Graytail's 3rd: 4x4, HiBrix, Latest LED Tech, Lots Of Light!

Mornin Gray...very nice work with getting the canopies evened out bud...lookin really good for the finish now eh. Your Desfran looks like just a baby compared to mine but has the same sort of appearance. Anyhow , all the newbies out there should take note on just how even your tops are....fantastic job my friend.
Have an awesome day Gray and Gang. Cheers.
That BH X BB is like those connect the dots thing we did as kids...I say we cuz kids nowadays have all the electronics lmao! We had dirt and puzzles lmfao!!!
Beautiful work Gray!
Here is a GHS Alaskan Ice that I grew outdoors a few years ago with the same looking buds. 1 of 3 had this look. It was a very good plant for yield & effect.


That looks just like the pic in the Ace Seeds Lao Sativa advertisement. :)
You are quite the sculpter. Beautiful shapes and growth!
:thanks: Thanks for all the shoutouts, folks! It's sure nice to have some healthy grownup girls to show you.

Did I miss a Grinspoon grow, or is this the first grin you are droppin? Looking forward to see how yours turn out :)

Nope, this'll be a first for me. I wanted one in my last order but they were out of stock, and then I saw your journal so at least I could follow along on your grow. Now they're back in stock so I scored me one! :yahoo: I have some experience with wild sativas now, so I'm ready for whatever she wants to throw at me, heheh. Should be a Xmas harvest. :slide:

*sniff, sniff*


Frankly my dear, I do give a damn! :tokin:

LOL, Chimp! Nice. :blunt:
Man GT those are incredible! I am really interested in that Tikal for obvious reasons and I know if you the same pheno as me, you are in for it Haha! There is bud EVERYWHERE on mine and I think it is going to go at least 12-13 weeks. I'm just finishing week 8 on Sunday and they are still throwing pistols everywhere. The buds are just now starting to fatten up but still have a ways to go. I'm sure you'll handle her though. You (and Duggan) are my inspiration on plant shaping and I ;m working on my next round with your methods in mind, so far I really like how they are shaping up.
I'm glad someone got something out of that thread! I was very happy to have you there. I was really shocked by the impressive stretch. But I also learned that even if the plant is well over the light it is still being well fed!

Lookin forward to this one :D :popcorn:
I'm not sure I'd say it "improved" with age. It's been my experience that the best terpenes are found in the first couple weeks. That's when they're fresh and dynamic, altering from day to day, outgassing the more volatile ones while others settle into permanence. I much prefer fresh herb, still a bit moist. :cheesygrinsmiley: Yum. :slide: And there's a period after a month or so when they've usually settled into their long term stasis - rich, deep aromas. From there, it just seems to fade for me.

However, there are interesting potency changes - cannabinoids react differently. Often, a strain will improve in that way. I'm pretty sure the Panama I smoked yesterday is buzzier than it was when it was fresh. It seems as strong or stronger, and the thickness it had is diminished now. That's a bit counter-intuitive, so I find it interesting. You'd think that age would cause degradation and decay into CBN and other undesired cannabinoids.

That reminds me of something from back in the day. Has anyone ever heard of a CO2 cure? The idea was to alter the cannabinoid profile by filling the jars with CO2 before sealing them.

Could the same thing be accomplished by just leaving the jars closed? Decarboxylation (though maybe not enough of it would occur) would add CO2 to the jars.
Dunno how it affects the terpenes and such, but I can tell you with confidence that adding CO2 would decrease the decarboxylation rate.

What method are you using (going to?) to fill your curing jars with co2? Do they have special sealing pumps for mason jars?

How does more carbon increase carboxylation?
Awright! :cheer: Time for another update!

I moved Tikal into the bloom room today and added another old style 100x3, for a total of three of 'em now to support the Advanced LED XML 350. So that's 870 watts of LED and temps are floating around 84 degrees - kinda iffy - I may have to wait for autumn to run the full 1000 watts I plan. Here's what it looks like now. I'll eventually get in there and mount the 100x3s into the corners a little better and move the XML 350 into the center. For now it's just right for the four plants.



BHxBB continues to fade hard. :straightface: I gave it a Super Drench with 20ml Transplant and 2ml Tea following the standard Energy/Tea dose it got last watering. The Energy/Tea made no dramatic difference, so we'll see how a big dose of Trans does. Cat drench should be next, with its own fade issues. But the trichs look good and that's what we're growing after all! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Buddha Haze x Blue Blood - 141 days old - 32 days 12/12 - 24 since pistils




OHS has grown a couple inches and is busy filling in her tops.

Orange Hill Special - 109 days old - 14 days 12/12 - 5 since pistils




Desfran hasn't even set her pistils yet. :laughtwo: She's definitely started, but it took 2 weeks while she stretched 8 inches, 50% so far. Thanks to Duggan, I think I'll be able to manage this one quite well.

Desfran - 105 days old - 15 days 12/12




I simply got tired of arguing with Tikal and dumped her into bloom the way she is. I've never had such an eager stubborn plant! I bend her tops over and she bends 'em right back up at me, doesn't matter how many times. All those stems are now thick and vigorous, with frenzied side growth on 'em, in addition to all the slower weaker tops that have been trying to keep up. This one is gonna be a yielder. :yahoo:

Tikal - 106 days old




Panama is going to be an educational experience. It keeps reminding me of a super version of one of Conradino's windowsill plants. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'll probably have to rig up some sort of support system to hold the weak branches that are now building thick healthy new tops. No way will these stems support flowers. :laughtwo: And it has the highest brix readings of the bunch at 15. The others are hovering around 12/13. It's a very odd plant. :hmmmm:

Panama - 99 days old




BHxNexus and BHxDestroyer are both looking great as usual. :cheesygrinsmiley: The topping and training went Very well.

Buddha Haze x Nexus - 79 days old



Buddha Haze x Destroyer - 84 days old



The UHxCarnival seedling is looking a bit raggedy ...


BUxUH and Carnival are up and thoroughly awake. :bravo: I'm still waiting for DrGrinspoon and Channel+ ... :straightface:


I'm going to run the stronger of the two OHS cuts ...

OHS1 - 21 days old

Here are the Tikal cuts - 2 weeks in water now - along with one I planted.




And this is my little ghetto understair veg area. It's currently functioning well, but it killed most everything I put into it all winter. :laughtwo: I run the Par-Force 190W LED along the back, with a 250W MH in the left front, and two reflectors with 4x23W CFLs each. The pots are 15 inches wide, for perspective.

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