4000 Watt Top-Feed Rec Grow Cubes Cap'n Style OG Kush

Awesomeness my friend!!! Damn big girl and damn frosty! Also so looking forward to what you make of the GG#4. I hope the S1 seeds I get are as good as the mom was supposed to be. Im gonna be here a watching as usual :) best of big beastly beauties to ya!
thank you LA, means a lot coming from you
Nice pictures s1ingblade, I love your gable vents, I was thinking for my intake I would use a bigger dryer vent, paint matching colors and rub dirt on it if needed. I've run so many grows in my head I have a life time supply, lol. I can't wait for my hands on, I'm a builder by trade, and I want to get it right the first time, thanks for your help and all the help you give to everybody here on 420 mag. Hope you don't have your arm in a "s1ing" (humor)? get well s1ingblade, I'm lovin what you do.
sling is what I need. Im sure you'll do fine, esp. with all the builders exp, sheesh :) I've had to wing it a lot of times in the past and present haha

Looking good Sling :thumb:
thank you sir
hey s1ing, they're looking great! couldn't be in better hands. did the little ones pull thru or get culled?
Hey there ona,
Not yet I am giving them another few days and if no improvement I will cull, so far it looks like the bigger two will pull thru and give me cuts in less than 10 days.
I'll keep everyone posted on how they turn out.

OK so I got two more 8" XXXL Magnum and XXXL MAGNUM style (knock offs) hung and of course with the 6th hood not being here my ducting is proving to be challenging. The strange thing was when the knock off hood wouldn't fit in the cardboard box like the last two did, I get it to the shed today and realize its almost 6 inches longer? The real sunlight supplies hood is so much lighter and IMHO better but I do like the hinged lid the "Lightning" 8" XXXL hoods have. It makes it oh so easy to clean up and to change a bulb.
I started 5 Delicious Seeds "Cotton CAndy" fems and TH Seeds "Akorn" today at 2pm and hope to see some action tomorrow evening or the following morning and I'll take em up to the ranch to start their lives in SOIL, yeah I said it s1ing gets his soil on when the weathers decent, not a long season so timing is everything. Gotta secure another 8 bulb t5 or 2 of them :)
OK Ill try to get the veg room done this weekend so we can start doing some training and phono hunting aka having fun
gotta love being able to log on and check your rooms environment from anywhere, 70 bucks! Thanks for the hookup cap'n!
this is a screen shot from my mac of the plants in there nighttime cycle
Yeah but it's the type of work I pray for. Shoot, even 3hrs of trimming would be a blessing for me.
I've been oven frying for over 20yrs BID. I'm at the point where anything deep fried taste too greasy, no matter how long it drip drys. I even put my fries in the oven.
I've been oven frying for over 20yrs BID. I'm at the point where anything deep fried taste too greasy, no matter how long it drip drys. I even put my fries in the oven.

You'll love this one then lmfao...for all we couch locked lazy old farts, I've been rotisserie-ing at the Wally's World checkout line for about 10 years now. The $6.99 special, a jar of mayo and a loaf of wonder bread does wonders for the munchies!
Your my crazy BFAM:slide:
me crazy ? nah couldnt be.....salad yeah i like salad just had a nice baked potato,..they threw him in the thing,, haha the paddy wagon and beat him to death! knocked the front wheel off into outer space, would you hand me that ashtray, why did you have something in mind?? im perfectly normal in every way i wouldnt hurt a fly...teehee

I've been oven frying for over 20yrs BID. I'm at the point where anything deep fried taste too greasy, no matter how long it drip drys. I even put my fries in the oven.
i like very few things deep fried anymore mostly smooth things that dont absorb as much oil as something like batter, but i do have a weakness for real fresh organic butter, and crispy fried/barbecued fat like on a porterhouse, not much else tho:high-five:
You'll love this one then lmfao...for all we couch locked lazy old farts, I've been rotisserie-ing at the Wally's World checkout line for about 10 years now. The $6.99 special, a jar of mayo and a loaf of wonder bread does wonders for the munchies!
no offence intended here jam but that sounds absolutely disgusting to me ! lol mostly the wonderbread and mayo, i long ago became turned off of mayo and its been at least 15 years since i ate a piece of white bread i make most of the bread we eat nothing but whole grains and raw unprocessed ingredients for me . the taste of processed foods is like a mouthful of chemicals now, as a child i was alergic to everything and then i outgrew most of it but in my 30s the alergies came back to a degree so i just decided to go with a raw foods type diet and im just so used to it, a typical american menu is alien to me.:thumb:
You'll love this one then lmfao...for all we couch locked lazy old farts, I've been rotisserie-ing at the Wally's World checkout line for about 10 years now. The $6.99 special, a jar of mayo and a loaf of wonder bread does wonders for the munchies!

HAHA I could eat mayo plain
I've freaked out a lot of people when they'd see me put mayo on my hot dog

The bbq fat from a porterhouse and then dip that in mayo haha there you go B.I.D.
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