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So I wrote that last post 3 hours ago. While doing it Lopin called and said she was pulled over and had issues and couldn't get off the highway. So why would a state boy pull her over and give her a citation and leave her on the side of the highway for over an hour until her parents could come help her? Then i look at her citation and it's written up as a different year and color of car. Sure it was her that was speeding? Her name and license plate are the only thing right.
You will be able to fight that I assure you, any discrepancies on the ticket will cause that ticket to get thrown out. The only time is standing at court and presenting this wrong information and then proving it's wrong. I wouldn't worry about it too much except that it sucks. What a piece of work leaving her like that. What is this world coming to.
It was an interesting night to say the least :rolleyes:. The cop even got his mile markers wrong. I was sitting at 61.6 and he said it was 59. Pretty sure I didn't drive 2 miles unless miles have suddenly gotten shorter. Pontiac stopped making cars in 2010 and he said mine was a 2011:hmmmm:

@Lady G2HM Glad you are doing better! Our ponies are okay but Mom's horse has ringbone starting. Hoping injections help him. You should see Quarter Horse Congress sometime, It's a blast!
@LopinNSmokin - Yah I've dated my fair share of speed demons (not saying you were speeding:cool:) and spent lots of time waiting in court with them. The stories I have make me laugh now. But basically any errors made on the ticket administratively makes the ticket void and it gets thrown out.

Also, many popo don't even show up to the court to uphold the ALLEGED violation, so it gets thrown out too. It's more of a nuisance, if anything. I'm sorry you had to go through that shiz. It's hard when people in authority are outright wrong, and the experience sucks. But when I look back at all the dealings I've had with the popo, I think, I'm a wise chica now and made me street smart. Chalk this up to some street cred, and walk away, better yet, drive away. Double tough is double got this.

That's hard to hear about your Mom's pony I hope he heals, my special guy is limping now, he's half grey and is walking slower. I walk more to him now with the carrots. Amazing growing old with horses is like an unspoken honour of a sacred connection. I have to admit I got really sad when I saw him limping, I started to tear, and his brother came up behind me and grunted and pushed me over and we laughed so hard, because there is no crying at the ranch, only good times. Boy do I learn fast cause they are so strong. They are everything aren't they, I haven't seen them in 3 weeks, so I'm itchin'.

Oops brain ramble...had to catch up with you and DB. Stuff happens to me so fast, I don't often get to reach out. But I'm back in full effect. :hug: Great to see you're kickin' life in the a*s...hahahaha Talk soon, my best. :Namaste:
You should see Quarter Horse Congress sometime, It's a blast!

I rode in Congress as a younger man, about 32 years ago. The world's largest single breed horse show. It's pretty amazing.
So last night they looked good. The smaller one is getting a wee bit of tip burn. Looks like she doesn't have the same appetite as the big girl.
I rode in Congress as a younger man, about 32 years ago. The world's largest single breed horse show. It's pretty amazing.
That it is. I had some friends show at congress and my coach was reserve and grand champ in at least 3 reining classes. It's an insane show with how much money it brings in and the crowd it draws.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's wife. So sad to have to bury the young.

And I hope Lopin is okay now. That ticket is out the window.
You and now derbybud tickets cops wrongfully accused .

Hang in there boyz sorry about lopin @Derbybud
Hey derbybud good evening buddy.

Just wanted to say there is a contest courtesy of sara and team mars hydro to win a new light thought I’d share for you and any of your friends here :Namaste:

Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion
Best of luck :Namaste:
Thanks Joe but i'm not using my Mars light for anything anymore.
No problem just thought I’d share even if you enter it you could always donate through to someone close to you no?
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