Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Is this your set up Cajun? Who's the devil? Ha ha
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow


A lil better shot of the inverted V trellising.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

UPDATE 5-19-15

{{as she steps on stage higher than..snow... in her see through dress, and in her best Marilyn Monroe voice, she sings:}}

"Happy Birthday lil' Miss Cannabis...Happy Birthday to you...."


First born, and it was the next to the last seed I was waiting forever on. LOL Purple Cheese #2 is alive and kicking!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow


Trellis, but it's indoors. Would be great outdoors.

Good grief Cajun! Now THAT'S a trellis full of yum yum....and more than one. That's awesome. :goodjob:

I think outside I'm going to use the trellis panels only as a view block on the outside of the fence. That area can be seen from the house and driveway. The trellis will make it so you can't tell what's in there from that far away.
I want to just let the plants go natural to see what they do. It's the best place I have that is already fenced in, readily accessible and gets full sun. that your grow??


Edit:'re moving. Can't be your grow. Is that pic from somewhere on your recent Cannabis Cup trip?
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

One more new kid overnight,
Original Sensible Seeds Purple #1. :cheer:

Now, the final Cash Crop seed just plain wasn't going to pop...well maybe next year some time. LOL
I've done this little trick before, with success, so I tried it again. Last night I took the seed out and let it dry a bit. Then I held it very carefully and took a pocket knife to the edge of the seed and scraped it very lightly. Extremely lightly. Just shaved a wee bit off the edge to let some water in there. I dropped it back in the water and put it back in the warm place.

This morning I see it has finally popped open slightly with a nice white tap root ready. :cheer:
Of course, I had already dropped that last seed in yesterday to replace it. LOL

Have a great day all!
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

One more new kid overnight,
Original Sensible Seeds Purple #1. :cheer:

Now, the final Cash Crop seed just plain wasn't going to pop...well maybe next year some time. LOL
I've done this little trick before, with success, so I tried it again. Last night I took the seed out and let it dry a bit. Then I held it very carefully and took a pocket knife to the edge of the seed and scraped it very lightly. Extremely lightly. Just shaved a wee bit off the edge to let some water in there. I dropped it back in the water and put it back in the warm place.

This morning I see it has finally popped open slightly with a nice white tap root ready. :cheer:
Of course, I had already dropped that last seed in yesterday to replace it. LOL

Have a great day all!

Growing plants is like the stock market. Even when you do everything right and the outcome is great, in hindsight you could have done better :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

For sure Radogast...there's ALWAYS hindsight. :laugh:

Well it looks like Purple Cheese is going to be a feisty growing strain. The purple cheese #3, which was germed a couple days later than the rest of the seeds and planted two days later (if my memory is good), has broke soil already. :)
The Purple cheese with the dark taproot has done nothing yet, but we're still "rooting" for her.

And I sure hope this weather warms up around here. Only in the 50's this week with some cold azzed wind. I won't be planting those outdoor girls this weekend.....high doubts on that. But I will get the area deweeded, degrassed and ready. I've got a small tiller that will do the job nicely.

I will probably go ahead and separate that clump of 6 wildlings tonight though, and get them in separate containers. I don't want to wait until they have a bigger root system and start choking each other off.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Well, this was a very delicate job for sure. That system was very tiny and very tangled. But the Wildlings sextuplets are no longer joined at the roots.

Here's what I started with after swishing carefully in water to remove dirt clumps:


Here's what I wound up with. I don't think I damaged any roots at all.


And they are now all in their own pots with the other wildlings.


One of them, in the picture it's in the green container, wound up getting chopped down to only one leaf. When I had them planted I removed the chewed up affected leaves by the thrips and it turned to be all but one leaf on a single plant. Ooops.....we'll see how it does now, but I don't have any great expectations.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hey all, That's Jorge Cervantes's current grow. Not mine...Lol. If I had 3 stories full of trees, I wouldn't be, well you get it.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

BTW, for those who might be wondering.....the homemade CFL fixture. This is made from an old bathroom cabinet lighting fixture. You can pick these up really cheap at garage sales and Habitat for Humanity places.
I attached it to a board and made an electrical cord for it, and then placed some furnace duct work pieces cut in half on top for the reflector wings. Each outlet will hold two bulbs with the outlet adapters. I have only 4 bulbs in for the seedlings.


Canna, I cannot believe your timing! :laughtwo: I need to build one this weekend and was going to look for ideas. This is perfect. :thanks:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Well, no new little ones the last couple days. There are two that appear to be peeking though. I may have planted some of those seeds a bit deep. Was going for no more than half an inch, but I might have gone an inch on a couple of them. Some people even go no more than 1/4", but I like it more than that.

It's almost Saturday, and I can't wait to get outside to.......
what do you think the first thing I'm going to do is? ;-)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I just wanted to make a clarification with everyone on germing these seeds in water. I was talking to someone a bit ago that asked how long I let the taproots grow before taking them out of the water.

I don't let the taproots grow in water, I take the seeds out as soon as I see they have popped and then put them directly in soil normally.
I only used the paper towels this time to keep them damp so I could plant them all at once. You can let the taproots grow out some by leaving in the damp paper towels, but I have not found that necessary during my last two grows. They sprout just fine for me planting them as soon as they pop. Some take longer than others. :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Good morning Canna,

We've the feel of snow in the air tonight...and not the four letter kind :)

Hope you have a great day mate :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow too :)

Didn't snow overnight....but it's Brrrrrr this morning.

Good morning Canna, Good morning Dennise :)
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