Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

She looks good dajerm, I need to give mine some leaf wash, just put 2 new ones in flower. Seems LW gives them that shiny look, I didn't use last round.

Hey Killerbudz, I got some 7 gal fabric pots that are few inches shorter than my plastic pots. Those may help with shorter tent. Follow Duggans thread, he's the master at training. You should be fine, may take a run or 2 to find best time to flip. You could also maybe make a couple pots, just build em short and wide like a raised bed planter. That would probably be best way to keep most head room.

Thanks Buck! She won't get as frosty as your girls, but I think she'll do much better than the last. Yea, that Leaf Wash kinda reminds me of Leaf Shine, its a product you spray onto a rag and wipe on the leaves of ornamental indoor plants. It removes the dust and leaves a shiny coating behind. But Docs Leaf Wash is way better cause its a foliar as well, the plants will be praying to the lights for days after! They love that stuff.
She looks good dajerm, I need to give mine some leaf wash, just put 2 new ones in flower. Seems LW gives them that shiny look, I didn't use last round.

Hey Killerbudz, I got some 7 gal fabric pots that are few inches shorter than my plastic pots. Those may help with shorter tent. Follow Duggans thread, he's the master at training. You should be fine, may take a run or 2 to find best time to flip. You could also maybe make a couple pots, just build em short and wide like a raised bed planter. That would probably be best way to keep most head room.
It is time I popped into duggans thread, I'm so impressed with star pupil grows. Appreciate all the help guys I'm positive I'll order the kit soon. :surf:
Just wanted to drop these pics... Noel is filling really nice. Here she is in a 7gal pot. First pic is day of transplant, after trim up, Leaf Wash, and watering in with 1/4 TP. Second pic is today, almost 4 days since transplant.

And I thought i'd put this one up as well, just so you guys can see the kinda sorta levelness of the canopy.

Holy crap! That's a T H I C C girl!
Thanks Duggs! That means a lot comming from you. I was feeding really heavy before Transplant. But after I put her in that fresh soil I only gave the water with 1/4 TP. My temps have been 78/80 and most days my humidity is around 50-55 but she’s been in there 4 days and only 1 day it was at 55 , the last 3 days it’s been closer to 40-45. Trying to get it back up there!

Edit: Ta Da! My bad guys:rip:
That's a very good enviro,..don't fret about the RH, it's perfectly fine . Between 40-60% is the 'good' zone.
She is at a perfect stage , right now for shaping,...I would leave the main 'ties' in place , let her fill in some. During the next few weeks just SC the leaders that start to runaway . Stay on top of it, every day, be diligent. Did you soak the pot at transplant,..hope so ,..remember this is when roots are working the new soil,..she still hasn't 'taken off' yet,..still building , mostly roots. After the first good drink, that's when you will see her go....:surf: . Let her dry out good .
Cheers eh!:high-five:
That's a very good enviro,..don't fret about the RH, it's perfectly fine . Between 40-60% is the 'good' zone.
She is at a perfect stage , right now for shaping,...I would leave the main 'ties' in place , let her fill in some. During the next few weeks just SC the leaders that start to runaway . Stay on top of it, every day, be diligent. Did you soak the pot at transplant,..hope so ,..remember this is when roots are working the new soil,..she still hasn't 'taken off' yet,..still building , mostly roots. After the first good drink, that's when you will see her go....:surf: . Let her dry out good .
Cheers eh!:high-five:

Awesome, I’m glad my environment is ok... Thank you for the training tips! I can always use the tips I’m not the best at training canopies.
I used 1 gallon of water. That’s what I usually water with In 7 gallon pots. Guess I shoulda soaked it better the first time? Like until there’s extra or...?
Yes sir, I always let em dry out pretty good before i water until they have some buds goin. Then I’ll water sooner, won’t let me dry out quite as much. Sound good?:thanks:
Awesome, I’m glad my environment is ok... Thank you for the training tips! I can always use the tips I’m not the best at training canopies.
I used 1 gallon of water. That’s what I usually water with In 7 gallon pots. Guess I shoulda soaked it better the first time? Like until there’s extra or...?
Yes sir, I always let em dry out pretty good before i water until they have some buds goin. Then I’ll water sooner, won’t let me dry out quite as much. Sound good?:thanks:
Good morning 119...alls good bud! Its a good practice to water untill it comes out the bottom...then u know all the soil will be moistened.Then let the roots search out every last drop before that first drink...really gets the roots working ...searching...building! Shes gonna be very pretty in a few weeks when those top colas start to form...yeepa!
Have a great day 119!
Good morning 119...alls good bud! Its a good practice to water untill it comes out the bottom...then u know all the soil will be moistened.Then let the roots search out every last drop before that first drink...really gets the roots working ...searching...building! Shes gonna be very pretty in a few weeks when those top colas start to form...yeepa!
Have a great day 119!

Good morning to you as well Duggan! I’m hoping, and keeping my
Fingers crossed, you have a better day today.
I hear ya in the water till runoff, I was just trying to do it like Doc. I’m not sure how good he soaks them at Transplant, but he only uses 1gal water everytime he waters in flower with these 7gals.
So you think everytime I Water I should have runoff? Or some left in the tray? I pour half in the tray and half down the top usually. Not the Transplant water though, as I want the soil to settle. I’ll be sure to use more water next Transplant for sure, thank you for looking out for me Duggs!!
I’m pretty excited to see what she looks like in a couple weeks!
Hey Duggs, you know if the instructions have been updated since 6/17? Cause In those it still says to use recharge @ 3 weeks bloom... I received my new recharge yesterday and it says on the package use @ 2 weeks bloom. Im sure the new stuff is right, just wanted to be sure.
Good morning to you as well Duggan! I’m hoping, and keeping my
Fingers crossed, you have a better day today.
I hear ya in the water till runoff, I was just trying to do it like Doc. I’m not sure how good he soaks them at Transplant, but he only uses 1gal water everytime he waters in flower with these 7gals.
So you think everytime I Water I should have runoff? Or some left in the tray? I pour half in the tray and half down the top usually. Not the Transplant water though, as I want the soil to settle. I’ll be sure to use more water next Transplant for sure, thank you for looking out for me Duggs!!
I’m pretty excited to see what she looks like in a couple weeks!
Hey Duggs, you know if the instructions have been updated since 6/17? Cause In those it still says to use recharge @ 3 weeks bloom... I received my new recharge yesterday and it says on the package use @ 2 weeks bloom. Im sure the new stuff is right, just wanted to be sure.
No worries 119...i am here to help...and ya...i will be 'watching over you'.
Timing of the Recharge is NOT critical ok...2 or 3 weeks after transplant or in your case after bloom start is ok! I would go with 2 weeks ...but thats just me...i like to give it a bit earlier to take more advantage of it cuz it needs some time to get 'broken down' so the plant and soil can use it.
With watering...try just giving her 1,1/2 gals next time down the top...but do it in two seperate times over a few mins....this will let the whole soil mass get moist ok!If some runs out the worries, it will soon get sucked back up! A tip....when its time to water her , for the first time...the pot will be dry...lift it up...get a feel for how light/heavy it is , then you know just when to water ...ok! Remember too instructions are a guidline to follow...nothing is in 'stone'.cheers...enjoy your day sir!
No worries 119...i am here to help...and ya...i will be 'watching over you'.
Timing of the Recharge is NOT critical ok...2 or 3 weeks after transplant or in your case after bloom start is ok! I would go with 2 weeks ...but thats just me...i like to give it a bit earlier to take more advantage of it cuz it needs some time to get 'broken down' so the plant and soil can use it.
With watering...try just giving her 1,1/2 gals next time down the top...but do it in two seperate times over a few mins....this will let the whole soil mass get moist ok!If some runs out the worries, it will soon get sucked back up! A tip....when its time to water her , for the first time...the pot will be dry...lift it up...get a feel for how light/heavy it is , then you know just when to water ...ok! Remember too instructions are a guidline to follow...nothing is in 'stone'.cheers...enjoy your day sir!
Awesome, you the man Duggan!
I’ll give recharge at 2 weeks, and will give more water after transplant from now. I always lift to check weight, best way to know when they are ready! As they fill with buds I gradually water when they are a bit heavier...
Hope you enjoy your day as well!
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