White Widow, Jack Herer, Power Plant In Coco & Perlite

70 day veg, you gonna have some beasts!!!
:laughtwo: That’s what I’m hoping for :love: The PP2 is a heffa I kinda want her to slow down some so the other girls can catch up :laughtwo:
Your garden look excellent Ms. Candy.
Flowering those beauties is going to be a fun run.
Great job!
:thanks: John! I’m stoked and nervous all at the same time:laughtwo::meditate:
I’m here and checking in!

I absolutely love my auto watering system and would recommend it to anyone! If you have any questions just let me know and I would be happy to answer!
Beautiful looking plants that should be some monsters soon enough!
:thanks: Dutch! I was looking at their website and wasn’t sure what all pieces and parts I would need to order. I’m in 5 gallon fabric pots and I think they are around 11” in diameter. I was over looking at yours and wow!! :love:
Merry Christmas, Candy....
I hope you and the family have the best one ever!
Your name is on a lot of lips this time of year ;)
I hope it’s a good one :love:
Lol :laughtwo: It sure is Halloween especially confuses little ones:laughtwo: Thank you DD!:love: I hope yours is happy and healthy:hug:
Merry Christmas, Candy....
I hope you and the family have the best one ever!
Thank you Cass! I hope you’re having a blessed and happily relaxed day :love::hug:
The girls are 78 days above and on day 8 of 12/12. They are starting to put out a little bit of the pistils so I will call today early flower day 1. PP2 is getting so much taller than the other girls I’m gonna have to chop her stand down a few inches tomorrow. I have to say so far I am thoroughly impressed with the Mars TS 3000 light and am still so very very thankful :love:
I still have them on 5gr/g of MC but they are starting to get a little light so I will do a slight bump up on their next feed and I am so very happy that I switched to MegaCrop and I am never looking back. I also have some other great news and that is that I was talking to my man about the watering system and explained how it would even help with time management and he is going to purchase the supplies for me and he talked to a friend of his that said he’d buy both my blurple lights for $75 each which also means that my Christmas money and that money can now go to an upgraded light in the 2x4!! It was between getting an order of seeds I have had in my basket for sometime or getting a new light and I chose the light since I have this run and one right behind it in Veg. I’m looking at the Mars SP 250 since I was fortunate enough to win the Mars TS I want to put my purchase back to Mars and I will have just enough to get it. The luck has been so great lately that it’s got me a little nervous :laughtwo: oh and gonna have some major defoliation to do come day 21!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful and blessed day and Merry Christmas :hug::love:

I also have some other great news and that is that I was talking to my man about the watering system and explained how it would even help with time management and he is going to purchase the supplies for me and he talked to a friend of his that said he’d buy both my blurple lights for $75 each which also means that my Christmas money and that money can now go to an upgraded light in the 2x4!!
Well done Candy! You must have sat close to him while he was playin' in da man cave :thumb: telling him all about it.
It was between getting an order of seeds I have had in my basket for sometime or getting a new light and I chose the light since I have this run and one right behind it in Veg. I’m looking at the Mars SP 250 since I was fortunate enough to win the Mars TS I want to put my purchase back to Mars and I will have just enough to get it.
Nice call! Great to see the stars align for you. :hug:
Well done Candy! You must have sat close to him while he was playin' in da man cave :thumb: telling him all about it.

Nice call! Great to see the stars align for you. :hug:
Lol :laughtwo: About the man cave part :laughtwo: and thank you I’ll take this run of stars aligning, fortunateness & awesomeness as long as I’ve got :love:
Looking great and good news all around!
Thank you C! Hope you’re having a great day! :hug:
Oh and I would have multiquoted these responses but I was multi-tasking and well sometimes I don’t multi task very well :laughtwo: hope everyone is having a great day:love:
Day 10 of 12/12 (early flower day 3) I had to cut the stand down on the PP2 she was and is just towering over the other Power Plant and both the Widows. She was the last one above ground but has been the biggest and fastest grower this whole run. I took some pics for size comparison and it still doesn’t really show how much bigger she is. I took some leaves off the girls today that couldn’t be tucked that were really blocking things, looking forward to day 21 to really get them defoliated again. I did a slight bump in feed to 5.2gr/g MC and they handled it very well.

:bravo: and :thumb: :thumb:

If they had an Olympics emoji I'd give you that too!
Thank you Sauga :hug:Night and day difference so far from my last run fo sho!:laughtwo:
Great news about the cash flow, always helpful this time of year!! Glad to hear your man is coming around and it will be a big help on the time. Looking forward to seeing what you get. :popcorn:
Thanks HH! It surely was helpful and unexpected & with his help it (if he follows thru) will take a lot off the full plate :love: Hope your having a good day
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