Duggan Does C&N's Devils Carnival

Heheh Duggs, I hope you realize that a lot of us are quietly saying "oh shit" to ourselves when we see your harvests. It gives one pause. :straightface:

Why don't my plants ever look that rich and fat and ... dunno ... productive? :hmmmm: Shit.

:bravo: Congrats on another classic Duggan crop!
Nice haul brother
Thank you sir! Thanks for joining in bud...much appreciated ...for sure!:high-five:

Very pretty... love that purple!!
Ya eh 119,..hope she tastes good too! cheers to ya ...enjoy your weekend would ya!:thumb:

those are some pretty buds duggan nice harvest bud!:bravo:
Great to have you along Sticky ,..thank you so much bud! Have a great Sat night!:high-five:

WoW...long haul!...but worth the effort...and sleep is overrated!...:rofl:...anyways...it's done...have a great weekend...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Hey Hook ,..listen to you ,.."sleep is overrated"...no sir ,..it aint..LMFAO.....
hey bud,..you eaten any venison yet.....:drool:
I'm digging those big pots, I ended up with just over 15 zips on my cherry vanilla cookies in the scrog. Haven't trimmed and weighed the other big pot
Excellent Buck! Nice, nice , nice....right on track bud...yeepa!:goodjob::thumb::high-five:

reps on the pull my friend. 2 weeks left on my next batch.
Hey you ,..great to see ya bud!! you say 2 weeks ....alls good! You got a few pics Gov?cheers and enjoy the night my friend!:Namaste:

Heheh Duggs, I hope you realize that a lot of us are quietly saying "oh shit" to ourselves when we see your harvests. It gives one pause. :straightface:

Why don't my plants ever look that rich and fat and ... dunno ... productive? :hmmmm: Shit.

:bravo: Congrats on another classic Duggan crop!
Ah Gray ...coming from you sir...means more than you know my friend! I'm giving this growing thang my best shot....so i appreciate your words. Thank you :Namaste::high-five::love:

Very very very nice Duggs!!! Yup, one day man, one day lol. Can almost smell those beautiful Buds right now, mmmmmmmmm, gotta love that smell. Well, it's looking like 19 zips is still open for a guess so we will go with that Duggs :) hope ya get more though :bravo::bravo::bravo::bravo:

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Yes,..D...it's all about two things ...lots of soil...and lots of light...the rest is easy too..LOL!
your 'on track' with your new lighting....just blast em with it D ....it really works.Veg yours just a bit longer...get them to a decent size with lots of LSTing and SCing/tying down!make some thick bushes. your gonna get there....i say this next run , with your new lights! cheers eh!
Just havin a glass of Jackson Triggs Dry white ....tasty stuff too!:high-five:

Congrats on the harvest Duggs, isn't trimming a bitch. That purple lady looks amazing hopefully tastes as good as it looks. Enjoy the rest of your weekend you harvester you...cheers.
Cheers Cannanewb...ya eh..that purple girl sure looks tasty,...but the green phenos actually smelled and looked a bit more resiny,..but we will soon see , in about 5 days or so , i will give the DC's . a good test drive:)

I see 585g of quality cannabis there. Great chop duggs :passitleft:
Top of the day to ya Mr...great to see ya drop around! you still growin in that lil shoebox of yours?...LOL
OK,...20.7 z's. it is...good guess BTW!!Have an awesome night Mr.:high-five:
Yes I am duggs. It's packed to bursting at the moment with 3 lovely ladies taking up the space.



Mornin Dabbs...ya better make another guess bud,...Nis and Ween both took 22 zips!Cheers

Well gang....wow...doing this by self is NOT good! I started at 5:45 and finished up at 2 AM! Over 8 hrs of it ...i'm done...it
s 9:30 and i'm up , but not well rested, tired as you can imagine. it was A LOT of work ! Bahhh..not a big fan of trimming...oh , i said already...a bunch a times..:)
Here is the list of guesses this round gang!
Buck .....21
Sticky ....24
Nismo ......22
Arctic Bowl ( D and J).19
Mr. Amazin...20.7.........................Please note....there is still time to get your final guesses in . Crop will be drying for about 5 days, then will get trimmed off the branches and weighed , then jarred!

I wanna take a moment and thank all of you for making my journal a success and for Canna and Nis for gifting me these fem seeds of their Devils Carnival. Although i had a problem with my 3rd. run soil (my fault) this crop looks and smells delicious! Thank you all so very much for contributing in your own way with jokes , questions and banter...it was a lot of fun gang. You are ALL my brothas! ....oh ,..and sista's too!:)
Some pics of last night....enjoy gang!

Have a great day everyone!

I almost missed my chance to guess. I cant officially enter the contest but still wanted to participate.
I think Nismo will know best so, I will go with 22.5.
Yes I am duggs. It's packed to bursting at the moment with 3 lovely ladies taking up the space.



Lookin mighty fine Mr....when they bloom , things gonna get a lil tight...:) Great stuff bud!

I almost missed my chance to guess. I cant officially enter the contest but still wanted to participate.
I think Nismo will know best so, I will go with 22.5.
Gotcha down Beamer!

Nice haul Duggs! I look forward to your next journal and grow.
Hey Yeti, ...and i look forward to you coming along for the next one.:)

Congrats on another great harvest. Colored plant so photogenic. Fine growing. :Namaste:
Thanks a bunch BL. Nice to see ya drop around. Have a great night eh!

Your in for a treat with BCP, and star pupil. All kinds of colors
Yes , i'm looking forward to getting them into the big pots . They are a ways away from that yet , but are moving along.
I'm glad to see you doing well Buck! Hope other shit is cool as well. Have a great Sun. night ...i've gotta hockey game myself tonight (every Sun.) so , i'l be lookin for my ass tomorrow...LMAO...cheers bud!

Harvest like a boss.
Can I go with 27z and 28g. For the fun. Cracking fun.
For f sakes so much fun to watch THX.

edit: yrs got my z and g all screwed up. 28 z in total. Gotta open my eyes to see.
Hey Keltic,..how do..OK, gotcha down for 28 z's. ...a little high don't ya think...
Glad you could get a guess in bud! Excellent. I will update the list when i have a bit more time .
I checked on the strings today and it's drying faster then i like. It's gonna be ready by Tues. ...which would only be four days. The alternative , would be to wait until Wed. but then it may be too dry , and that's bad, bad , bad! we'll see.
Everyone have a fantastic Sun. night with your people. If ya got no people ,..then enjoy yourself...:circle-of-love:
I was away, and mine got too dry. Gotta moisten it up somehow. Going to try something, just not sure yet

If you have Bovedas, stick a few nice fat ones in the jar with the dry herb - they'll moisten it right up. :thumb:
You got some real pretty colors Duggan. :high-five: My own is the most fragrant chemovar in my jars. I'll be interested in what you think about yours when they've been cured a wee bit.

I don't find the yields to be extraordinary at all, but the potency of my green pheno is off the charts. May yours be more potent. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Looks like you have a decent sized haul there duggs. It isn't the largest of yielders but it doesn't take much to get where you want to be.

I am hoping that in 6 months it'll be close to being a stable strain. Tempted to keep a green pheno and a purple pheno seperate in the breeding so we can have 2 varieties.

Thanks again for giving this a run and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.

Looks like you have a decent sized haul there duggs. It isn't the largest of yielders but it doesn't take much to get where you want to be.

I am hoping that in 6 months it'll be close to being a stable strain. Tempted to keep a green pheno and a purple pheno seperate in the breeding so we can have 2 varieties.

Thanks again for giving this a run and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.


Hey Nis! That would be awesome if you could do that, I'd like to try both someday.

Congrats on the really fine harvest Duggan! Glad you were able to bring em back from the brink. If that purple one retains its colors once dry, I think you have a serious contender for NOTM just on the beautiful colors alone. Looking forward to smoke reports on both.

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