Duggan Does C&N's Devils Carnival

Duggan Does C&N's Devils Carnival - With Doc's Gear

Looking good in there Duggs!! Just wondering if you're still running them 18/8 and if so how long do you train for before you usually flip?
Those little ladies will love the improvements Duggs. Big pots. :thumb:

Hey Nis,..Mornin to ya. Yup, you know how I feel about lots of soil!! Lets see these things fly...like that movie quote we like so much...:)

A little bit late to this one Duggan, apologies brother. Here now and eager to see this round :passitleft:
No apologies needed my good brotha! Glad to have you along for this most cool ride! Cheers bud. Oh ya BTW....keep the humor comin...:)

Great job, Duggs; I can appreciate all that work for all the new spoils that will come because of it. Win Win. I especially like your detail in documenting every step of the way. Very thorough.

Tell Buck to take his time to heal well. The body will work it out from here. He has to supply patience by the truckloads....


Have a great one, eh?
Thanks so much Shawnee. Very cool to see your post this morning. Thanks BTW...yes, it was a lot of work and I was tired and sore after ...but...but , as you say , it pays off in the end ...big time! About Buck...I haven't heard anything from him since the other night. I'm a lil worried. Anyhow I will let us all know , just as soon as I find out OK! cheers woman ,..have a great Fri!

Looking good in there Duggs!! Just wondering if you're still running them 18/8 and if so how long do you train for before you usually flip?
Hey 7 , ya they are under 16/8 . That has been my new veg period for a while now. As far as training ...yes they are in "boot camp" for about three weeks before flip. They gotta get big , low and thick before I will flip em! Cheers bud!


Looking good Duggs. I don't think I saw a proper smoke report on the BT's yet?? What's she taste like? What's the buzz like?
Have a good one bud. BTW my DC didn't stretch much.

Great morning to ya Neiko....ya no smoke report yet ...still waiting for some BB taste to come thru. Smoke is ultra smooth with hardly any taste yet. Buzz is very clean but mellow...a nice relaxing buzz with no 'let down'. First 1/2 hr. or so is very productive , then it settles down some . Not too different than the DB ,..just not as potent right off and not as sleepy as the DB. Anyhow , so far , so good . I am really hoping I can taste the BB after a cure! Cheers bud...have a great Fri!:high-five:
Re: Duggan Does C&N's Devils Carnival - With Doc's Gear

Haha that was typo Gazoo, I meant 16/8, Duggs, you knew that as well, I would hope so anyway, lol

I was pretty sure :) but never know about these Brix growers they go
sideways on me sometimes :thanks:

EDIT: Oh Look getting close to my 420 post
need to think of something cool to use for that
Hey Duggan. Question for you brother. What is your logic/reason for using 2 huge pots like you do, as opposed to say growing in four 15 gallon pots (one per plant)? Not knocking, just curious if you have found an advantage to growing them in the same pot as opposed to their own.
Hey Duggan. Question for you brother. What is your logic/reason for using 2 huge pots like you do, as opposed to say growing in four 15 gallon pots (one per plant)? Not knocking, just curious if you have found an advantage to growing them in the same pot as opposed to their own.

Both plants in each pot have access to all 26 gal's. of soil:) instead of just 10 or 15 or?? I don't have room for 4 large pots either! GR is only 42" wide, so....
Ok, cool....I figured that they had to be about that tall. How many gallons of soil does it take to fill them? I am assuming they are trade gallon sized and not actual gallon sized gallons (that still bugs the hell out me).
Ok, cool....I figured that they had to be about that tall. How many gallons of soil does it take to fill them? I am assuming they are trade gallon sized and not actual gallon sized gallons (that still bugs the hell out me).

They hold 26 gal's. of soil approx. I fill them all the way , but i never compact the soil during filling. I always need to get soil from my 'spare soil' bin to top up the pots! Cuz one 'kits worth is a lil lite.
Wow, you have a pot that actually holds the amount of dirt as advertised? Very nice!! Most pots tend to hold the trade gallon amount that is about .7 gallon. So my "5 gallon" pot holds about 3.5 actual gallons, and my "10 gallon pot" holds about 7 real gallons
Wow, you have a pot that actually holds the amount of dirt as advertised? Very nice!! Most pots tend to hold the trade gallon amount that is about .7 gallon. So my "5 gallon" pot holds about 3.5 actual gallons, and my "10 gallon pot" holds about 7 real gallons

Stank...keep in mind bud...i made these pots this big...using two to make one...you understand how i did it?
Stank...keep in mind bud...i made these pots this big...using two to make one...you understand how i did it?

Ah ok, that would explain it. I am pretty sure I know how you did it, its pretty easy with most type of 'air' pots.
Ah ok, that would explain it. I am pretty sure I know how you did it, its pretty easy with most type of 'air' pots.

Yup..the 'Rootbuilder' pots come as sheets..you have to put them in a circle around a pre-made bottom. That's why i had to make my own bottom for them using 1/2 x 1/2 galv. screening.lined with landscaping cloth ...just to keep all the soil from making a mess, coming out the 1/2 inch squares. I just chose to make them 26 gal's. Could have made them any size ..even bigger too!
Re: Duggan Does C&N's Devils Carnival - With Doc's Gear

Already planning my next grow! It's hopefully...and i mean hopefully will consist of two Jamaicans and two Clementines. Still not 100% sure two of these DC's are not 'Autos' ...they look a lil strange ...almost like they don't know either..WTF!
Hmmmm. What's going on with them? They looked good last night when we saw them. They sprouted on July 3rd, or that's when you said something in your last journal, and that is 53 days so it would be hard to think that they are autos unless they have been flowering for a couple weeks.

Edit - they are not flowering in the pictures you posted last night.
Ya Nis...the two up front are the one's that have about ...in total ...ten sets of pistils , where the back two , upon closer inspection have but one or two...just odd to me, is all. It will take them the usual week/ten days to grab the soil. That's when we can have a better look see. They will , no doubt love their new home. Haven't had any plants yet , that don't perform in these pots,..so i'm really not worried bud!:) Whatever they are , they will do me fine. Have a question for ya though Nis,..why would ya cross an Auto with a Photo...were ya just "Ziggsperimenting"..LMAO...:passitleft:
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