GiGaBane's 2nd Grow

I have many aquarium set ups and have used chlorine removers. not good you are better off ageing your water. there are things that they add to removes the chlorine that quite frankly you dont want to smoke and I have read that add salts to the water that will increase the chance of nute lock. (luv you bro) but you are way over thinking everything. not a bad thing but just try a basic grow first and go from there:)I know things have turned south on you before so just put some seeds in the dirt and see what happens then go from there. dont just try to learn everthing all at once. Im sure that anyone here have had several different outcomes while learning to grow this stuff so I feel trial and error are the best teachers and advice from here is a grain of salt.( abig grain of salt) as we learn so does everyone else. AND YOU CAN TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT:)
ONE OTHER THING, posted some more pics that my not so educated ass has grown:)they are in the gallery
27-04-12 Day 21 ish

Here is what the plants look like on the above date (i remember to take pics, but hard finding time to write journal)

This is something i found to tie me over for nutrients till i know better what ratios to use. i wanted to flush the soil and take full control, but i dont have the micro nutrients to replace them.

This is how i spray my nute water onto dry soil to moisten it before pouring (helps prevent soil floating around)
also how much run off i allow on a watering and the current soil temp

I also found this. i havnt used it yet but i thought it might come in very handy if it isnt toxic in anyway...Little tub PH buffers 10000 litres of water
30-04-12 day 30

as per my previous picture, my plants were looking a little pale. so i have doubled the nutes in my water (using rain water). i now use 2ml of that 5-5-5 to 2l of water.

My leaves have darkened to a nice green the stems are really starting to thicken now.

My ph is still running a little high. i have to get a decent water PH tester, but im adapting to just using a cheap soil meter.

can someone reccomend me a product that replaces micro nutrients after a flush. until i get my npk ratios right i need to flush any excess and i need to put back whatever else washes away.

todays pics

Yes, the leaves on the NL are a little droopy, i nute watered them to capacity a day too early (to help down the PH) so they are a little drowned, they bouncing back fast tho so im not worried.
sweet my bro, you are comming along! be watching and hoping you have a great grow!:thumb: posted some more pics in the gallery if you want to see:peace:
They are starting to look better. I'd think about a reflector on those cfls. You could get creative with that plug strip. Just check the DIY section there are several write-ups on this. You can get a PH test kit at a pet-store strips or drops cheap.

Hi there.
This is just a temporary location for the moment, i need to move them soon to a final resting place to finish out their lives, but im having to do some significant swapping out of rooms.
I really want to get reflectors going and i can macguyver as well as the next guy, but to be honest i got tape,string and electrical wires in close proximity to the lights, my soil is running at 80 already (the room is cool but the soil is warm oO). the fan im using is barely touching the plants its focusing on preventing any sort of fire hazard while i sleep ;)

They look like they are growing fine, i wouldnt mess with them until they show u signs hunger. Let nature find its way! :thumb:

thing is, im using a much higher ratio of perlite than people normally use, meaning even tho i have fairly good soil, there isnt a lot of it. now if an average plant eats those principle nutes in about 4 weeks, logic dictates that half the mass in soil is half the nutes to eat and my plants are now 30 days old and they were starting to become pale. i think nature and science have come to the same conclusion ;)

something that would help me a long way would be to know an ideal n-p-k ratio for autoflowers that are about to reach flowing stage. (yeah i know thats oxymoronish, they getting those white pistle thngs as of last night)
02-05-12 day 32

They look like they are growing fine, i wouldnt mess with them until they show u signs hunger. Let nature find its way! :thumb:

ok i got a little over confident ;) I still think they needed feeding, but i think i messed up on how much to feed them (think i accidently tripled or even quadrupled their feed *Blush*).

fortunatly the soil was pretty dry today already, so i just PH adjusted some rain water and watered them with no nutes. is rain water ok? mine is gutter run off water, but to be honest i have no idea if rain might be sub optimal. Untill only a few days ago i thought RO water meant run off as in what comes out of the bottom of plant pots. Now i know it means Reverse Osmosis oO

i would love for there to be a bottle containing absolutly every possible nutrient(especially all the non NPK bits) needed by the plant but at its lowest safe level (meaning if you fed it only this, the plant would not die) then you could just have boosters for the type/phase i.e veg,bloom,auto . (if such a product exists please point me to it! =D)

My knowledge of PH seems to have gone up a level. if i understand correctly;

if you have an acid that requires 1ml to turn PH 8 water to PH 7. then that same liquid would require an extra 10ml to make it PH 6 and a further 100ml to result in PH 5. hope thats right.

I will take some more pictures when they and i wake up to see how well they have responded.

that reminds me, i now let them have 8 hours sleep a night as i see significant gains when they wake up and i can look. i adjusted the time as slow as i could considering they are just hitting the mid way point.

My plants do look a lot healthier and growing faster and look we have the white pistle things appearing. And the NL isnt quite as vibrant as the wembley, its holding its own =)

These signs are what makes me think i have over nuted my plants. i couldnt really find a definate answer or picture for that 'claw leaf' symptom.

This is what the stem looks like just sub soil (what is that white powdery looking stuff?)

Well thats all for tonight =)
Starting to see these lights alot latly, but havnt really botherd looking into them (yet) . I have always used either 400 watt or 600 watts, few years now! I think i have decided my next grow is going 2 have be autos, just 2 put my mind at rest i supose. Are you going 2 keep them in those pots or repot 2 bigger?have u ever had a look at the root structure, rootbound ever been a problem? Look foward 2 the new pictures, pictures say alot ;) peace
I know she wont see this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOUNG LADY:cheer:
04-05-12 day 34

ok folks, not much time today witht he birthday party and all, but here are some pics =)


I have moved my lights up by almost a foot. they may recieve reduced light, but it drops the room temprature downto about 75 which they will prefer.

seems my attic is the best place for my plants as its significantly colder than the rest of the house, which will allow me to put even more lights on them. ( i doubt they are recieving too many lumins already from 5 32 cfls.

I need help tho, currently my lights go OFF at 9pm and back on at 5am, but in order to deal with the cold of night i want to change that to turn off at 8am and back on at 4pm to balance out the heat or lack of it at night, but im afraid of shocking my plants. other than hermying (which i do not mind) is there any side efect of instant swapping of the timing?

ps i assisted the plant in straightening up and utting the leaves back the right way up..they seem to be holding their place now.

I know she wont see this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOUNG LADY:cheer:

Thanks buddy! she did see it. i dont hide who i am from my kids (even if i have to keep them toxin free)
she was pleased to bits that someone 'out there' on the web knew about her =D

That reminds me, for those that are reading, and the fact is pertinent...
No matter how pro you are for our plant, it is proven that kids (under 17) should definatly NOT recieve THC, not for any self rightous goody two shoes reasons, but because it is now known that premature infusion of thc can hinder brain development reduce IQ and stall education...i know we are all about the opening of minds here, but THC near kids may very well close theirs =( :peace:
HEY GIG,Im glad she was happy! and I dont think that there will be a problem with switching your lights. I have read that some growers put their plants in darknes for up to 48 hours to induce flowering. dont know about autos tho. anyway good point on thc and underdeveloped minds. Id probley be an astronaught if I knew what I know now lol:peace: oh yeah sweet looking ladies you got there:goodjob:
hope you used a phillips lol:peace:
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