Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant SOG

Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Vape! Feel better brotha! Those look so good, picture perfect my friend!

Gotta be getting close now, so very good indeed! :thumb:

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hi all!

I've been feeling a bit under the weather, so I've been focusing on the stuff I absolutely had to take care of around here these past few days. To top it off, we are supposed to get hit with a mini heat wave in the middle of the week...high 90s on Wednesday and Thursday. It will start to cool down by the time my lights come on, but I'm not sure how great lights-out temps of 95º+ are going to be.

I am considering rigging up a window air conditioner in that room for these final weeks...I don't really want to for a couple of reasons, one of which is because I don't really have the electrical capacity in that room now, but I can run a temporary circuit from a nearby sub-panel...

Man your plants are simply awesome!!

I had also not been feeling well (Even went to see my Dr.!) heat wave on the way and work that had to be done. :cheesygrinsmiley: and I did not want the ac on my light circuit and I did not have a grounded outlet. I made a rig to ground to my light circuit and set up an ac and air mover (DIY) the whole time feeling like crap! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hope you feel better

PS it is not the heat so much I fear, it is the humidity!!!!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

From the same plant that you took that sample, you should take one of the more well developed fan's and test it, I'm just curious what the ratio of bud brix and leaf brix are on the same plant.. :)

Nice 15 brix Vape!!! I can't wait till we all collaboratively dial this in and hit our marks consistently :)

What foliar's have you been using?

Hey vape, I created a Data Log/thread for all of our refractometer test results and strain details..

High Brix Refractometer Results Log & Data Thread - Post Your Brix Levels Here

I'm going to fill everyone in on what's happened so far in the garden...once I'm caught up I'll have to reexamine the testing procedures. I like the idea of thing samples from different parts of the plant, but what I'm afraid of is that Brix in leaves might rise and fall naturally for many reasons throughout the growing season. It seems that in order to really understand what's going on in the middle of a grow, one must first understand the natural Brix cycles of that plant/strain.

My foliar feedings consisted of freshly brewed Natures Own tea w/yucca extract every 2 weeks or so, and fish hydrolysate or fish/seaweed blend every 2 weeks...sometimes the fish fertilizer was used with the tea, and sometimes on it's own depending on what I thought they needed at the time.

I had not given a foliar feeding since I discussed it with Doc a ways back...I'd have to look it up, but I think it was a couple weeks before the 15.4 and was just Natures Own and yucca. Also, after my battle with the fungus gnats, I had re-top dressed with a little more hen manure and some lobster compost.

I like the log thread! :thumb:

I think I had mentioned someone starting one...maybe with M?...I can't remember. :smokin:
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I knew you would figure it out :high-five:

We'll see if I can get consistent readings in the future, but my guess is that Doc was correct when he said the sample needed to be ground up better...big surprise there, I should have never doubted! :)
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hope you feel better Buddy! :Namaste:

:thanks: brother, you know how it goes...there's ups and downs. Hell, does anyone ever feel great all the time? Anyway, I figure if I can manage to feel pretty good more often than not, then I'm ahead of the game! :high-five:
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Every week, you blow me away. Thank you.

Thanks bro! Just don't give me too much credit...the plants, along with the beasties in the soil are doing most of the work...but you are most certainly welcome! :thumb:
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Vape! Feel better brotha! Those look so good, picture perfect my friend!

Gotta be getting close now, so very good indeed! :thumb:


:thanks: bro! I wasn't feeling so great this morning...mostly back pain. Once it became clear I wasn't going to function anyway, I vaped another sample of the Ice little while back, and what a difference! I can tell my back isn't great, but what I feel can't really be described as pain. I just have to be careful, I've found out this strain is very powerful, and It's easy to over do it and not be able to function! :)

I'm going to get everything bought up today!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

they look awesome vape!! i wish mine looked that good, interesting stuff your doing with the instrumentation .
im back btw got dsl in bout 24 hours ago:thumb:

Thanks bro! I think there will be much more testing in my future. :)

Glad you're back online!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Man your plants are simply awesome!!

I had also not been feeling well (Even went to see my Dr.!) heat wave on the way and work that had to be done. :cheesygrinsmiley: and I did not want the ac on my light circuit and I did not have a grounded outlet. I made a rig to ground to my light circuit and set up an ac and air mover (DIY) the whole time feeling like crap! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hope you feel better

PS it is not the heat so much I fear, it is the humidity!!!!

Thanks bro! I feel bouts with pain always coincide with changes in the weather...which means I'm always dealing with some extreme condition just when I feel the worst! :) This past week just happened to be 100º temps and nasty humidity! I made it through though!
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hope ur feeling better bro. The grow is off the hook. When are you expecting to harvest?

Thanks brother! Stay tuned...I'll get everyone caught up! :thumb:
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hey everyone! :thanks: for your patients, and kind words! I'm going to try to get caught up here today...I wasn't feeling great this morning, but at the moment, things aret too I think that will happen! :)

These past couple of weeks have been a mix of decent and bad, and I've had quite a bit to do around here. Unfortunately taking care of what I needed to, either didn't leave me with enough energy or left me entirely too medicated to deal with the journal.

I harvested the tops a couple of days ago. My plan was to give what's left another week or so...but I'm playing that completely by ear. I took some pics along the way...not as many as I usually take...but I should have enough for a decent update! :thumb:

I opted not to install an air conditioner in the grow room. I decided it was going to be too much work for a few hot days in the last couple of weeks at the end of a grow. I would have had to add a couple of inline fans, and redo my ducting to cool the hood with another air-source rather than the conditioned room air. One additional fan would have been needed for carbon scrubbing...the other would have to have been on a timer to get fresh air into the room...anyway, I didn't do it's irrelevant! :)

I'll be back shortly...I've got to upload the pics, and then I'll bring everyone up to date! This part might take a little while because I plan on medicating a bit more along the way, but I'll be back soon!

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Okay, I'm back!

These photos were taken 10 days after the last update...they were looking like they were going to just keep going, so I had shortened the photoperiod. It was 10 hours at this point.

June 24th
12/12: Day 75
Bloom: Day 69





Here at the start of the 10th week they look very, very close, but the trichomes are all clear...or at least I couldn't find any that I would call cloudy. Forget amber...I couldn't really find any! Hell, you saw the microscope pics...just a couple amber here and there, but like I said then, I think they had been damaged, because you really have to hunt to find anything besides clear.

I made the decision to wait and watch...for now anyway!
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

So...this next group is 4 days later, and now they looked more done to me...I'm not sure if it comes across in the pics, but they stopped swelling, and more of the leaves were dying back...

June 28th
12/12: Day 79
Bloom: Day 73






There were a lot of lower buds that I thought could benefit from a 2 part harvest that was discussed earlier, so I went ahead with that plan.

The top half of the main cola was harvested, along with the top buds on secondary branches. The way I determined what to harvest was based on looks, and feel. All the buds I took were all very heavy, and rock-hard. The lower buds that still felt a bit airy, were left to ripen a bit I said earlier, I'm planning on leaving them an extra week or so, but I'll have to see how they progress.

Here's the first turkey roasting pan full of trimmed buds...this first part of my harvest filled up about 1 1/2 of these.


And here's a couple close-up shots of some of the nugs...I am very happy with how these turned out. :thumb:



I used to hang plants for drying, but I decided to use a drying rack this time. The one I have is from Sunlight Supply, it's called the "Hang Time". They have two sizes, mine is the large, and has a diameter of 32 inches. There are six racks total, but it has Fastex type buckles so you can us it with 2, 4, or all 6 racks...

It's probably easier to show you with their video here:

Sunlight Supply Presents the Hang Time Drying Rack - YouTube

It looks like the one he's using for the demonstration is the medium, which is 24 inches in diameter. I only used two racks for part 1 of this harvest...the large is VERY large:




I think that's about it for right now! I thought I had taken some pics of what's left of the girls, but I guess I didn't. I'll get some as the lights come on and post them tonight.

Doc, Ice, M, anyone else doing high Brix...I don't mean to leave anyone out, but I am medicated... :) I really wanted to try and document Brix for the first part of the harvest, but it was just too much at the time, seeing how I'm just a one-man-show! :sorry:

Hopefully I'll feel well enough for part 2 to take some readings then. :thumb: Once I'm in the new room, lots of the problems that eat up my time will go away, and I should be better able to mess around!

If I didn't cover anything so far that you're wondering about, feel free to ask away! :thanks: everyone!

Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

amazing mate, well done on the harvest, looks like you got a great return, im hoping one day to achieve results like that, but for now im still learning about these plants and what they can take, such as nutes etc, i upped the nutes on my auto, instead of following the online bpn feed for the 3 part plus bloom booster, i followed the guide for the grow,micro and bloom, but for the bloom booster i used the guide of the back of the bottle, which was a stronger mix, so the 3part solution was the same and the online guide but the bloom booster wasnt, and i got to admit i have noticed more growth over a short time since using the higher dose, ill keep giving the higher dose and see how the plant reacts but so far so good, im not sure why but the leaves look a darker shade of green and feel stronger and thicker than before i upped the dose, plus i got co2 in their as well now so possibly a mixture of the 2 is giving me these results.
im only trying this on my auto to see what happens, but if that goes well then ill up the dose for the other plants when ready, it seems these plants can take more than we actually give them,

another reason why the high brix method is interesting, i can see how well these plants can actually do, cant wait to find out what the dry weight is off your plants mate, plus you got some more harvesting to do, nice harvest, reps my friend
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