Phlizon LED Grow Light Valentine's Day Giveaway

@IKilledIt @SmokingWings @Justin Goody
I thought you were just joking, then I scrolled up. Wasn't laughing at you. My apologies. I've had setups in the past that would make that look fancy.
No offense taken 😋
I admire the spectrum of tents and units and closets and the equipment everyone use. I love the uniqueness and diversity of everyone and their grows.
I could definitely utilize a bada$$ grow light. Then I could upgrade outta a Walmart box!!! ❤️🙏❤️
That would be quite the spectacle to see this light hung inside a cardboard box!!! 😄

I have an extra 5 x 5 my GF ordered by mistake when I got the original one. If your interested and near me you might be able to get it for super cheap. The shipping is what kills it.
That would be quite the spectacle to see this light hung inside a cardboard box!!! 😄

I have an extra 5 x 5 my GF ordered by mistake when I got the original one. If your interested and near me you might be able to get it for super cheap. The shipping is what kills it.
You need a decent cardboard box to ship it in. Walmart do a good one.

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