LA's Continuing Adventure Feat - Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flow!

Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

OK for a 15% off voucher on an oxygen pot system, please contact me! :)

Now lets talk gear etc. I am very happy with the delivery speed and the packaging of all the products. Everything arrived in perfect order :)
Now firstly the Oxygen Pot System; Due to me being in UK and the shipping costs etc, I was given the choice of the big plastic ress or this stealth option by GH. Ill state now that Oxy pot are in the process of producing their own stealth ress. :) As stealth is always good and this unit is bigger I went with the fold away GH choice.
The rest of their gear is all of top quality with no doubt! Thick non brittle plastic on the pots themselves! The inner stands are great, if maybe a little high set. (I will be trimming mine down by half the depth) this will give a better sit of cloth pot to the pot rim, better for my training :). There is excellent double stitching on the cloth pots! (They chucked me loads of extras :))
The command module is just the mutts nuts! :) awesome quality of build. This is a digital model, so ease of programming. The tubing for the whole unit is very high quality anti kink. The pumps seem very well made and have some heft to them! :)
All in all Im really made up with all my gear! Extremely happy to be working with Oxygen Pot Systems! !!

Now the RO filter was just thrown in by Oxy as a thank you lol? Very generous indeed. Honestly I talk via email a lot with Oxy and can assure anyone; you will get treated brilliantly if you choose to go with them!

Oh and some more of my GET range of nutes turnes up today also! Thanks to Budmaster II LED :) again if you are interested in buying a Budmaster please contact me first for a reduction! !!!!!!!! :) :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Nice hydro equipment, have you ever used 'Smart Pots' they another fabric pot, wondering what if any difference between that and their 'Oxy pots'?

When are you going to get this bad boy up and running with some plants in it? I want to see how it works out.

BTW I like that 'Covert' tank, pretty cool.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I have been following this journal from the very start...Im not sure if I have commented before, I'm not sure if I have even subbed. But I have read every page, every posy and seen every photo....this however has forced my hand...
Well done my friend!!!! Well done
You give hope to growers all over the UK, I never though in a million years that growers from the UK could and would get sponsers from across the pond.
Your grows
Your knowledge
Your attention to detail
The advice you give others
All second to none in a country where even buying growing equipment can be a chore, the amount of times somebody in the forums have told Me to buy something and its not even available in the UK....and when it is there is no price break, if its $200 then its £200!!!
Anyway I just wanted to say well done with the sponsors, the grows.... Everything...,just well done LA!!!
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey all :) BAR, Pinky, Sweet and Craw! Best of buds and :) Craw we are getting there my friend. I have options at mo and massive real life stuff going down but within a month we shall be going!

HiddenConcept MANY MANY thanks my brother! :) Its great to carry the torch for the UaK a little :) your very kind!

Now my choice of medium for first run!!???????? I want some brains on this please! What is the lowest percentage of soil that can be mixed with perlite and coco to still be treated as a soil mix. Im after the best draining mix possible! !
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Oooh this is going to be interesting, I too wanna know this for the future where I plant to grow a coco mix
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

hey LA I guess your gonna be rolling here Looking great man love the oxy pot system
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I'm super excited for this grow and in particular can't wait to watch the OxygenPots in action. The best draining soil mix for this?
What if you mixed a 33/33/33/% of ProMix, Perlite, Coco?

I have many questions and I apologize if this encumbers you in any way as I know you already have heavy things going on. I feel for you LA.
So this waters the fabric pots from the bottom up, what happens to the backflow or drainage in the drain cycle?
Does it go back into the reservoir?
Is it filtered?
It seems to me that having no runoff would lead to salt buildups and the reservoir getting very dirty.

These are probably going to be things worked out when it is in action I just don't understand how it could be used with soil and the drainage is reused.

Hey all :) BAR, Pinky, Sweet and Craw! Best of buds and :) Craw we are getting there my friend. I have options at mo and massive real life stuff going down but within a month we shall be going!

HiddenConcept MANY MANY thanks my brother! :) Its great to carry the torch for the UaK a little :) your very kind!

Now my choice of medium for first run!!???????? I want some brains on this please! What is the lowest percentage of soil that can be mixed with perlite and coco to still be treated as a soil mix. Im after the best draining mix possible! !
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey Calyx I believe it to be the cloth pots that solve these issues. They would stop any muck getting back into the system. Also they are supposed to help against salt build up as well. Also it will be so simple for me to flush and change stuff like PH :) Also my friend the owner developer of GET nutrients has assured me that salt build up with his products does not happen! He did lots of work to prevent such things! :) I totally trust in his word! :)
As you said though, not sure and these things will be seen and sorted as they arise, if they do! :) :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Sounds like you got all basis covered, always good to have a friend on the inside!
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Do you use any special glasses when using LEDS to get a better look at what's going on?
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Wow Oxypot have raised the bar, seems I am well behind the times with their bubblers, this new kits looks awesome.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Just wondering a few things This is your first time hydro and first time running a Box system, Why are you starting by changing stuff (cutting down the bottom support basket)
I am a R and D kinda guy, and I have seen the OXY pot system running and set up a few clones of the system already, but there are some that are new to the game and want to see a system they can pull out of the box spend a few hours and have a base line of what a "HYDRO NUBE" can achieve on a first attempt and at harvest add the changes before the next run
And If understand correctly are you going to attempt a soil grow in a EBB and FLOW system?
I ain't no expert and I have only had 2 completed soil grows and 10+ hydro grows, IMO , doesn't the soil require a higher ph and hold alot of water eliminating the ebb and flow and the reason this system works so well.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey Lurch :) Some good points!
Im gonna only slightly tinker with the set up. The inserts are just a tad to deep as it were, only for my type of growing. They cause the cloth pots to sit above the rim of bucket. This with my wire training to the pot rims would be a bit of a bugger, I could perhaps struggle through but when it is such a simple adjustment for me why not make life easier! :)
On Medium choice. I debated this loads. The Oxygen Pot system is very versatile and runs any medium. I originally was thinking of full hydro on first run, yet I have gone with a known factor first run as it were for me! :)
Ill be making my own mix for the medium. The mix will mostly be coco and perlite with the minimum of soil included. Ill push it as near as damn it to being more hydro than soil but with that little safety net of the soil.
This is down to being able to start up the growing sooner if I go this route. To go full hydro I would be waiting a bit longer still!! Also for the security of results on this first run. After this first step into LED and Ebb Flow Ill be total 100% hydro from then on.
So yeah this might be a more gradually ventured journey than I first imagined. Just one to warm up as it were. Yet im here on 420 for life so all my future work will be here! :)
Hope that helps :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Cannot wait to see how this turns out, I'm considering switching to the oxypoot system after this run, I'm not the biggest fan of the IWS range I'm working with.
Will be staying very up to date with this journal !!
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