From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Biggest differences between the two brands for me is: 16 gauge steel construction on growbox vs. 18 gauge on closet. Growbox has all of the electrical connections on the inside vs. the power strip on the back. I assume the power strip adds about 6" of depth from the wall. Do you have to pull the cabinet away from the wall to mess with your electrical & timers etc.? I guess the electrical on the inside could be a pain when the plants are big.

I agree, these cabinets are only "stealth" in general terms. Not as obvious as a tent or some other indoor setups. I only expected the filters to minimize the odors not eliminate. Although I am buying a hydro unit, I plan to grow autos in soil for the first couple of runs. Don't want to try too many new things at once.

I see that you are growing multiple strains. I thought I remembered a statement in your first journal about sticking with a single strain on a grow. Something about height and timing differences. I assume you have solved that dilemma.

Sorry for the verbosity. Just trying to get it right (or as close as I can) the first time. I'm sure you can relate.


Hi again Duckster.
No worries for asking questions buddy, that's what we are all here for.:thumb:
The closets have exhaust ducts that stick out about 6 inches from the back of closets. I have them about a foot away from the wall so I can get behind and turn on the water pump or manipulate timers etc...

This is the first grow since my first that I have multiple strains growing in the same closet at the same time. I did it this time just to get a decent harvest cause I flipped a little earlier than normal to get the rotation set in my closets.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Dont forget some more pics of those amazing colas! Cant wait to see the finished product! How does it smell stealth? :yummy:

I bet Stealth is wearing his Cheshire Cat grin:bravo: As always Stealth - a great journal

Hi guys.

Yup, i'm smiling;)
I've started trimming up all the buds, I got about half done last night and gonna do the rest tonight. The buds smell alright, Critical seems not to have a very strong odor, even when the plants were in full flower they hardly smelled, I think its maybe a strain characteristic. The buds look nice though, and I think I'm pretty close to the mark on my guesstimate of 5-6 zips. I'll probably post some pics tonight with the final numbers.

The OG kush is doing really well, and getting frosty, she's definitely growing better than the last round I grew the strain. I'll update both closets on Friday night.
Cheers. :bong:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

HI everyone.

The final numbers for the critical are in, not as much as I was hoping, but not bad. Total weight of nice buds is 116g (4oz 4g's), and 35g's of nice popcorn buds and sugar leaf for bubble hash.:high-five:

Not a record or anything, but its a respectable harvest and will definitely ensure I have plenty of meds until the next harvest in bout 4 weeks. I did smoke some of the Critical, but its just not ready yet, it still has a very green, fresh taste. Its all in Cvaults curing and I'm gonna wait at least another week before I taste again.

Overall impressions of the Critical are mixed so far, the smell is not very strong at all, and the buds are not very frosty honestly. Its lacking bag appeal, but I haven't really smoked any yet so the high remains to be seen/felt.;)






re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Nice haul Stealth. I'm sure the quality is much better than the crap I've been smoking lately.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Sweet Haul Stealth :thumb:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Congratulations on your harvest stealthgrow.
Hi everyone.:ciao:

Went to the grow yesterday and did the weekly reservoir changes and maintenance. Things are looking very nice. Today is day 42 for the OG Kush and the small Critical's, and they are in full bloom, getting very frosty.

OG Kush & Critical Closet Stats.
Day 42 of flower today.
PPM= 780
PH= 6.0
Air Temp= 82F
Water Temp= 70.5F
RH= 54%











Here you can see the leaves that only have 3 blades on the Critical that is in the back of the closet.The buds on this plant, as opposed to the other Critical are completely different. The other pheno flowers and finishes early like a critical should, and it also has nice big, dense buds. The pheno with the 3 bladed leaves has really airy buds and took longer to finish. I don't think I'm gonna grow the RQS Critical strain again.




OG Kush and Critical closet stats.

The Chunk and Bubblelicious closet is doing well, this closet also has the mystery strain in it, but I'm still on the fence as to whether I should keep it or not. Doesn't hurt to wait a little longer and see how it recovers from the transplant into the reservoir.

The Chunk and Bubblelicious and both doing really well under the LED's now, and they have grown a nice bit in the last week.
I'm noticing a lot of purpling of the stems on the leaves since they have been under the LED's. I've upped the dose of Cal/Mag to help counteract this. LED's tend to make the plants use a lot more Cal/Mag than under HPS I have read. KingJohnC would be able to give more detail about this if anyone is interested. I have seen him post on the subject a couple times in the past.

The mystery strain plant really took the drying out before the transplant, and the transplant itself the hardest of the three plants. He/She ?has new growth and should recover, but all the lower growth on the plant died so it looks very naked right now.

Chunk & Bubblelicious Closet Stats.
Day 7 of Veg growth in the closets.
PPM= 445
PH= 5.9
Air Temp= 81F
Water Temp= 70.5F
RH= 48%








Bubblelicious roots.

Chunk Roots.

Mystery Strain.

My Sour Diesel Seedling is doing great, and I guess its not really a seedling anymore. The Last remaining Critical clone I have left I'm gonna trash I think. Its the 3 bladed leaf pheno and I don't want to keep it. If it was the other pheno with the nice buds, and regular leaves I would have kept it, oh well.
All 6 of the OG Kush clones have rooted, so next time I go over to the grow I'm going to put them into coco and solo cups till I'm ready to put them into a closet and flower them out.
I'm looking forward to trying a SOG grow with all 6 of them at once in a closet with a shorter veg time. That's a journal for a future date though.;)








That's it for another week everyone. I hope you all enjoyed. Questions and comments are always welcome.
Have a great week, and stay medicated my friends.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

my sour d is starting week 2 veg now lol
Hey Stealth Everything is looking Great :high-five:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi everyone. :ciao:

Friday night reservoir and maintenance night. Things are going very well all around. Today is day 47 for the OG Kush and Critical closet. The buds are firming up, getting orange hairs and getting very frosty. The good Critical is looking nice but the 3 bladed leaf one looks like its 2-3 weeks behind. No orange hairs at all yet, and the buds are very light and airy, definitely not going to grow the critical again.

OG Kush & Critical closet
Day 47 of flower
PPM= 840
PH= 5.8
Air Temp= 83F
Water Temp= 74F
RH= 56%


















The second closet is also coming along very nice. The Chunk, Mystery strain and bubblelicious have all hit the screen so I decided to flip the lights in this closet tonight. Tomorrow will be the first full day of 12/12 light for this closet.
The Chunk is easily 1/3 of the screen, but the mystery strain has really bounced back in the past week and is growing fast again. The bubblelicious is the smallest of the three plants, but appears the healthiest. I topped each plant twice more tonight so they should all have 4 main branches, along with any smaller side branching.
Looking at the pics from last week of the roots, compared to this week, they have really developed. They are all at least twice the size they were. The new coco/Hydro system I used from seedlings to the reservoir transplant seems to be working great.

Chunk, Mystery strain, and Bubblelicious closet Stats.
Day 1 of flower
PPM= 480
PH= 5.8
Air Temp= 82F
Water Temp= 74F
RH= 45%



The Mystery Strain.


The Pineapple Chunk.


The Bubblelicious.




The seedling and clone area is fine. The Sour Diesel has been tied down, to try and spread her out in preparation for her transplant in about 2-3 weeks. I want to use the closet the OG is in now to flower out the SourD. I'm going to use just the one plant, but I'm going to give her the extra time she'll need to properly fill in the screen. I want her to have a closet all to herself mainly due to the longer 85 day flowering period of the sativa dominate plant. The critical is still haning out but I have made up my mind to scrap it for sure.

The OG Kush clones were fully rooted, and in fact some had roots that were 6-8 inches long hanging out the net pots. I put all the clones into solo cups with the seedling coco I have. Its pretty much the same process I used for the critical clones, half hydroton stones, and half coco. They should be good in the solo cups until the Chunk closet opens up again in about 2 months.










That's it for another week everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend, and an awesome week next week. Next update will be next weekend. Questions and comments are always welcome.
Stay medicated my friends.:yummy:
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