Xlr8's "Flo N Gro" Hydro Multiple Strains 2011

You ready for a growth explosion? "FRAG OUT!!"

Hi Magic!

Yeah, my Skywalkers, especially, are really exploding with new growth right now. It's crazy how much growth they are starting to show day to day... but fun! :)
Thank you Crower -

The Skywalker's are really pretty and healthy so far. Clearly they are the biggest fan of how I'm doing things, (but they've all been happy since the Flo N Gro started).

Yes, I can't wait to see you do hydro, too, though what you're doing now seems to work great. :thumb:

It's funny because I was going to do Skywalker OG and decided to go with the platinum bubba instead but I know I' am very anxious to start the hydro I just wanted to kill off the rest of what I spent on soil...I love the set of leafs it has and the smell of skywalker is mouth watering cant wait brother :yahoo:
It's funny because I was going to do Skywalker OG and decided to go with the platinum bubba instead but I know I' am very anxious to start the hydro I just wanted to kill off the rest of what I spent on soil...I love the set of leafs it has and the smell of skywalker is mouth watering cant wait brother :yahoo:

Hi Crower!

Well, I wish it was a Skywalker OG or a version of the famous Cali strain, but it's the Dutch Passion Skywalker, which is a little different, but hopefully great. It's supposed to be like a Blueberry with better growth, yield and potency -- we'll see! Platinum Bubba sounds awesome. I've heard great things, and I'm sure it will be 100% :yummy: :)
Made some changes yesterday:

  • Added the Magic Bud to the Flo N Gro - squeezed another plant-site in. Was only going to do 4 in the Flo N Gro, then pushed it to 5, now 6. I have a hard time killing healthy plants... lol. I still may cull something, but for now I'm hanging on to it all in order to see how they develop. The Magic Bud isn't a femmed seed either, so it still may have to come out. But for now, it's in the Flo N Gro. It looked just a little rough after the transplant, but already looks great again.
  • Chocolope has gone back in the tent. Left it in the DIY hydro bucket, and probably will. My PPM's keep climbing in the hydro bucket, which is complicating things, but I'll get it under control. Net result is that she's gotten a little nute burn, but I somehow managed to do that with all my seedlings initially, and they look good now. Small reservoirs like a self contained bucket like this work great, but they are more maintenance for sure!
  • I decided to add Silica to my reservoir for both Flo N Gro and for my hydro bucket. I did this a few days ago, and they are looking plenty happy. Adding Silica really raises the PH initially of the nutrient solution (before Silica I would have to PH up during reservoir change, now PH down quite a bit because of Silica addition. Aside from the Blue Planet Nutrients, I am including both Dutch Master Zone and Silica, as these are supplements that have proven valuable to me in the past, and I don't think they'll interfere with the BPN nutes, (please weigh in if you have concerns Blue Planet!)

I think that's it for now -- take care all and have a great day!!

Made some changes yesterday:

  • Added the Magic Bud to the Flo N Gro - squeezed another plant-site in. Was only going to do 4 in the Flo N Gro, then pushed it to 5, now 6. I have a hard time killing healthy plants... lol. I still may cull something, but for now I'm hanging on to it all in order to see how they develop. The Magic Bud isn't a femmed seed either, so it still may have to come out. But for now, it's in the Flo N Gro. It looked just a little rough after the transplant, but already looks great again.
  • Chocolope has gone back in the tent. Left it in the DIY hydro bucket, and probably will. My PPM's keep climbing in the hydro bucket, which is complicating things, but I'll get it under control. Net result is that she's gotten a little nute burn, but I somehow managed to do that with all my seedlings initially, and they look good now. Small reservoirs like a self contained bucket like this work great, but they are more maintenance for sure!
  • I decided to add Silica to my reservoir for both Flo N Gro and for my hydro bucket. I did this a few days ago, and they are looking plenty happy. Adding Silica really raises the PH initially of the nutrient solution (before Silica I would have to PH up during reservoir change, now PH down quite a bit because of Silica addition. Aside from the Blue Planet Nutrients, I am including both Dutch Master Zone and Silica, as these are supplements that have proven valuable to me in the past, and I don't think they'll interfere with the BPN nutes, (please weigh in if you have concerns Blue Planet!)

I think that's it for now -- take care all and have a great day!!


Hi xlr8 . :) I just caught up. Sounds like everything is going well. Silica is a must for me too.
I don't like to kill healthy plants either...a sacrilege. Hope your feel better and better. :thumb:
silica is really good stuff. What is in the dutchmaster zone? what does it say on the label? just curious :)

Hi BPN. it's really cool to have you following along - loving the way they look in veg right now, and no complaints at all on the nutrients. If it works this good in Bloom, I'll be really thrilled. New growth has been perfect. Thanks!

Found a good image of the label for DM Zone
Hi xlr8 . :) I just caught up. Sounds like everything is going well. Silica is a must for me too.
I don't like to kill healthy plants either...a sacrilege. Hope your feel better and better. :thumb:


It took me two days and multiple sittings to get caught up on your journal recently. True story!

Gotta be a way to keep 'em all right? Plus what if I get a hermie or the Magic Bud is a male?

To be safe, I'll probably kick 'em into flower before the get too big in veg since this will be my first run with this tent and system. We'll see... I'm in new ground, but might as well fill her up, huh? :)

It took me two days and multiple sittings to get caught up on your journal recently. True story!

Gotta be a way to keep 'em all right? Plus what if I get a hermie or the Magic Bud is a male?

To be safe, I'll probably kick 'em into flower before the get too big in veg since this will be my first run with this tent and system. We'll see... I'm in new ground, but might as well fill her up, huh? :)

Hey xlr8. :)

Sorry about that...two days...and multiple sittings, Jezz. Well going to post a few more parts of the story and continue in the new Journal. I probably won't be on for a week while I get things together. Going to clean the tent and get her ready for the next run.

We think alike Buddy....can't ever tell...may hermie...maybe a male....that's OMM thinking! :yahoo: If not, throw em in! Then decide what to do! :yahoo:
Looks like you could mix up a batch of Root Zone yourself pretty cheap with some Copper Sulfate and Potassium Nitrate. $30 worth should last you a lifetime. Maybe BPN can chime in on the correct amounts of each to use. I've read that 1/8 tspn of the Copper Sulfate per 100 gallons is the dose to remove algae from tanks and fountains (it's also used in aquariums). A 3lbs jar is $12, the Potassium Nitrate is sold as a Stump Remover at most hardware stores for about $5 a lb or you can buy it at a pharmacy as Salt Peter. Not sure what else is in there. Looks like a basic algaecide/fungicide mix. Makes sense that it would kill everything bad in the root zone. Can't use it with beneficials though.
I'll post a better later on today. But copper sulfates is a VERY STRONG root killer..in fact, that is the chemical found in septic system root killers for field lines. I will post the correct amounts later today. and I could mix some up and send it out for testing if any one is interested as well as instructions for mixing your own using available chemicals.
Definitely interested! not sure if I want to use it since it would kill the bennies, but would like to have the information in my kit-bag for future grows. The more I read about nutrients and additives, the more I realize how insanely inexpensive they are to make related to the cost they're sold for.

I understand recouping R&D, marketing, manufacturing and packing costs, but the margins must be huge on the bug companies.

I think BPN's products are in the right price range, and if he was on a large scale production, those costs would even be lower, through economy of scale. Looks like the real money to be made in MMJ is in selling the "magic potions" that the big guys are putting out.
maybe it will clean my pool, lol....i'll guinea pig it...
Copper Sulfate is used in pools to kill algae, do a quick Google search on it, you can get a 100# bag for less than $100. That would keep you pool algae free for decades.
You are correct Steve. Take botanicare "strapped" for example. It is black strap molasses. Anyone can buy a gallon of molasses for about $6. My goal is to help spread information as well as make some money of course...I must eat and pay my bills. More to come.....I am pecking on my phone right now
Definitely interested! not sure if I want to use it since it would kill the bennies, but would like to have the information in my kit-bag for future grows. The more I read about nutrients and additives, the more I realize how insanely inexpensive they are to make related to the cost they're sold for.

I understand recouping R&D, marketing, manufacturing and packing costs, but the margins must be huge on the bug companies.

I think BPN's products are in the right price range, and if he was on a large scale production, those costs would even be lower, through economy of scale. Looks like the real money to be made in MMJ is in selling the "magic potions" that the big guys are putting out.

I'm a big fan of DM Zone, but ONLY in non-organic hydro. Even DM will recommend you not use it in organic hydro. As a general rule, I believe it's wise NOT to mix organics and synthetics. Just make a choice and go with it! :)
You are correct Steve. Take botanicare "strapped" for example. It is black strap molasses. Anyone can buy a gallon of molasses for about $6. My goal is to help spread information as well as make some money of course...I must eat and pay my bills. More to come.....I am pecking on my phone right now
I absolutely believe in a person's right to make money and gladly will pay for the knowledge and expertise, but paying $8 a qt for molasses is insane (when a gal is $6).

BPN, keep up the great work and reasonable prices and I am sure the 420 community will help keep those bills paid and food on the table. One quick question, botanicare says not to use strapped in an aerated or recirculating hydro system because of foaming and added microbial growth. Should I not use it in my system? (molasses, not strapped)
Looks like you could mix up a batch of Root Zone yourself pretty cheap with some Copper Sulfate and Potassium Nitrate. $30 worth should last you a lifetime. Maybe BPN can chime in on the correct amounts of each to use. I've read that 1/8 tspn of the Copper Sulfate per 100 gallons is the dose to remove algae from tanks and fountains (it's also used in aquariums). A 3lbs jar is $12, the Potassium Nitrate is sold as a Stump Remover at most hardware stores for about $5 a lb or you can buy it at a pharmacy as Salt Peter. Not sure what else is in there. Looks like a basic algaecide/fungicide mix. Makes sense that it would kill everything bad in the root zone. Can't use it with beneficials though.

Someone knows his chemistry! :bravo:

Definitely interested! not sure if I want to use it since it would kill the bennies, but would like to have the information in my kit-bag for future grows. The more I read about nutrients and additives, the more I realize how insanely inexpensive they are to make related to the cost they're sold for.

I understand recouping R&D, marketing, manufacturing and packing costs, but the margins must be huge on the bug companies.

I think BPN's products are in the right price range, and if he was on a large scale production, those costs would even be lower, through economy of scale. Looks like the real money to be made in MMJ is in selling the "magic potions" that the big guys are putting out.

I'm a big fan of DM Zone, but ONLY in non-organic hydro. Even DM will recommend you not use it in organic hydro. As a general rule, I believe it's wise NOT to mix organics and synthetics. Just make a choice and go with it! :)

I agree that this is for non organic growing only, Zone would not be good for beneficials or organic growing of any kind.

I absolutely believe in a person's right to make money and gladly will pay for the knowledge and expertise, but paying $8 a qt for molasses is insane (when a gal is $6).

BPN, keep up the great work and reasonable prices and I am sure the 420 community will help keep those bills paid and food on the table. One quick question, botanicare says not to use strapped in an aerated or recirculating hydro system because of foaming and added microbial growth. Should I not use it in my system? (molasses, not strapped)

Great question, I'm curious as well....
I'll post a better later on today. But copper sulfates is a VERY STRONG root killer..in fact, that is the chemical found in septic system root killers for field lines. I will post the correct amounts later today. and I could mix some up and send it out for testing if any one is interested as well as instructions for mixing your own using available chemicals.

I'm NOT a chemist and am probably not interested in mixing my own, but if you are still looking for a guinea pig for testing, I'm all in. I will be happy to include it in this grow/journal if you wanted to mix some up and have someone test it...

Might be a good opportunity for a product, Blue Planet -- it's got to be one of DM's bread and butter items. Many fans of DM Zone out there...

Thanks for actively participating and helping advise on these items. :thumb:
I'm NOT a chemist and am probably not interested in mixing my own, but if you are still looking for a guinea pig for testing, I'm all in. I will be happy to include it in this grow/journal if you wanted to mix some up and have someone test it...

Might be a good opportunity for a product, Blue Planet -- it's got to be one of DM's bread and butter items. Many fans of DM Zone out there...

Thanks for actively participating and helping advise on these items. :thumb:
I'm sure there is a market for it amongst the 420 crowd, particularly if you can do it for half of what the other guys are charging.
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