Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

Pull out your Amy Safe thoughts again. Not good news from down under:

Currently sheltered at a beach. As far away from fire as possible. Hectic day. Evacuated to town, not safe there... headed out to the heads. Ocean is the next stop we think.

Neighbor sent message that big fire in our bush, going nuts. Lots of crew there...

Pls pass on and say send the prayers! This feels more hectic than last time.
I was hoping that the fire crews would be able to get those monsters under control during the respite you had. Sending prayers for your continued safety, and that of those around you. May your home and garden come through unscathed as well.

Take care, and stay strong!
Positive thoughts, prayers and hope coming your way, Amy :hug:
Tonight's update from Amy:

Back in town now in the house and a bed, resting. Toking Blueberry. Made the best of it last night, had a small sturdy public amenities block and outdoor shower, a street light all to ourselves near the beach in a clearer area. We got well away from the fire zone.

It was absolutely as uncomfortable as you'd imagine, but we had a variety of good calming medications, clearer air, no hectic firefighting around us and the sound of the sea... such a salve.

Stayed full on here in town until late into the night apparently. Everyone exhausted and okay.

Thanks for all the messages to everyone. @dr.h00k lol! Not to mention the Jack Jumping Ant.

Keeping as good spirits as one can when you feel like you’ve woken up in a sci-fi. Nearly all human and animal interactions have a softness to them. People brought us food. We got offered a house in a supposed safe zone but it was so surrounded by trees really really close I was like “no way!”

Wrecked now but still have the ocean in my ears ♥️♥️♥️

Checking in on Eden later today. :ciao:
Amy, so glad to hear you are still safe. You continue to be in our thoughts. :Namaste:
It would be nice for her to return to a thread full of hearts :)

Sounds good to me!

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