InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey Shed. How are you Buddy? Apologies for not being around in recent weeks. I've had a short 420 break though through choice. I see you've not been about as much in recent weeks also so I'm just here sending some love. The Shedite's miss you and your wisdom. Hope you're well and staying safe my friend
I'm still alive! My energy is a whole different place now and all I can do at night is lie on the couch, but I did want to let you know that I flipped the Carnival Tuesday night, making today flip day 2.
Hey Shed, hope all is well! As I close in on my first harvest I've been keeping a close eye on the trichomes, trying to time the flush so there isn't too much amber when the time comes to chop. Then I remembered your #noflushclub thread and took another look. After reading closely and then finding this video, I guess you could say I'm a new member of the #noflushclub.
Great video WL, thanks for finding and sharing that!
As usual this place isn't the same without you Shed.
Thanks Age. I wish I was back at my desk and all was right with the world. I'm sure we all do.
My takeaway on the flushing study is that, since there’s very little difference, you can probably save 2 weeks of nutrients.
As I mentioned last year in reference to the original research done (with the same results), "To be fair, the study did not find a statistically significant loss in mass or THC due to flushing, so [redacted]'s money-saving reason holds."
All caught up here! That took a while. I definitely can't stay off of this thread for long without missing stuff!
Best of luck with the breeding!!
Thanks burdok! I think the female Candida will be ready to flower in a week, so that will start the clock.
I’m so sorry about your Dad. Glad you are better.
Thank you Pink. We're living through very strange days, and losing someone during this pandemic is still an incredibly disconcerting experience.
Do you keep them in the dark for those last couple days too? That's my plan. Still not sure whether to cut the plant down as a whole or in branches. Trying to dry nice and slow which is a challenge when it's getting hotter by the day. :hmmmm:
Me and a few others here have found no difference with extended dark periods before harvest, others claim their trichomes double. As my dad used to say, cha·cun à son goût .
She’s not going in any tent I want to buy!
Stunning Felipe! Carry on :slide:
Hey Shed. How are you Buddy? Apologies for not being around in recent weeks. I've had a short 420 break though through choice. I see you've not been about as much in recent weeks also so I'm just here sending some love. The Shedite's miss you and your wisdom. Hope you're well and staying safe my friend
Thanks for stopping by Professor! Staying safe is getting harder and harder as more and more people break off their bonds as if the world around them has changed, while the numbers of infected tell a completely different story.
Highya Sheddie. Hope you are well.
Miss you.....
:ciao: :love:
Staying safe is getting harder and harder as more and more people break off their bonds as if the world around them has changed, while the numbers of infected tell a completely different story.
I have just finished a 2-week marathon in which I watched all 9 seasons of The Walking Dead.

Your statement is so apt!

Good to hear from you, Shed.

I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad.

Me and a few others here have found no difference with extended dark periods before harvest, others claim their trichomes double. As my dad used to say, cha·cun à son goût .

I'm still on the fence whether to try it or not, I guess I don't see the harm in giving it a shot. Unless the extra couple days in the sun will benefit them. Could always try one of each I suppose. Decisions, decisions.
Hi Shed, :passitleft: Carnival on the flip! We've been using our medicine at a much higher rate since the sequester and though they tried to ignore science, the progression, exponentially, of new cases is making even most staunch deniers start to think. Maybe. When the world around you pretends all is well when you know it isn't, it can be stressful. Thank to you and the other fine people here, I'm never dankrupt and always, always way over medicated so as to have a cushion between me and this crazy place. I've got stage 2 copd and my Dr told me don't get covid, you won't survive. I'm not whining, I've had a very exciting and varied life. I just find it unacceptable to die prematurely from others' stupidity and greed. I sensed your frustration and wanted you to know you are not alone in your apprehension. Stay safe and stay stoned.
How tall is that (roughly), soil to canopy?
Roughly 26.4573" :)
Your statement is so apt!
Good to hear from you, Shed.
I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad.
Thank you Magnus.
Flip it, Flip it Good!
It just barely fits in the tent! Evey morning the outer branches are a little sad from leaning on the tent walls. :(
I'm still on the fence whether to try it or not, I guess I don't see the harm in giving it a shot. Unless the extra couple days in the sun will benefit them. Could always try one of each I suppose. Decisions, decisions.
I like to give them as much sun as possible, but one of each sounds like the easiest decision!
I've got stage 2 copd and my Dr told me don't get covid, you won't survive. I'm not whining, I've had a very exciting and varied life. I just find it unacceptable to die prematurely from others' stupidity and greed. I sensed your frustration and wanted you to know you are not alone in your apprehension. Stay safe and stay stoned.
Thanks Fred. Stay safe and stoned indeed!
Hey Shed! I hope all's well and apologies in advance for commandeering your thread for a short minute...
I just started a new sponsored grow journal featuring a BUNCH of 420 Magazine Sponsors and would love to have you, and as many others, as possible, follow along:
420 Magazine Sponsored Grow Extravaganza Featuring NextLight Mega, GeoFlora Nutes & More!
It should be a good one!
Thanks, and now back to your regularly scheduled programming!
Thanks Mr. Krip! Nice to show off so many sponsors in one place. :thumb:
Saturday night update time. Today, since my son has an awful cough for the last 4 days and can't smoke, I finally decided to try to make QWET for the first time, for capsules. I would like to preface this by saying that whatever I learned about QWET-making, I learned from @Grandpa Tokin in his thread here. Don't follow my directions if you are looking for guidance, follow his!

I need to give big thanks to @Preston9mm for sending me a bottle out of the blue!

Lots of pics so let's get to it:

First, I had ground up about 20g of last summer's IIP mixed with some AK-47 from last spring and stuck it in the freezer, along with the 200ml bottle of Everclear and a jar. It was time to dig them out from under the frozen chicken, steaks, ground beef, fish, and a loaf of sourdough:

I also heated up the hotplate for the water bath to around 140º F, and put in the pyrex dish on the nuts to keep it off the metal (this part was done outside because alcohol fumes are highly combustible):

And got out the rest of the things needed for the process:

200ml was perfect for the 20 grams (thanks for the recommendation Grandpa and @Pennywise):

I swirled the mix for about 2 minutes (longer than Grandpa recommends) and poured it through the strainer:

After using a spoon to push as much liquid out of the mash as I could, I ended up with about 150ml:

I then filtered it through a coffee filter:

Here is the first pass:

I ran it through another filter:

Grandpa wants his the color of good piss, but mine looks like someone is dehydrated:

Into the pyrex dish it goes:

And onto the nuts:

I saved the mash for the salve bin just for the heck of it.

It took about 30 minutes to get to this:

Which was probably a bit too log, because by the time I got it inside, it was getting pretty solid, like this:

Time to start scraping:

This stuff leaves everything so sticky it's like scissor hash on steroids! I don't have any silicone pads, so I used parchment paper:

And I folded it over and put it in the freezer. I think the next step is to take it out and leave it in a drawer for a few days for it to stabilize, so I'll do that in the morning. Then I'll pull it all together (I hope it comes off the paper okay!) and make capsules with coconut oil. I'll post that process when I get to it.

I hope your weekend is going well and you love your fellow humans enough to keep them safe with a mask outside. I'll get some summer grow pics in here tomorrow.
Highya ITS,

Love the process and pics to show how it's done.How's the effect after reducing it down. I ask because I made a tincture with everclear one time, and didn't get much (if anything) effect from consuming. Since then, I infused olive oil, and like that effect much better. To each, their own, right?!? Happy Smokin'
Hello all :passitleft: Nice QWET! I hope you all are having a green day. I live in and I get my grain alcohol at the hydro store. I got an MBM and after running a tincture cycle, I'll strain it and reduce it on a coffee pot warmer. I deoxycarbolate the bud first. Do you deoxy the bud first? A good dose for me is about 10ml but it's not reduced nearly as much.
Really nice pics. Very informative. I'll have to re read Grandpa Tokins' post. Thank you:ciao:
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