Perpetual Multi-Strain Indoor/Outdoor Grow

What a pretty picture!

I've never seen a marijuana plant in it's natural environment so it's always sort of awesome to see the way they actually grow outdoors, y'know like they're supposed to. No bending or topping or shaping - just plant the seed and let 'er rip. And look what you get - the prettiest little conical bush, with every perfectly symmetrical branch loaded with flowers.

Just like, unlike, & like. At least you know you double liked.:hookah:
very nice mate, that clone should take off now its been planted, it wont take long for them roots to grow into the medium and start feeding,

ive just got the new sponsors products and its only been 24 hours since using it and my dwc has been fed twice and its looking great, so hopefully this dogget simpson product will do well,
I am so glad you guys are liking the photos and the progress. I decided to lay down on the ground outside with one of my dogs, I was looking up and thought 'that is a cool angle...I wonder if it will come out if I take a pic?'

I still have not been able to find any good info about the clones I got. I did find some stuff about the White Diamond, but it does not sound like what I have smoked from this same strain. I found in a couple descriptions that it is harsh, I experienced quite the opposite myself. If anyone knows anything about P4 or White Diamond OG I would be very interested to hear about it. Or even if someone can point me in the right direction to find some good info :)
Just a minor small update, plants are looking happy indoors. I added .5ml of HiBrix unsulfered molasses to my bubble cloner to try and get my second White Diamond clone to root better. The roots seemed to have just stopped growing completely. I think the plant is just out of stored energy and in a slow decline. I also sprayed with a mild worm juice (straight from worm bin). If I don't see any improvement I will just put it in soil and cross my fingers. The second White Diamond clone is already in soil and seems to be keeping its leaves up so far. I think it will make it. Shrederrs baby is doing great. i am worried she has too many growth nodes and will explode on me. I am thinking I will defol the bottom few to keep things manageable and the plant focusing on growing up top. (I am open to suggestions too).


I have been seeing more moths outside, and have also been finding eggs here and there, but no caterpillars on any plants so far. It is getting cold for all the spiders, so I hope all the beneficials keep up their protection. Overall outside girls are looking good. Shredder is turning a lighter shade of green, but I think she is just using up her stored energy and should be done flowering in a few weeks. She is starting to show some trichs on small new leaves and developing a sweet peppery smell, very faint, but seems more noticeable when she is warm. Tiger Lilly is developing a citrus smell very very close to GrapeFruit! I am starting to get excited for some tasty smoke!


Please help me with this guys/gals! How should I prune this plant? I would like to prune so that I can focus growth on areas that will allow me to create a short bushy and productive plant. I may also want to take more clones off of it in the future (depending on the quality of what Shredder yields). The monstercropped clone has at least 13 nodes including the apical one. I know that monstercropped plants can send out tons of branches, so I dont know which (if any) would be best to prune at this point. Thank you :)

For crazy bushy plants, most people FIM the very top node. That will allow all the side branches to go crazy, or you could just tied her down a little bit. I like the main cola myself. After all that a lot of people seem keen on defoliating at about day 21 of flower to let light get to all the buds.

Looking good so far!
fresh cutting? rooted cutting?
days in reveg?
let it start pushing out new growth perhaps first before you think of pruning?
I don't even think you should have to prune a reveg plant it suppose to produce a lot of new branch growth on its own
Happy SKunkday :thumb:
i agree, is it even back in veg yet as it looks to me like its still producing pistils so it may not be back in full veg yet, you really wont need to do anything to a reveg/monster cropped plant, i ended up throwing away more than 60 cuttings just to get light into the plant so it produced decent sized buds.

i wouldnt do anything at this stage id make sure its back in veg by bumping the light up to 20-4 or 24-0 for a few weeks just so it knows its in veg and not going through some mad flowering stage, then it should throw out branches at every place a leaf grows, my reveg plants seem to grow branches at the base of each leaf stem, ive not had a reveg that dont produce crazy growth, i always end up taking clones then throwing away many many cuttings just so i can open the plant up to let light in,

the only time a reveg plant actually seems to turn back to a regular plant is when its past day 21 of flower, once its past that stage the crazy growth stops and it settles down and gets into bud production, but all through veg it will keep producing branch after branch and many of them, miwa does reveg plants as well and he is always complaining about the amount of leaf and branch growth he has got, he is often pruning his just to get some light into the plant,

the increase in yield id say for me is around 40% due to the extra amount of branches you get, so the plant the first time round was harvested at 2ft high, then if you grow a reveg plant to the same height then you will easily have 40% more branches and around 40% more yield for the same size plant, it wont be taller but it will be much bushier,

what light schedule do you have it under and what lights are you using on it, also is the pot its in the final pot your going to keep it in or will it be going to a bigger pot as its hard to tell by the picks, ive for a couple of reveg clones going at the minute and their all ready throwing out branches all over the place, the one clone is about 3 inches high and im now up to over 7 side shoots growing out of the bud sites,
Thank you all so much for sharing your wisdom. I will leave the plant alone for now. It does not look like it is growing new pistils, and some of them seem to be dying slowly. The plant seems to be stretching also, so it is not looking like flowering growth to me, but I don't have any experience so I am not sure. I like the idea of bumping the light schedule up. I am not 100% sure how many days in reveg. I feel like 14 or so in the soil. But much longer in the cloner. I was doing 13 or so hours of light when it was in the cloner. They are not in final pots, just what I will use until I figure out if we are moving sooner than later. I will likely keep them small. I can supplement their lighting by giving them time outdoors when the weather is ideal. The light I am using is two tube 3 foot GLO T5 78watts. I hope I am describing it right. One of the tubes is blue, and the other is white. I also have another much larger T5 which is up to 432w with 8 bulbs/tubes. The monstercropped clone is fully rooted, you can see the pics in the journal, since I started it in a bubble cloner. I guess my logic was that if I pruned some of the lowest branches now, the branches I will end up keeping in the end will be given more energy overall through the entire life cycle of the plant. Sorry this is all bunched up. I had some very strong stuff from the dispensary and my mind is not all here. I left some of it on standby about an hour ago :)

I am subbed to Miwa's journal, and he has got himself quite a few plants going!

Thank's everyone for liking and giving me advice, and a warm welcome to you Ikronic! The leaves are likely because the plants have some Duck's foot in the lineage, I even got a few calyx's with 3 pistils growing from them. There are pics earlier on.

I put the second White Diamond OG clone in soil today. She stopped growing roots about a week ago in the cloner, so I feel she is ready for a new home. I am really liking the roots organic soil. Think good thoughts for her :) It seems to drain very well, and the plants seem quite happy so far in it. I used Miwa's method of putting lots of holes in the container. If she improves I will put her in a smartpot as well.

Here is a pic of Tiger Lilly, I just love these purple stripes she has. She is having a very hard time keeping her leaves up now, and really seems to be struggling. I don't know if it is the colder nights, or because she is too root bound, but I will do my best to keep her going. She has well over a hundred bud sites on her now, so If I can keep it going for another few weeks, she should yield nicely. Has anyone used foliar feeding during flowering? I was thinking of doing it close to sunset, so she wont have direct light on her, but will have a chance to take in some nutrients. I was also thinking about brewing a compost tea. Let me know what you all think :)

Here is a pic of my red worms, they are eating a ton. They seem to really love the new mix of fruit/veggies mixed w/ coco coir and horse manure. If I put it in before bed time it is completely gone except chunks of rind, or leaves by morning. I also noticed that they are still having lots of babies. If you have every seen an earthworm up close you may have noticed that they have a band on their body which is lighter in color. This is their sex organ. It is actually quite odd to see them mate as they seem to intertwine thier bodies with this organ, and are pretty much stuck for a while. The odd thing is that none of the adult worms on the surface have this 'band'. So where are the babies coming from? Well I called the supplier where I originally got the worms and they said they are just overcrowded, but this did not explain why there are babies all the time(see them on the paper). Well I finally figured it out :) I was taking castings from my outdoor bin (which also seems to have bandless worms) and I found worms with bands deep in the bin. Kind of a tangent, but I just thought I would share this observation.

Thank's everyone for liking and giving me advice, and a warm welcome to you Ikronic! The leaves are likely because the plants have some Duck's foot in the lineage, I even got a few calyx's with 3 pistils growing from them. There are pics earlier on.

I put the second White Diamond OG clone in soil today. She stopped growing roots about a week ago in the cloner, so I feel she is ready for a new home. I am really liking the roots organic soil. Think good thoughts for her :) It seems to drain very well, and the plants seem quite happy so far in it. I used Miwa's method of putting lots of holes in the container. If she improves I will put her in a smartpot as well.
You've got my full attention on this one.
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