Flower Child Puts Seeds In The Soil Again 2013

Good morning my friends- it is an extremely good morning here. The whole house smells like cannabis this morning and this closet is why.

Martha the Mazar/White Rhino and Charity the Cheese are in jars for curing now. Marthas dry weight was 34.5 grams and Charity weighed in at 59 grams. Both would have weighed a bit more, but we have already been smoking them full time since saturday (and we smoke a lot).

Both Diesels are hanging to dry, and the Bombs all go in the dark tonite. I am soooo excited!

Good news in the veg tent too! The babies are babies no longer- They finally look like little vegging girls and are now in their big girl pots.

They are loving life under the T-5 light- staying nice and short.

This girl is a Liberty Haze and is the biggest so far.

Going to start the lst this coming weekend before those little stems get too woody- need to let the new side growth on those stems get some light.

Well thats all for now- Happy growing!:peace:
Wish I had a closet like yours!... mine just has old coats and a vacuum. :laughtwo:

Congratulations on your harvest, Flo :)

Your new little girls are looking lovely, too!

Yea but it's definitely an aromatic closet after the plants have all had a stay- dont think any clothes or vaccums will be in there anytime soon.:laughtwo:

And thank you! I'm enjoying a bowl of Charity the Cheese right now and it is a really nice high.;) And even without a cure it's a pretty smooth smoke. I wasn't quite sure what to expect since Charity the Cheese was one of those "free seeds" that comes with your order.

Having the young girls awaiting their turn with the big light made dismembering the older plants much more pleasant this time- no "empty nest syndrome" I guess! lol!

Very good Flo! Not bad from T5s.

I think you have the short bushy pheno of Liberty Hazy. She sure looks happy there.
Thanks Don, A couple of the girls showed a bit of yellow leaf from N def before I transplanted them into the FFOF but overall they are a pretty healthy bunch. Glad you think they are the short pheno too- their tentmates are all short strains too so I'm happy about that!:peace:
Nice work Young Lady! Would love to smell that closet. Nice totals too. Congratulations on another harvest.
Nice ladies in waiting.
Hi OMM and thank you!:love:
The girls sure reeked this time- wouldn't be surprised if you could smell them from your house!;)
And unfortunately the 4 bombs won't be coming down this morning. My fridge died and the new one arrives sometime today so I've rescheduled their chop for friday so my sweetie can help- he's really getting into this growing thing and its wonderful having an extra pair of hands trimming. :circle-of-love:
Awesome going :) loving your closet! Also have me thinking of some T5s for vegging! So many thanks and enjoy your frostilicious bounty :)!
Thanks LA! I debated between the T-5 vs CFL's for a while. The T-5 won simply because I liked the way it looked lol- and I like to keep the girls short till they go into flower so side lighting won't be needed anyway. I started out with a HID setup but I'm looking to get away from that as those bulbs kind of scare me with all that heat. Eventually I want to flower with a LED- sure would sleep better knowing theres not a fire hazard in the next room. :peace:
Fantastic Job!! On the harvest, as well as the new girls!
Thanks teachme2fish! Sure is nice having little ones almost ready for the flower tent.
You have me in stitches, explaining away your loss of weight due to premature tokage. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Like that's NEVER happened to ANY of us (every single time)

Very true LOL. And I shouldn't be surprised by all the sampling that went on- esp since we'd used up the last of the previous grow a couple weeks ago! :lot-o-toke:
Harvest report time! And we should have enough weed to last till the new girls are ready.

The total from all 8 plants was 408 grams or slightly over 14 oz and we are very happy with that. The Mazar/WhiteRhino had the smallest yield- 34 grams but it is the stoniest of the 4 strains. Heaviest weights came from the older Bombs- 60 grams each.

I also learned a lot about these plants this second grow.

For instance a longer veg really pays off. Even 10 days made a huge difference for the Bombs. The ones with the 10 day longer veg yielded a surprising half ounce more per plant than their younger sisters.

This was also my first batch of plants that were heavily LSTed and topped. I found that having 8 ish tops per plant gave better quality buds and reduced the amount of popcorn significantly.

Due to age and arthritis, I grow in small pots- 3 gal airpots that actually only hold 2.4 gallons of soil, (and I tend not to overfertilize). My plants got pretty depleted and used up all their fan leaves by the end. Which leads me to the conclusion that as much as I am tempted to defoliate for light exposure I probably never will. I'm happy with that as the buds are extremely smooth to smoke- even without a cure.

Well I'm off to LST the little girls in the veg tent. Will post an update when it's done.:peace:
More big buds and less popcorn is a good thing! All in all I think you did pretty well. I look forward to your next time.
Thanks Don! We're really happy with the harvest. And I think I'm going to keep this journal running with the little plants too since they are already vegging. Downloading new pics now.
The little girls are growing fast- really liking the FFOF soil.
All of them were topped this morning.

And they got their first LST training too. They are all short squatty things except for a single lanky Liberty Haze so it should be fairly easy to keep them short till the stretch.

All of them just before lights out.

Happy growing :peace:
Congratulations on the harvest, Flo! 14 ounces! :high-five:

What have you settled on for a standard veg time in your garden?

This was also my first batch of plants that were heavily LSTed and topped. I found that having 8 ish tops per plant gave better quality buds and reduced the amount of popcorn significantly.

How many tops did your other plants have? I haven't topped any of my plants yet, and I'm still torn between trying it on my white widow or one of the clones. I figured I'd leave Pascalle and Loretta alone since I didn't know what I was doing, but I think I can now see a lot of the popcorn people are talking about. I'm going to start plucking it off in a couple weeks! :bongrip:
Good job Flower!!!!!
you are gonna love the liberty haze looks like a perpetual grow will keep you in bud for a long time:peace::high-five::thumb::goodjob::circle-of-love:
Thanks Harley! :thanks: I'm really looking forward to trying the Liberty Haze- the seed company description sounded yummy and I know you and a couple others have grown it and it does well. :yummy:
And I'm loving the perpetual thing- due to waiting on tent parts I didn't get the replacement plants started early enough this grow, but still they are a month old and will be going into flower in a couple weeks. I'm waiting on seeds to arrive for my 4th grow and they will be started earlier- so they will be going into the flower tent the same day the current grow 3 girls are harvested. So now theres jars to enjoy- girls a growing- seeds anticipated- and a very happy me!:peace:

Good good goood good good
What was the total weight of that harvest drying over there
Hi Killuminati99 and thanks! It was 408 gms or slightly over 14 oz- my best yet.

Congratulations on the harvest, Flo! 14 ounces! :high-five:

What have you settled on for a standard veg time in your garden?

How many tops did your other plants have? I haven't topped any of my plants yet, and I'm still torn between trying it on my white widow or one of the clones. I figured I'd leave Pascalle and Loretta alone since I didn't know what I was doing, but I think I can now see a lot of the popcorn people are talking about. I'm going to start plucking it off in a couple weeks! :bongrip:
Hi Dresney!:ciao: And Thanks! Weight wise this harvest was only 1 oz more than last time, however, I trimmed a lot more- this go-round I left no stem at all in the jars- pure bud. And I did it with 1 less plants so I'm very happy with it.

I think 6 1/2 weeks is my magic veg time. Any less and the weight suffers; any more and the plants run out of energy due to small pots. There was very little trim or popcorn this time- only enough for 1 batch of hash. I'm both happy and sad about that.:hmmmm:

Regarding tops- the first grow I did'nt LST and only topped 1 time so each plant had 2 main colas and a whole lot of undergrowth. I was like you are now-wanted to see how the plants grow on their own. This second grow, they were topped twice (attempted fim but it didn't work) and did a lot of LST. Each plant had 8-12 tops and that shaded the undergrowth so that nothing much grew under there. I'm definitely going to Top and LST from now on. And as fat and bushy as your plants get, you would definitely be happy trying it on them! I highly recomend it!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Way to go Hippie Lady. 14 0z is good in anyone's book. You are off and training again....it sure makes a difference, doesn't it?

If you have too much bud, my address is.........
Thanks OMM! :circle-of-love:
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:Is there such a thing as too much bud? :lot-o-toke: :cheesygrinsmiley:

And yes I am a fan of training for sure- the proof is in the jars-lol. And it's so easy to do- I have no specific design- just top and tie down anything that trys to stand up tall. I really love the fact that you get a fairly level canopy for the lights too. Some of my last girls were 2 footers and some were supposed to be 4-5 ft. They all stayed short around 22-28" thanks to the LST.

Have a great Weednesday and Happy Growing!:green_heart::peace:
This is day 34 for the Liberty Hazes, the THC Bombs and the Pineapple Chunk/THC Bomb mixes.

They are starting to smell whenever you brush a leaf and are spreading out a lot- the tent is getting full.

The Pineapple/Bomb mixes have a lot of Pineapple traits so far. Both of them have a few of the same sickly leaves their ancestor had- (generalized paleness, puffy ruffled leaves and odd dark green stripes bordering the veins). My hopes for them, are that they will have the lovely pineapple taste and stone but have the heavier yield like the bombs.

Two of the Liberty Haze's and one of the Bombs now have 9 to 11 fingers on most of their leaves. The most any of my previous grows had was 7. The only real difference is the change from a MH veg light to a T-5! I'm guessing they are really liking the fact that they are only a couple inches from the bulbs. They look really cute no matter what the cause.

Most of them have recovered from being topped and are growing well again.

.......except for this girl- she still hasn't decided if she was topped or fimmed

The plan is to put them in the flower cycle on the 23 when they are 6 1/2 weeks old- although as big as they are getting it may be a bit sooner. They haven't been fed yet- just whats in the FFOF, but that will change this weekend- they will get a 1/4 strength feeding to start with.
The first 2 weeks of flower they will get veg feedings , then 50-50 veg and flower nutes for another week before they go full time on the flower feed. Hopefully this will give them enough N so they wont yellow all their fan leaves like the last grow did.
Well, that's all for today.
Happy growing!:peace:
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