GiGaBane's 2nd Grow

thanks. i have to be honest, times are hard and i have half eaten the northern lights already, but the wembley is untouched =)
i have discovered (like newton discoving gravity, which was there all along oO) that curing really does make a difference. im looking forward to smoking the wembley in about 2 months...getting a new seed on tuesday and im hoping i can scrape through on what i have of the NL.

next grow looks like a pyramid seeds, super hash. big and fast, just what i need right now.
sweet bro cant wait to see the wembey fin. and you are so right about the cure:)the taste and the buzz are so much improved with time:) my ak48 and the sinsie star are :wood: so far the best grow I've had yet:cheer:Like weeds I, say Like weeds all of it very green. pics soon to be posted on my thread.:cheer:
man that stuff must have knocked you out! aint heared from you lately. hopefully its cause work is good:)
14-06-12 to 25-06-12 (day 85 finished (curing optional)

Sorry ive been distracted, did not want to announce till this last post, but i been busy preparing for my 3rd and final grow journal (why final? because its ambitious, and from here on out its probably best i keep off the radar as the fiscal value is reaching the point of tempting for 'bad guys')

as you can see, my NL was consumed while it still growed, but my wembley managed to produce a dry weight of 25gramms of high quality (but low potency) bud. i managed to reclaim all costs and have plenty of smoke to tie me over =D

my budget is still limited, but my new grow shoud be substantially better than this one and i hope my fans will follow me over, if it grows as i wish then my days of hunting for bud from dubious sources are over forever and ill be one of the proud few that can just hand out handfulls to friends =D.

GiGaBaNE's 3rd & Final Journal - At Least Until I Change Country

good job my freind,its nice to smoke something that you know what where and how it came to be. even if you dont do another here please keep in touch:bravo:
hell yeah, im not much of a story teller like you and oldmanmed, in fact if we were a gang, im the type that sits at the back quietly, but woe betide anyone that bothers my peeps.
ill be here several times a week. i just dont want to risk my family, i dont live in a nice area and just knowing i will have several thousand pounds worth (street value) floating around my house makes me nervous...publishing on the world wide web is just nuts, lol.

when i go industrial (its own property away from home) i will feel more comfortable. but i feel i owe it to this group to publish this one final journal as it will be my rite of passage from noob experimentor to full blown producer of all i could need. i suppose it helps with confidence too when giving advice as ive definatly done it myself and its documented ;)
yes sir stay under the wire:) but even if you stop posting your journals you are always welcome to check mine out. hell be glad to have you:)always happy to have a brother to watch my back and to do the same:circle-of-love:
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheer:

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here:
Journals in Progress

In the future, whenever you complete a journal, please use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post, so we can be alerted to move it for you.

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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