. NO resin on the 14 week ones...that's what i was waitin for...just never came . Cheers , these Sativa's take too long, always did. These bloody Lilly's i got, two of of them hasn't even started to bloom yet , supposed to be a very, very fast bloomer at 7-8 ....i don't think so.... gonna post a few pics of em tonight just to showcase the vast differences in the phenos. Cheers guys!:Namaste:
I'm completely unfamiliar with autos... but if your little hempy was a photo in my garden, I'd say that the leaf color is very dark with very dark veins. The leaf twisting would sure be another neon sign. All pointing to an over-feed situation.... tho I was thinking you were running light on nutes.
Thoughts, comments, general insults to my lineage?

After seeing your other photos... I retract these words.
You never saw them.... I was never here.
After seeing your other photos... I retract these words.
You never saw them.... I was never here.

I never saw you. :laughtwo: But if I had, I'd have shared that the coloration is strain-dependant. This is typical coloration for a Dark Devil Auto. Her color is excellent for the strain, which was the main reason I didn't pull her. That, and I had some back room encouragement from members who saw potential I wasn't seeing in my frustration. I'm glad I waited. This could get to be very exciting. :laughtwo:



Last Wednesday


Here we go. :slide:
Hey Sue, may I ask why you keep all those weeds on the pot? I mean, why don't you remove them?

Good question Plata, and to begin with, there are no weeds in the pot. What you're seeing is white clover, an excellent living mulch that serves a multitude of functions. First off, it keeps a root system in the pot at all times. When I harvest I simply cut at the soil surface, leaving the roottball intact. That mass of roots will immediately begin to die back and I want the myco attached to those roots to continue living in this pot to be readily available for the seed that gets dropped within hours of harvesting, if in fact I haven't already started it, as you see I did with both no-tills in this cycle.

Secondly, it helps to hold the soil at the surface more securely. This helps to get the water down into the pot without the typical problems of channeling. It also protects the soil surface from the light, keeping it moist longer.

The roots of the living mulch add to the root network that the myco work from. They also help to aerate the soil matrix. Then there's the wonderful benefit of being able to pull nitrogen directly from the atmosphere, store it in the leaves of the clover, and introduce it into the soil community stores simply by cutting and dropping.

Any other questions? If any of this sounds crazy, feel free to express it. I have no ego to wound and I welcome the discussion. These no-tills I maintain are the ultimate in lazy gardening, and they consistently offer me maximum potency for little or no effort on my part. Quirky? Of course, but effective as hell.

You tell her Plata.... I've tried.


hmmm... perhaps I should quit being a smart ass for the briefest of moments...

She's feeding her plants that way Plata. LOS/NoTill is the name for it. Basically, shes keeping a forest going on top of the soil to feed the roots of the plant growing below.
I feel it's just one big buggin motel... but she has some very good arguments in it's favor.

I like the fact that you're a smart ass. Please don't ever change that. :kisstwo: I do have some insect life in those pots. Hopefully I still have a healthy worm population, though I've seen little evidence of such, so I may have killed yet another batch of unsuspecting Annelida. *sigh*
And when I plant in soil next, I'm gonna prep it and grow it with clover. I've been able to keep the buggins at bay so I feel feisty enough to kick those tires.

Hmmm..... soil..... strange.... how does that work again?

I'll be able to help you with that when you're so inclined Tead. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Daily Update: Thursday, September 1, 2016

Good evening everyone. Time for the update. Let's start in the Auto tent tonight, shall we?

The no-tills got their regular aloe/coconut drench, with some TM7 (humic acid and micronutrients) added.



Still no movement from the Industrial Plant.


Dark Devil Auto (Day 73) She's definately ready. With this drench I expect to see another shock of white pistils tomorrow, but she's still being harvested on Sunday.



Dark Devil Auto 3 (Day 9) A few more days and it'll be time to top the little ones. I'm liking the look of this one.


Dark Devil Auto 2 (Day 19)



I was visiting kelticBlue this morning and noticed the way he had his meters wired to the poles and thought "Damn, I can do that!" So I did. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Can't believe it took me so long to think of that. :straightface: Thanks for the inspiration keltic. :hug:

Into the kit tent. The Carnivals are now Day 37.



Carnival #1


Carnival #2


Around the corner and into the tiny closet. Dark Devil Auto 4 (Day 9)




Last but not least, my contribution to the gallery of foxtailing beauties.


Thank you for stopping by to visit and share in the joy. Keep spreading that joy now. The momentum's with us. :battingeyelashes: :love:

We had a couple of our regulars win some contests in the middle of the night. Hearty congratulations to Duggan (MOTM) and Graytail (NOTM). Well done guys. :bravo: Duggan, I couldn't be prouder to stand beside you as a former MOTM. Graytail, you still have time to get another nug into the NOTY contest, don't you? We'll expect to see another nug presented in December. :laughtwo:

I'm off to grab a bite to eat and get some study out of the way. Later I hope to go wandering through the yards, so maybe we'll run into each other. Until then,


Try a photo in a hempy pot next. I'm not sure the 'roots to the bottom' time is helpful in an auto grow.

I agree. Crazy how long it took all of us to catch that oversight on my part, wasn't it? :laughtwo:
I agree. Crazy how long it took all of us to catch that oversight on my part, wasn't it? :laughtwo:

I wouldn't call it an oversight really... just a minor opportunity to learn something. Today, we learned. I can't wait to see what it does... it may turn out to a good thing.... one never really knows until one kicks all 4 of the tires. We've barely tapped one.
I was visiting kelticBlue this morning and noticed the way he had his meters wired to the poles and thought "Damn, I can do that!" So I did. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hey Sue. I never thought to explain that, glad you noticed. I got sick of never being happy with placement of the temperature. Trying to use the magnet on the back of the temp affixed to the tent pole it kept slipping down the pole. So i took an electric cord tie ( not sure if that is what it is called ), tied it around the pole just to keep it from sliding down. So i didnt actually tie it to the pole but ya could easy, just one of those plastic tie thingies you get wrapped around power cords where they are new.
It seems a good placement and I figure enviro wise as long as the meter is in the same place changes in enviro get noticed easier. My little tent is so small I dont worry about fluctuations at canopy or soil level type of thing. Oh, and it is diagonally opposite my inner tent circulation fan.
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