Cons Indoor Auto Soil Grow 3.1

I don't agree con. Not fugly, "different." :Rasta:
yeah the DG don't like the 90 degree training but took a chunk of bud & let it sit out all night so i'll see how it is later today its sticky as hell & smells nice, i'm gonna try a little different tweek to my training style with this summers grow
Happy Sunday everyone hope all is good, Week 12 & the FB's & DG are drying nice at tenps 15-18c & RH @ 62-68%, the GxPP looks like about 2-3 weeks left & coming along nice but it looks like it might be starting to fox tail but had some over heat issuesi n that tent last week which is corrected now, the GG is coming along Good & probably be done around the same time as the GxPP, the Alien vs Triangle is getting fat & needed to support a couple buds & should be done in about a week give or take a few days, the Grappa is about done according to the trichs quite a bit of amber a bit more than i'm used to so it'll be chopped today if not tomorrow latest it is a great looking plant color structure & smell wise i'll defenitly grow this one again but could of done a better job with it this round & thats about it heres some crappy pics Enjoy the upcoming week

Outstanding con.

You're Growing with a capital "G"! :Rasta:
Outstanding con.

You're Growing with a capital "G"! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB i made a few mistakes with this grow, like to much light & temp issues due to to warm of a winter same as you. but did learn a few things by trial & error & fluke but all part of growing
Grappa is chopped & hanging took a bit longer than the last 3 but some weight to this one 3 to go










nd if you haven't entered the GxPPa in POTM, I'd throw that hat in the ring if I were you.
Agree, I thought it myself, just didn't say it at the time.
Great fistfuls of flowers con! Congrats on all four harvest and the stickiness, and if you haven't entered the GxPPa in POTM, I'd throw that hat in the ring if I were you.

:welldone: on all the goodness you've got growing on.
Thanks Shed, i'll probably enter it next month
Grappa is chopped & hanging took a bit longer than the last 3 but some weight to this one 3 to go










Holy Moly WoW! Great freeken work my friend.:adore::adore:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill appreciate the words & having you pop in
I fall behind. :Namaste:
But appreciate quality work. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
mid week/hump day hope all is well, so the FB stunted & DG have been drying for 6-7 days & having a hard time keeping the temp & humidity steady would of liked a slower dry but what can one do, the mutated FB probably will be done drying today or tomorrow & the grappa probably around the weekend, both the FB stunted & DG weighed & in jars with humidity 58-66% so a few days of burping, the FB stunted weighed out to 70 grams about 2.4oz & was more than i expected so bonus for me & the DG was 72 grams so about 2.5 oz around what i was expecting, better than a ounce anyways & thats it for now have a great day


Everything went better than expected! :welldone:

And when I have to pull my stems off the drying lines early it just means a little longer in the burp phase.
Thanks Shed slowly fillin up the coffers & hand some out to who needs it most
Good morning folks got around trimming & jarring the FB Mutant & it did a bit better than her sister it came out to 103 grams or 3.6oz the meighbors likes the FB so i can now give them 2oz & my lawn will be mowed through out the summer while at the lake bonus, have a good day & upcoming weekend

Nice haul and good bartering, con! :Rasta:
Nice haul and good bartering, con! :Rasta:
thanks GDB yeah works perfect for me i don't like mowing to much crap to do & want to get out of the city 10 min after getting back
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