Perpetual Multi-Strain Indoor/Outdoor Grow

Plants looking amazing keep up the good work! Many good grow vibes your way.

Thank you so so much :) I am doing my best. I feel a little crazy, as I seem to be making the same mistake over and over :? I lowered my dose of ferts to 1/3 of what I was doing in veg and I still gave them some claw today. They seemed to improve slightly on their own. Then near sunset I gave them an epson salt foliar shower. I am a bit frustrated that I can not get things dialed in quite how I want. I feel like I am getting all the luck in the world so far, but keep making it hard for my girls. I will keep trucking along and hopefully can grow an acceptable final product :)
yep ive watched all their expedition videos a few months back, some interesting strains they come across,

their soil grown plants are pure organic in a super soil type set up, so they dont need to add nutrients as the soil is suppose to support the plant through the whole grow which it seems to do as they dont get any def issues,

but i know for a fact that my soil grown plants grow quicker than their soil grown plants, but it sure shows why hydro is the fastest method for growing, i know my dwc plants grow much quicker than my soil plants, twice as quick id say at the very least, but im pretty sure strain hunters could get more from their soil plants as they seem to small to me for the age of the plants, but in soil we do have to veg longer to get the bigger yields, so with them flipping 12-12 at the same time it really dont give the soil plant the time it needs to catch up, the soil plant could easily do with another 2 weeks in veg before its on par with the hydro plant,

i got to admit they got their hydro plants down to perfection, the growth they get is pretty damn shocking, even when they flip to 12-12 the plants still grow like crazy and produce huge amounts in the time they give to grow them, im so tempted to go with a hydro set up or get some big tubs and do some big dwc grows, i could get some big plastic tubs and use them as the res and have 2 plants per tub and if i get results like theirs then i can grow a lot less plants per grow

I agree with everything you said. I just love that show. I feel like I could go back and watch some episodes again. And I am not the kind of person that does that. I watch a movie once usually and that is it. Once in a while I will forget enough that I can watch it again. There are some exceptions, like movies that I have watched countless times, but that is sort of a comfort thing ya know? Those guys have hydro just dialed in so well. Maybe they want their patrons to do hydro so they will grow faster and likely buy seeds faster? I don't know why I am coming up with conspiracy theories on this. Maybe too many hours watching Xflyals! I like the low maintenance of a solid hydro grow, but I have never done it, so I am worried I will screw it up somehow. I feel like soil is so much more forgiving. I have read that hydro grows faster in veg, but is about the same in flower, so you only end up getting 10-15 percent more. I am not sure if I believe this though. I think I will just have to do it for myself some day. I am really enjoying working with my bubble cloner. It actually may have saved the day for me today. I will post a small update to elaborate.

Thank you as always for a wonderful conversation and thoughtful respose! :circle-of-love:
Happy FreeWeed Day Rain :thumb:
For some reason reading FreeWeed Day is making me want to roll another one! Happy FreeWeed Day to you too my friend. I would love to hear your thoughts on going hydro too :)
I had a pretty interesting day. I thought I was getting 6 blueberry headband clones form a friend, but instead got one sour diesel, one Blue Dream Hyb. and one Don. I don't even know what the DON is, maybe an OG kush. The funny thing is only two of them were really clones. The other two were cuttings in rapid rooters. Looked like all three were scraps from a defol during early flower. Even the one with some roots, was clearly hurting, you can see that the roots are not the white color they should be. They were probably smushed a bit, and the rapid rooters were soaking wet in the soil. I am glad I took them out. I am not too impressed with the rapid rooters, they seem to stay wet when put in soil. Maybe there is a better method to put them in soil. One of the little gals had a root that got severed, I maybe did it, but I think it could have happened when it got thrown in a redcup with soil. Well two of the three are in my bubble cloner, and actually keeping their leaves up with no dome on them. I can't complain because they were free. But I would have got seeds if I was not expecting these. I don't expect much from them, so I will probably be ordering just a few seeds. At best they will take quite some time to develop. It will be another learning experience! I am quite open to suggestions. I really like strains with intense flavor. I typically only smoke to fall asleep, but sometimes will smoke a bit in the late afternoon just for the fun of it, or before a meal.

I hope you guys like the pics :) Sorry for being a bit cross, hopefully these girls will surprise me like runt has :)
Oh man! You have a worm bin right off your grow room?! That is sooo smart! I love it! What a perfect way of getting rid of EVERYTHING! + a very nice soil at the end!

+reps just for that!
That second to last shot is awesome.

Thank you Shotta :) the pic did not do it justice. It was really a cool scene. The plants had this glow to them with the water on them. I gave my mutties straight water this morning and they clawed up almost instantly. I sprayed with Epson solution again and it pretty much got rid of it, but I am getting disheartened by this constant battle. I think I may have no choice but to give them a flush(a real one this time) with hose water. I know it has chlorine or chloramine in it, but I dont know what else to do at this point. I would be interested to hear what you think.

"The dew kisses the morning grass..."
trivia..where did that line come from?
Beautiful pic rainstacks!!

Sister Mary Elephant for the win!? High score did I break it? (this is also a movie quote!)

Oh man! You have a worm bin right off your grow room?! That is sooo smart! I love it! What a perfect way of getting rid of EVERYTHING! + a very nice soil at the end!

+reps just for that!

Thank you so much. I have two bins one outside under my workbench. And one in the kitchen. My gf was not too happy at first, but now she is into it and saves scraps for me to feed them :) She loves making meals from the garden. And adding the castings and juice makes a huge difference in our soil. I have seen the castings work miracles on some of my house plants that looked awful for years too. I have fed with the worm juice my inside bin collects and there must be baby worms in the liquid because pretty much every one of my plants has worms in it. I have kind of a unique way of feeding in which I mix coco coir with blended scraps I feed them (add a little sand or crushed egg shell on ocassion too) they don't seem to mind when I forget though. I have also stared adding dried and aged horse manure to the mix and the worms seem to just love it. I will take another pic of them coming to the surface to eat tonight. The great thing about the mix is that I keep it in a breathable tupperware in the fridge and it stays good for weeks. Really no bad smell to it at all. Thank you so much for the reps :)
Just a quick update. The foot clan girls are looking much much better today. The Epsom salt shower they got last night really helped with the N od. But the mutties got the claw from just water. I am considering giving them all a real flush. The only problem is that I would have to use my hose water.

Cannafan is flowering steadily. I really she fills out the same way Shredder is. She is developing a beautiful purple color on the new leaves coming out. I hope I can keep her happy enough to make it through flower :)

You can see how the leaves up top are improved slightly, but the claw still has a solid grasp on my girls :(

This is about the size of a very small pea, anyone know what it is? (trivia question)
Thank you all for the compliments :) They totally look like Christmas trees, the gift that keeps on giving! I gave straight water again to the three mutties, and still got the clawed look. Gave them the Epsom shower and they looked fine by sunset, but I am worried I may cause some new problem like N lockout if I keep doing that. I noticed some mites on Shredder today, so I may go out get some lady bugs today, I will also try and get a hold of some predator mites. I can also go to the hydro store and get some type of chemical, but I would prefer not to. Anyone had any luck with any organic homemade sprays? DP, notice I took your advice and elevated all of them :) Canna - I wasn't sure you noticed my edit, I feel better knowing you did, and I like how you told me in your edit - very witty :)

Okay here is a clue for you guys about my trivia question -

Here is that pic I promised JR18, this is the indoor bin. I actually missed their peak feeding frenzy, this is the tail end :)

In a small update, the clone and cuttings I got are still alive! they even look like they are kicking little toes out to start walking around :) Shredders clone (I need to think of a name) has some nice roots going, Only thing that worries me is that there is this slime on the bottom of the stem. I added some hydrogen peroxide a couple times, but it seems to remain. I have not done a res change either. I am worried to change anything, since it seems to be working okay. I can use aged/aerated tap water, or I can take a 5gal jug to the grocery store and fill it with drinking water out of one of those dispensers. I could also use a Britya which is a jug with a carbon filter in it I believe. Any thoughts?

Don (lets call her DonPaul from now on, seems fitting :)) Clone, seems like it is doing okay so far :) I really like the the soil can dry out from all sides with this type of container.




Mutties are looking better today, top leaves are not curled.
you can use tap water, I believe the chlorine is a sanitizing agent that helps roots by eliminating pathogens. you want to make sure whatever you should choose to do it is most important to do 2 things:

1) pH adjust your water.
2) if you decide to use distilled water or Reverse Osmosis water you will need to supplement additional calcium and magnesium until the last 3 weeks before harvest where it should be discontinued.
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