Duggan Does Blueberry Twist In Doc's Gear - Two Pots - 4 Plants - 1 Kit

Looking Good Duggs!...how old were the girlz when you put them in the big pots?...for pain and pleasure...lolool...About music...it's such a powerful medium!...it can evoke such a range of emotions...from ultimate pain to ultimate pleasure to ultimate peace of mind...as an old fart, I've gained an appreciation of most music...classics like the Doors, Dylan, Stones...Sonny and Terry to Thoroughgood ...to recent bands like Glorious Sons...My son was a part time alternative musician, and at first I wasn't receptive...however...I found some groups/songs that appealed to my ears...one of his favorite songs and the lead off on his funeral song set...was "Love You All" by Cloud Cult...worth a listen!...I'm starting to ramble...happens time to time...wobbly pops and Da' herb...so...bout done on this..except for...nice link Gaz!...Tupelo Honey is one of my all time faves!(dat be Van...not Jim)...as is Bob Seger's Accompany Me...starting to ramble again...:rofl:...so Everyone have a great evening and a great finish to your long weekend...Cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Top of the day to everyone. got a lil photo update. Wanted to show how i train them and get them nice , short and thick! So these two front plants were the Sat. dom. phenos,...a lil quicker, a bit lankier etc. The back two are another pheno,..a short squatier type of growth,..thicker but slower with thicker , more of an Indica look. The front two are close to me cuz they will need more TLC. The breeder says this strain grows tall, so , you all can see the differences in the two phenos. It appears I have two completely diff phenos,...i'm OK with that:) Anyhow , see how easy the pipe cleaners are to use , really , they are the best way , without a doubt..fast , cheap and easy!:) Just the way i like em....my plants that is....(Duggs ,,, bad lad...muhahaha)
The idea is to let all the secondary lil branches join the party , and get 'up' to the canopy level. i wanna see ALL the tops looking the same in month or so...not being able to spot the 'mains'...know what i mean. That's when i'l flip these. Cheers gang, have a great Sun. night...where ever you are.....Ziggs,...where are you!!:circle-of-love:

Play by play...

"And Duggan in currently on top...Blueberry Twist, she is a feisty one...but she appears to be no match for all that is Duggan. Oh my!! Duggan pins her to the pot, one spout at a time, and he appears to be tying her down with what appears to be pipe cleaners...wow!! this may get kinky folks...might be time to put the kids to bed..." and the ref is counting..."one...two...THREE! We have a winner...the mighty, undefeated, Canadian Champion....DUGGANNNNNNNNN!!!!"

Omg...where my mind goes...

Looking good Duggs, thanks for the Stella
Duggan, if I have it straight, you're letting her get some size and then propping the bottom branches up to join the canopy rather than tying the tall stuff down as it grows?
Looking good Duggs :passitleft: training is the way to go brother. They sure look happy. My music is also quite important to me, a bit more extreme but I got about 250gb of it, some older things like Fleetwood Mac, Def Leppard, ah my parents loved this type of music. All I get when I visit them is Queen, Abba, The Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel :rofl: some good music though! Hope you also have a great Sunday Duggs, it is already 00:15 AM on Monday where I am at. Blessings

Great morning to ya Pat! I love those bands you mentioned bud....i listened to them for over 40 years...however the last 5-6 years i've been listening to R & B and Jazz...i just got really tired of hearing the same ol 'great' songs over and over again! Now i listen to songs i've never heard before...it's great cuz every single day i hear an R & B or jazz tune totally new to me...just love the 'newness' of it all!
You have an awesome Monday Pat. Thanks for sharing too! Us older growers have to remeniss ...it feels good.....:high-five:

Girls are looking gorgeous as usual Duggs, very very nice brother. We will have to stay on top of our LST next round, things got away from us a bit with the girls in veg but they should still give up some good Buds :)

Hope your having a great day Duggs and gang

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
A very great Monday to ya's AB! Thanks BTW....Yes..LST is very necessary for my yield expectations to happen. If i didn't do any , my yields would easily be cut to half of what i normally get. It's so very important for us growers with limited grow space to try and use ALL of it , otherwise the yield simply is not there! I always tell newer growers that keeping the canopy very level is , by far , the best way to veg. a lil longer to achieve the 'bush' look creating much higher yields. Now a days growers like to use those tents and they need to manage the canopy in order to have a successful harvest. Sure , you can harvest a crop without topping , LSTing , or SCing , but you will never harvest the big yields without managing the canopy...that's just the way it is...:thumb: You two have an awesome Monday OK! Cheers .:Namaste:

Looking Good Duggs!...how old were the girlz when you put them in the big pots?...for pain and pleasure...lolool...About music...it's such a powerful medium!...it can evoke such a range of emotions...from ultimate pain to ultimate pleasure to ultimate peace of mind...as an old fart, I've gained an appreciation of most music...classics like the Doors, Dylan, Stones...Sonny and Terry to Thoroughgood ...to recent bands like Glorious Sons...My son was a part time alternative musician, and at first I wasn't receptive...however...I found some groups/songs that appealed to my ears...one of his favorite songs and the lead off on his funeral song set...was "Love You All" by Cloud Cult...worth a listen!...I'm starting to ramble...happens time to time...wobbly pops and Da' herb...so...bout done on this..except for...nice link Gaz!...Tupelo Honey is one of my all time faves!(dat be Van...not Jim)...as is Bob Seger's Accompany Me...starting to ramble again...:rofl:...so Everyone have a great evening and a great finish to your long weekend...Cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Hook,..you "ramble" ...nahhh....:rofl:...it's great Hook,..i love it ...the rambling , that is...:tokin: Love all those bands you mentioned....listened to them a very , very long time...just need something new (to me) now , is all!
Thanks for sharing Hook,...have an awesome Monday my friend!:Namaste::high-five:

Play by play...

"And Duggan in currently on top...Blueberry Twist, she is a feisty one...but she appears to be no match for all that is Duggan. Oh my!! Duggan pins her to the pot, one spout at a time, and he appears to be tying her down with what appears to be pipe cleaners...wow!! this may get kinky folks...might be time to put the kids to bed..." and the ref is counting..."one...two...THREE! We have a winner...the mighty, undefeated, Canadian Champion....DUGGANNNNNNNNN!!!!"

Omg...where my mind goes...

Looking good Duggs, thanks for the Stella
DL...top of the mornin to ya bud. Ya , that's the spirit....where the heck is Bumble ...we need him in here writing those cool, cute lil poems and songs he's so good at! Thanks for the smiles this morning my brotha!

Love it DL...don't stop OK! cheers to ya sir!:Namaste::high-five::cheer:

Duggan, if I have it straight, you're letting her get some size and then propping the bottom branches up to join the canopy rather than tying the tall stuff down as it grows?

Great morning to ya DW...:welcome: OK , with training and managing the canopy, for yield! First is top the main very young to get four main branches or 'leaders' to work with. After about two weeks of SCing those leaders to encourage the secondary branches to grow that's when i will 'tie down , or 'train those , spread them out to open up the middle,...so those tiny branches down on the mains can get lots of light and lots of gh's(growth hormones). The combination of SCing and tieing down the mains is the trick. growing to create a 'bush' ...not a typical Christmas tree look at all but a 'hedge' look instead. after i get the plant growing the way i want , i simply manage the canopy and try my best , to keep ALL the leaders and or 'mains' level and equal in height. This way lights can be left at the 'top' and plants will continue to fill any voids and will grow nicely towards the light. So it's a combination of Topping , SCing and Tieing down OK. Cheers DW ...hope this helps you understand a bit better how i grow . cheers and have an awesome Monday would ya!:high-five:
Thanks for the explanation! I'm trying basic topping and training on my first grow to get the hang of it and see what works best. What you describe and the results you get is where I'd like to end up in time. I topped my 24K down to 3 nodes when it hit 5, training and waiting to see how it develops. It's hard for me to conceptualize the destination when I've never been on the journey!
Thanks for the explanation! I'm trying basic topping and training on my first grow to get the hang of it and see what works best. What you describe and the results you get is where I'd like to end up in time. I topped my 24K down to 3 nodes when it hit 5, training and waiting to see how it develops. It's hard for me to conceptualize the destination when I've never been on the journey!

DW,...totally get it :) You have come to the perfect place...this neighborhood is where you should be!...:high-five:
The growers around these parts are very real people and will help with all your concerns. Most of the HB gang trains their plants in some way , or another. What your trying to accomplish with the training, determines exactly what method to use. Sometimes all ya wanna do , is to slow down a leader,...but just for a couple/few days, enough time to let some others catch up, know what i mean? Sometimes you will wanna 'hurt' the GT (growing tip) a lil more , sometimes a lil less, just depends how long you need to slow that particular branch down. Other times you will wanna pull, or spread her out some,...this would be when you tie a whole branch down , with wire /pipe cleaners, etc. You have to be careful you don't break her apart while doing this as many of us have ,..in the past. If this happens , just wire , or tape her back together, she will 'heal' and 9 times out of 10 be fine. So, during all this 'training, great things are happening, all those little 'out of the way' branches have matured , and are now 'filling in' all those bare spots. Bingo ...look at what ya did....now she will yield for ya. give them lots of good soil, lots of good light, and a proper enviro. Cheers DW, hope this helps some more!:high-five:

Sent from my DeLorean...in the future!....:ganjamon::party:
Hey Duggan, sorry for asking on your thread but I have 4 Aussie Blues vegging outdoors because I only have 1 tent and my other 4 babies are flowering. Will my outdoors plants be to big to bring back inside when the flowering is done on the ones inside?

1st Grow - SSH x 4 - 450 Watt 8 Bulb T5
No , not if you are prepared , with a grow room that has adequate room . If needed plants grown outdoors in that situation can just be pruned down to fit. Given a proper indoor enviro. , they will thrive , no issues. cheers eh!

Keep the pics coming!!!! those plants look amazing. How far along are the plants now Duggs?
Hey Dickie, girls are still young, not sure of the exact age of them about 7 weeks from seed start. Lots of training going on right now , important time to cultivate , for the future. They haven't even had their first Drench yet,...no need...soil is still moist , not a lot going on , 'up top' ...building roots:) When they get this next Drench of GE w/Tea , they will take off. You will see them grab the soil, as i like to say..like those evil tree commercials , on TV..:)
Have a great night Dickie.:high-five:

Can't wait to see how that sativa pheno responds to the training. Putting her up front was a good call...she might be a little more high maintenance.
Ya,...that's right DL,..more maintenance, that's for sure. That's why they're up front where i can keep them organized.:) The back two will, by the looks of them , will only need a few clean up prunings , no real training needed,...maybe spread them out some in a week or so. Anyhow , have a great night DL....cheers.
Hiya Duggs, just breezing thru....my grow is a typical Doc Bud grow, so no worries....am taking care of an adopted dog starting tomorrow for 2 weeks, something I have been doing for 16 years because I can on the ranch.....I am a total animal rescuer and overall lover of them so am excited to have Rocky join my family for awhile......I have hosted him many times already and it's all good..... :circle-of-love:
Good morning Duggan.... Yep Ole Rooster 1 is on the way back to his Brix Kit. If you remember I mixed my kit, added water and had to leave for Baton Rouge two days later. Well my friend I'm ready to put it all together again. I have a couple of questions for ya if you have a moment or three! Can I just add the water back to it to get it going again? I left it in October all mixed up, and it just sits waiting my next move. I haven't had a lot of time to read up on Doc's kit but plan to do so a little each day. My goal is to get it cooking again (how long ?) and when I return in about ten days put my beans in motion. Any advise from you or any of the DBHB crew would be appreciated.
Going to have to do this while commuting between home and Baton Rouge every ten days or so. I need to get this going because my jars or empty. ( isn't that a sad statement?) This I can and will change!
:peace: to all, Ole Rooster will be running thru some of your gardens very soon, not to worry , I 'll watch where I step......
Good morning Duggan.... Yep Ole Rooster 1 is on the way back to his Brix Kit. If you remember I mixed my kit, added water and had to leave for Baton Rouge two days later. Well my friend I'm ready to put it all together again. I have a couple of questions for ya if you have a moment or three! Can I just add the water back to it to get it going again? I left it in October all mixed up, and it just sits waiting my next move. I haven't had a lot of time to read up on Doc's kit but plan to do so a little each day. My goal is to get it cooking again (how long ?) and when I return in about ten days put my beans in motion. Any advise from you or any of the DBHB crew would be appreciated.
Going to have to do this while commuting between home and Baton Rouge every ten days or so. I need to get this going because my jars or empty. ( isn't that a sad statement?) This I can and will change!
:peace: to all, Ole Rooster will be running thru some of your gardens very soon, not to worry , I 'll watch where I step......
Mornin Rooster...yes, just re moisten it with some water and a lil Tea if you have some. Keep it off any concrete floors and keep it warm OK...but it's Ok to leave it like that,..it will be fine! Cheers.
Hiya Duggs, just breezing thru....my grow is a typical Doc Bud grow, so no worries....am taking care of an adopted dog starting tomorrow for 2 weeks, something I have been doing for 16 years because I can on the ranch.....I am a total animal rescuer and overall lover of them so am excited to have Rocky join my family for awhile......I have hosted him many times already and it's all good..... :circle-of-love:

Great morning to ya Shawnee, yes you had mentioned about looking after that 'lad' a while back. So you have him now....great stuff and he/she prolly loves the 'ranch' too. Awesome Shawnee!:high-five::Namaste::thumb:
Mornin Rooster...yes, just re moisten it with some water and a lil Tea if you have some. Keep it off any concrete floors and keep it warm OK...but it's Ok to leave it like that,..it will be fine! Cheers.

It shouldn't need a recook either Rooster. Some tea-water and a few days above 70f and you should be fine.
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