BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Awesome pics BID. I got dumb question what is High Brix? I google but no clear answer.

well thats a good question, and the exact answer varies from one school of thought to another, some ppl see it as evolved organic gardening
others say its a specific group of products used in a very precise schedule, but in essence to me its creating an optimal environment (soil,light,nutrients,minerals,soil life/mycorrhizae/microbes,temps & air)
i tend to think of it as highly mineralized soil/medium/coco full of beneficial bacteria etc. most of what the plant lives on is added in the beginning,then followed by nutrient drenches and foliar sprays creating an optimal synergistic enviro that allows the plants to grow to their maximum genetic potential. the term high brix is reference to the brix (carbohydrate/dissolved solids/sugar content) level it is measured with a device called a refractometer and the higher the "brix" the better its also a good way to test the health/quality of any plant or food, some ppl use it simply to decide where they want to buy their veggies, for example we had some tomatoes from our garden the other night, simply put they were incredible! solid red all the way thru and tasted like nothing ive ever had from a store or farmers market even our own "organic" tomatoes we grew last year didnt compare, i tested the brix of these at 13 brix!! the average tomato tests between 4-6
thats a huge difference and it shows in taste aroma and how good they make you feel, truly nutrient dense food, when applied to medical cannabis it creates a far superior effect that lasts much longer tastes and smells unbelievable! its not like any other weed you've ever had, i have to think that the medicinal value has to be much greater too, my first truely high brix plant a blue dream pictured heavily in my other active journal (bid 5.1) is an astonishing med i cant really describe in full detail it is absolutely the way i will grow everything i grow from now on.
i believe it is the future of all growing in all agriculture(if were smart and ban the gmo crap)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't really see the point in saying you can test an LED light without owning a $20 KillaWatt meter so you can give people real useful information about it the actuall wat draw s one of the most useful data bits and impossible to get from the manufacter, anyway this is a good ideal the testing just very poorly performed, sorry.

Awesome! I didn't know you were gonna jump off on the light this fast! IM jealous of your switches,I wish mine had a veg since it's got the veg less built in, it would save a few Pennies & be easier on seedlings, but regardless I love the light,and I think you'll loves yours,if flowering goes well I will likely convert all my tents to LED from TopLeD

I don't have a kill a watt I do know that the light is nearly silent,and produced almost no heat a slight amount of heat can be felt if you touch the glass that shrouds the array,,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't really see the point in saying you can test an LED light without owning a $20 KillaWatt meter so you can give people real useful information about it the actuall wat draw s one of the most useful data bits and impossible to get from the manufacter, anyway this is a good ideal the testing just very poorly performed, sorry.

Bid and Buckshot are 2 well respected growers on this forum who have proven their skills with what they use to grow. This test is about using a new sponsors product to let us all know if it really works or not before people pay money for something that does not work if that is the case at the end of the test. I never heard of a killawatt meter before or used one nor has anyone I know personally that grows. Im not saying actual draw of a light isnt important to some but to others like myself who gives a shit as long as it will grow some plants and save a few bucks on the power bill each month. I dont see your killawatt meter doing either of those things.

One of the things I like most about this site is the lack of assholes and shit talkers that a few other forums Ive been on have so please dont ruin that for us.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

well thats a good question, and the exact answer varies from one school of thought to another, some ppl see it as evolved organic gardening
others say its a specific group of products used in a very precise schedule, but in essence to me its creating an optimal environment (soil,light,nutrients,minerals,soil life/mycorrhizae/microbes,temps & air)
i tend to think of it as highly mineralized soil/medium/coco full of beneficial bacteria etc. most of what the plant lives on is added in the beginning,then followed by nutrient drenches and foliar sprays creating an optimal synergistic enviro that allows the plants to grow to their maximum genetic potential. the term high brix is reference to the brix (carbohydrate/dissolved solids/sugar content) level it is measured with a device called a refractometer and the higher the "brix" the better its also a good way to test the health/quality of any plant or food, some ppl use it simply to decide where they want to buy their veggies, for example we had some tomatoes from our garden the other night, simply put they were incredible! solid red all the way thru and tasted like nothing ive ever had from a store or farmers market even our own "organic" tomatoes we grew last year didnt compare, i tested the brix of these at 13 brix!! the average tomato tests between 4-6
thats a huge difference and it shows in taste aroma and how good they make you feel, truly nutrient dense food, when applied to medical cannabis it creates a far superior effect that lasts much longer tastes and smells unbelievable! its not like any other weed you've ever had, i have to think that the medicinal value has to be much greater too, my first truely high brix plant a blue dream pictured heavily in my other active journal (bid 5.1) is an astonishing med i cant really describe in full detail it is absolutely the way i will grow everything i grow from now on, heres a link that will give you a ton of info on what its all about, hb link
i believe it is the future of all growing in all agriculture(if were smart and ban the gmo crap)

Thanks for the thorough answer, that was why could not find one set definition, it means different things to different people.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Bid and Buckshot are 2 well respected growers on this forum who have proven their skills with what they use to grow. This test is about using a new sponsors product to let us all know if it really works or not before people pay money for something that does not work if that is the case at the end of the test. I never heard of a killawatt meter before or used one nor has anyone I know personally that grows. Im not saying actual draw of a light isnt important to some but to others like myself who gives a shit as long as it will grow some plants and save a few bucks on the power bill each month. I dont see your killawatt meter doing either of those things.

One of the things I like most about this site is the lack of assholes and shit talkers that a few other forums Ive been on have so please dont ruin that for us.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Skunkday BID and Miss Spiffy:)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't really see the point in saying you can test an LED light without owning a $20 KillaWatt meter so you can give people real useful information about it the actuall wat draw s one of the most useful data bits and impossible to get from the manufacter, anyway this is a good ideal the testing just very poorly performed, sorry.
The site has that info, this light is going to average 240 watts of draw from 400 watts of LED. Do some research, it cures ignorance!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't really see the point in saying you can test an LED light without owning a $20 KillaWatt meter so you can give people real useful information about it the actuall wat draw s one of the most useful data bits and impossible to get from the manufacter, anyway this is a good ideal the testing just very poorly performed, sorry.

What are you after specs' or results give it time growin isn't always in the specs it's an art if the LEDs are good then we'll get good results
CHILL!! :peace::high-five::circle-of-love::thanks::welcome::bravo:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey BID....been a minute since I've swung through to check on things and looks like that LED light is really vegging the girls well. What kinds of growth traits and other observations have you made this round with the LED vs your previous HID grows? Have you checked brix level under the LED? I'm curious if it hits higher, same or lower than your previous grows. I have read that LED and lights that hit PAR have a tendency to produce higher brix, however I haven't really seen proof of the claims so I am definitely curious to see if your blue dream hits as high as last round... Love watching the grow and the prices of these LED's really have me interested being that they are about 1/2 the price as most other manufacturers.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Bid and Buckshot are 2 well respected growers on this forum who have proven their skills with what they use to grow. This test is about using a new sponsors product to let us all know if it really works or not before people pay money for something that does not work if that is the case at the end of the test. I never heard of a killawatt meter before or used one nor has anyone I know personally that grows. Im not saying actual draw of a light isnt important to some but to others like myself who gives a shit as long as it will grow some plants and save a few bucks on the power bill each month. I dont see your killawatt meter doing either of those things.

One of the things I like most about this site is the lack of assholes and shit talkers that a few other forums Ive been on have so please dont ruin that for us.
Haha..I just said the same thing to the same guy on Bucks thread just not as well:)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't really see the point in saying you can test an LED light without owning a $20 KillaWatt meter so you can give people real useful information about it the actuall wat draw s one of the most useful data bits and impossible to get from the manufacter, anyway this is a good ideal the testing just very poorly performed, sorry.

Hostile vendor?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't really see the point in saying you can test an LED light without owning a $20 KillaWatt meter so you can give people real useful information about it the actuall wat draw s one of the most useful data bits and impossible to get from the manufacter, anyway this is a good ideal the testing just very poorly performed, sorry.
did you really just invalidate my test over owning a piece of equipment I really couldn't care about, if IM understanding your implication my test of how this LED grows plants is somehow affected by how much power it draws? That by not knowing the exact wattage the results of what happens under the light are invalid? While having a "kill a watt" would be a nice luxury to have, IM not in a position to go buy equipment that I might use twice a year, and like someone said the website states the draw at 240 Watts, good enough for me and aparantly most of the other members too,at least the ones that have spoken up, it seems you are easy to criticize and discredit me and my methods, not nice nor productive, if you don't approve of my methods your certainly free to get your own light and test it how you think is proper, but I don't think that my test of the growing ability of this is affected in any way by it's exact power draw, I think that what the subscribers are interested in is how plants grow under it plain & simple

Bid and Buckshot are 2 well respected growers on this forum who have proven their skills with what they use to grow. This test is about using a new sponsors product to let us all know if it really works or not before people pay money for something that does not work if that is the case at the end of the test. I never heard of a killawatt meter before or used one nor has anyone I know personally that grows. Im not saying actual draw of a light isnt important to some but to others like myself who gives a shit as long as it will grow some plants and save a few bucks on the power bill each month. I dont see your killawatt meter doing either of those things.

One of the things I like most about this site is the lack of assholes and shit talkers that a few other forums Ive been on have so please dont ruin that for us.
thank you CD I appreciate your support,, I believe the light used little power for what it produces in light, I feel strongly that not having a kilowatt meter compromises the quality of the test,as far as awhile members the staff deals with them very effectively:thumb:

Thanks for the thorough answer, that was why could not find one set definition, it means different things to different people.
your welcome, I have recently been informed that we need not discuss specific brands of products in public forums,so from now on I will just use generic terms,and if anybody cares to pm me for specifics I'll happily oblige,certain companies don't want to be associated in any way with mmj even fully legal ,and I respect it, it's their prerogative :Namaste:

Happy Skunkday BID and Miss Spiffy:)
and to you too good sir:high-five:

The site has that info, this light is going to average 240 watts of draw from 400 watts of LED. Do some research, it cures ignorance!
:rofl: bang goes the bells! Somebody got TOLD! Thank you for your supportive comment:thumb:

Seriously now you go after BID? Im not even going to go after you as others already took care of it.

Props BID. Your effort and time are appreciated. Your little colony there looks like they could be swaying back and forth singing kumbayah. Lights look like they are performing their duties admirably too.
yup IM quite thrilled with the results thus far:thumb:

nice update BID:bravo:

Sorry BID I went off I'll try and real it in Some:peace::high-five::circle-of-love::thumb::goodjob::cheer:

Hey BID....been a minute since I've swung through to check on things and looks like that LED light is really vegging the girls well. What kinds of growth traits and other observations have you made this round with the LED vs your previous HID grows? Have you checked brix level under the LED? I'm curious if it hits higher, same or lower than your previous grows. I have read that LED and lights that hit PAR have a tendency to produce higher brix, however I haven't really seen proof of the claims so I am definitely curious to see if your blue dream hits as high as last round... Love watching the grow and the prices of these LED's really have me interested being that they are about 1/2 the price as most other manufacturers.
I have been really busy as of late, I posted some notation in my last pic update you might want to go over it again,IM planning on some testing of brix soon I will pm you my findings, I had a bunch of work to catch up on hell IM always behind, I found pm in my big tent last night so I have a major cleanup to do, sheesh it's always something! I am becoming a believer in these TopLeD lights, and I wanting more...hehe! And yeah I looked at pricing these are the lowest I have seen,thanks for stoppin' in ice always a pleasure:Namaste::circle-of-love::thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Skunkday Bid:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I approve of BID's LED testing!!!! :) :420::bravo:

As always a beautiful job of keeping an amazing journal!!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Dear all, First, thank you BID, I really love the grow journal you and Buck post.

80x5w light, draw power is 198w under 110v . 192w under 220v. led grow light. the chip size will decide how bright the light is. the power only affect a little .

BTW, I have updated the price of our store, lower than ebay. so if you want to order led grow light, it is high time to order. we have enough stock now. delivery time will be very fast.
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