BeezLuiz & LiquidIntel Outdoor Grow 2019: White Widow, Northern Lights & CBD Lemon Potion

I just occurred to me that lighting could be the yellowing issue. Are they trying to flower? Obvious question right...?
Well, most of this week has been grey - either due to fog not burning off until 1pm, or clouds - there was actually a chance of rain yesterday (but didn't). However, I think they are still getting plenty of sunlight. I don't think they want to start flower, but we'll see.
Color is looking much better now, the NL is gorgeous!
Thanks Penny :thanks: Other than the yellowing, the plants seem to be growing nicely -- and consistently.
Yeah, Cali weather so far this spring has been unpredictable. :hmmmm:
Why did your plants also get shorter when you transplanted them?
I planted them an inch or so deeper than they were in the solo cups.
Saturday morning update:

This morning Beez and I topped NL and WW for the second time. We waited to see if the plant would recover from its yellowing issue. We topped both plants at nodes 6A and 6B. Currently we don't plan to top LP. All in all, everything is looking good.

Hello all, well got another 3” rain last night and wanted to show Beez my plants do the same as his is doing. Yellow at the top but my whole plants are now showing the signs. It’s like I’m getting flushed every time it rains, I just feed again after the rain. I was thinking maybe you need to add more nutes than recommend, I’m getting close to being a 1 1/2 time the recommended feeding (just a suggestion). My plants are just absorbing it just so fast and I only have had sun exposure half of the last week.
May 11, Saturday

Topping with yellow tops hasn’t seem to hurt my plants, if something really is going wrong the plant send repair hormones up there to heal it after it’s topped so you could potentially fix it by making the plant focus there. And when topping outdoors you want to top at the very highest spot to get a clean top. You can even get even closer to the tip and get a clean top (I would have to show diagram pics) You don’t want to loose anymore internodes growth as possible you’ve already grown, you can always supper crop and prune later to shape.

Edit here is a week comparison pic
May 5, Sunday
Thanks SB, that's good info. Even though my new growth was a bit yellow, the plants still seem be grow nicely -- just like yours. I have indeed bumped up the nutes just a bit. I would imagine increased nutes is OK as long as you keep an eye on early signs of nute burning.
Yeah I rather see small tip burns and know I’m maxing my plants intake. But I can’t seem to get a break with all this rain, got nearly 7” in a week, it’s unreal. That’s good to hear your girls are growing nicely, post some updates, I’m a picture junky and would love to keep seeing them. Time to deflate all my clones to nothing and prune/ partly defoliate the main girls. See you around.

Note: SB4L = Stoned Bro’s for Life
Here's how the three plants compare side by side.

Looking great!

You're at a place where, if you wished, you could bend the main stems of your photos & tie them down. The other branches will start to go vertical in response & you could then LST them.

But there's many routes & most work.

The topping results look spiffy. I think you'll be much happier with a shorter, but bushier grow, than last year's vertical giants. But you'll find out!

(I've got no advice on the autos, due to zero experience with 'em).

Nice work & grow on!
Beez my man! Things are looking great over here and the recovery will happen! Nice transplant work and I bet they are happier!
Here's how the three plants compare side by side.

I'm not loving the shape of Lemon Potion. It's growing tall but skinny. Since it's an auto, it got no pruning, but I almost wish I had topped it once early on.

I love these pictures outdoors all lined up! Great stuff!
Hey beez, are you sure your plants are getting enough sun. I just made it home and the sun has been vivid today. My plants have popped back green and I haven’t even nutes them yet today. I’ll get a pic and post in my journal in a min. I’m mixing up my nutes now and going to enzyme them as well today.
Almost looks like AK47
Sometimes the Autos are wierd.
Well see how she grows out in the next couple weeks.
The topping results look spiffy. I think you'll be much happier with a shorter, but bushier grow, than last year's vertical giants.
Thanks, and I think you're right: I like the shape of the topped plants very much.
Things are looking great over here and the recovery will happen! Nice transplant work and I bet they are happier!
Hey beez, are you sure your plants are getting enough sun.
I usually take my pictures early morning or evening when the sun is not directly on the plants, but It has indeed been very grey this past week - but not much I can do about Mother Nature. Probably another week of fog and clouds - even rain forecast for Thursday - Arg!
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