Magnus8's Coco Coir Big Bud & Pineapple Express, First Grow Ever! Grow Journal

Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

PPM's of the water will be your base line or start point. Lets say the well water is 350 ppm and PH was 7.4. You'll want to correct the PH first then add 400 ppm of nutrients (Cal/Mag first, Micro second, Grow third and Bloom fourth in that order) for a total of 750 ppm. If someone asked you how heavy you were feeding you would report 400 ppm.

I measure ppm's after adding each nutrient and keep a record of it as they all increase ppm's differently.

Thanks, Scrogdawg!

That makes complete sense. I don't know why I didn't think of it as a baseline before, but it makes perfect sense.

And when I measure the solutions afterwards, after a couple of feedings, say, I keep in mind the baseline that I started out with, is that right?
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hey Magnus8,

I had our seedlings under glass for a short time to help with the humidity. I didn't keep at it very long because air circulation is very important. Undoubtedly you have moved passed this stage by now, I just wanted to give you something to consider.


Thanks, Felonious, I am moved past that stage, but I will have new seedlings coming along soon enough that I will have to keep under glass. I actually bought these vases from the dollar store that worked wonderfully.

And anyway, it's nice to finally connect with you. I've been wanting to do so for a while now.

All my best,
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Good morning Magnus, hope all is well! I would like to add another point to the whole PPM/PH convo.

You will also need to keep checking your PPM levels each day in your reservoir as the levels of nutrients will naturally increase each day even if you don't add any additional nutrients. This is because each time the plants are fed you will also be washing away old nutrients that were unused by the plant causing it to also drain back into your reservoir, especially when feeding heavy during the flowering stages. This could've also been a reason why not changing your nutrients for 2 weeks caused your plants to stunt a little. I've had instances when I had 1400ppm originally in ny res and at the end of the week it was at 2050ppm! the fix for this is to make sure to add PH'd water to "top up" and also balance the nutrient solution to what you originally wanted to feed at.

Again if you get a chance really take a look at those 101's from Everest Fernandez on YouTube. He explains the science of it all in a way you can understand as well.

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Blue dream and AK47!! Both are absolute favorites here as well. Great choices in your seed line up.

I have some home grown AK47 seeds from a friend that will be in my Spring Grow. I can't wait to get my own plants for clones and keep this one going.

Hope you and your girls are doing well today, Magnus. :ciao: to Ginette :)

Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Good morning Magnus, hope all is well! I would like to add another point to the whole PPM/PH convo.

You will also need to keep checking your PPM levels each day in your reservoir as the levels of nutrients will naturally increase each day even if you don't add any additional nutrients. This is because each time the plants are fed you will also be washing away old nutrients that were unused by the plant causing it to also drain back into your reservoir, especially when feeding heavy during the flowering stages. This could've also been a reason why not changing your nutrients for 2 weeks caused your plants to stunt a little. I've had instances when I had 1400ppm originally in ny res and at the end of the week it was at 2050ppm! the fix for this is to make sure to add PH'd water to "top up" and also balance the nutrient solution to what you originally wanted to feed at.

Again if you get a chance really take a look at those 101's from Everest Fernandez on YouTube. He explains the science of it all in a way you can understand as well.

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Thanks again, Kush. I'll take a look at some of those videos today. Last night I was just so burned by the time I woke and my back was killing me too much to sit for long. Long story short? I didn't watch them yet. But I will today. For sure. And on the big TV, too.

Besides, I like looking at videos where they're growing nice pot plants!!!
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Blue dream and AK47!! Both are absolute favorites here as well. Great choices in your seed line up.

I have some home grown AK47 seeds from a friend that will be in my Spring Grow. I can't wait to get my own plants for clones and keep this one going.

Hope you and your girls are doing well today, Magnus. :ciao: to Ginette :)


Will be sure to pass that message right along.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hello Magnus8, Hello kushnoj27,

I should really have been doing chores after dinner but got reading Magnus8's grow journal instead.

As you might have seen in our grow journal, I think I have nitrogen toxicity happening. I flushed the 2 Dark Devils today hoping to rescue them. I have a Northern Lights that is very dark green and I fear it will go south like the Dark Devils. Any thoughts?
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hello Magnus8, Hello kushnoj27,

I should really have been doing chores after dinner but got reading Magnus8's grow journal instead.

As you might have seen in our grow journal, I think I have nitrogen toxicity happening. I flushed the 2 Dark Devils today hoping to rescue them. I have a Northern Lights that is very dark green and I fear it will go south like the Dark Devils. Any thoughts?

Welcome felonious p! I don't think you should worry too much about your northern lights plants. They are known to have very dark green leaves for the most part. They are also very resilient and one of the easiest plants to grow as they can handle a lot of stress. you may try cutting down on your nitrogen (micro & grow) to see if that will make a difference, but as long as the leaves aren't dropping or withering in anyways, you should be all good!

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hey Felonious, (don't think I spelled that correctly)

Your posting has prompted me to spend my evening researching nitrogen toxicity! I don't think I've got it, but decided that I'd better be prepared to recognize it when it happens in the future!

Thanks for showing up in my journal. I really appreciate it. As you know, your gf and I connected through SweetSue's Oil Study Hall, and then again in my own Canna Cream and Lotion Study Hall (if you haven't been there yet, you should come check us out -- that goes for you too, Kush). She seems like a great gal, and seems as kind as my own wife.

I'm glad that Kush is advising you on your anxiety about nitrogen toxicity. He's always there when you need him, and needs to be recommended for one of those contests or something.

Anyway, glad to see you here! Hope you stick around.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Ok Magnus, new journal is up and link is finally in my signature!! I was just too damn lazy to go on the computer to edit it haha but glad I did it now.

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Ok Magnus, new journal is up and link is finally in my signature!! I was just too damn lazy to go on the computer to edit it haha but glad I did it now.

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Nice job, Kush! Nice job. Now, that sure is one mother of a plant, eh?
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Okay, so I've definitely got a Nitrogen toxicity problem, and I'm pissed at myself for not noticing the signs of something being wrong before this.

I spent some time with my girls this morning, the first time I've had a chance to spend time with them in what feels like 2 weeks (might be less, but it feels that way). I've been so concerned with working on the editing of my novel (my full-time job) with my editor and dealing with my back (I've had real problems with it these last couple of months) that I just had to let something go. And I let something really important to me go. Mind you, I couldn't have let the editing go. I have a contract to fulfill and deadlines to meet. And I couldn't have let dealing with my back go, because when it starts up there's nothing I can do about it. I HAVE to get to my dr appointments in Edmonton (4 hours of driving) and I HAVE to rest (because if I don't, there's hell to pay) and I HAVE to try to sleep as much as I can (because the meds demand it), etc etc etc. So there's not much I can do about either of those 2 things. It's no wonder I let my demented little girls go.

And now the edges of the leaves have begun to dry up and there are spots on some of the older leaves. At first, when I saw the spots appearing, I thought it was because I was dripping nutes on them and not wiping them off. Usually I'm pretty fastidious about doing so because I read somewhere, when I first began growing, that the nutes combined with the light could damage the plant when it dripped on the leaves. So I've been a little lax about wiping them off lately. So sue me. Anyway, I thought that the damage to the leaves was due to the dripped nutes on the leaves. But I noticed today that the edges of some of the leaves look like they are light damaged! That's a sure sign of Nitrogen toxicity when combined with these dark green leaves that my plants have. I just thought my plants were really healthy because they were so green! Hell, am I ever stupid sometimes.

So, step one: As I mentioned, the nutes in the bucket got a little old (I had forgotten to change them out for 2 weeks). So all the Nitrogen in that solution may have already been uptaken into the leaves and it would almost be like they were deprived of Nitrogen for about a week. I'm hoping this is the case. Because I just mixed a fresh 5 gallon mix of nutes on Saturday night that they're feeding on and I don't want to throw it out. So I'm going to wait out the week until it's due to change over again, WATCHING THE LEAVES VERY CLOSELY. If those leaves show any more signs of continued toxicity, then I'm changing that bucket of nutes out for fresh.

Step Two: If the leaves continue to degrade, then I change out that bucket of nutes for fresh, leaving out the FloraMicro, which has a 6 for Nitrogen levels. I use the General Hydroponics series of nutrients.

Does anyone have anything else to add? Scrogdawg? Kush? PE636? Rideouts? Anyone out there?

I don't think my girls are on their way to dying early deaths at all. I do think they have an advanced case of Nitrogen toxicity, but it can be rectified easily enough. That's what I read, anyway.

So cheers to all. Hope everyone's having a great Tuesday!
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Magnus...listen carefully. Your feeding way to heavy. Aggressive veg mix as per the bottle is way to heavy. Heres what you do, don't overthink it just do it and lets get you on the right track.

1) drain your system and throw away everything you have mixed up.
2) flush with straight PH 5.8 water for 2 days.
3) tell me if your using RO or well water.
4) tell me your reservoir size and I'll give you back a General Hydroponics 3 part Flora Series recipe to mix that won't do any more damage.

I don't mean to be harsh but you need to quit over feeding nutrients and heed some of the advise thats thrown your way.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Magnus...listen carefully. Your feeding way to heavy. Aggressive veg mix as per the bottle is way to heavy. Heres what you do, don't overthink it just do it and lets get you on the right track.

1) drain your system and throw away everything you have mixed up.
2) flush with straight PH 5.8 water for 2 days.
3) tell me if your using RO or well water.
4) tell me your reservoir size and I'll give you back a General Hydroponics 3 part Flora Series recipe to mix that won't do any more damage.

I don't mean to be harsh but you need to quit over feeding nutrients and heed some of the advise thats thrown your way.

Not trying to be confusing, but SOMETIMES we have RO water, and SOMETIMES we have well water.

We get the well water from our landlady sometimes from her own farm to cut down on the cost of buying the RO water (which we have to drive 1.5 hours for). We cannot get a steady supply of well water because we cannot come up with excuses for needing so much water from her. Alternately, we cannot afford to keep purchasing RO water from Vegreville due to its distance and its cost (including gas money).

So as it stands, we use both, sometimes one, sometimes the other.

The reservoir holds about 10 gallons of fluids, though I've only got about 5 gallons in there at a time in order to cut back on wasted solutions.

Hope that helps. Sorry about not being able to be definitive on which water we have available to use at any one time. The best bet would be if we had a recipe for each type of water so that we could apportion nutes accordingly.

Thanks, Scrogdawg. You're not coming across strong. I just didn't feel I had any real direction on how to treat this.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Yes scrog dawg is right. With not changing the res water you allowed the nutrients to build up and I can guarantee you that old bucket of nutes was at 2-3x the original strength. best bet is to start fresh like he mentioned and flush your soil out with ph'd water for a couple of days. But keep in mind with coco and RO water, your plants will still require some cal mag, but do 1/4 dosing.

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Heres what I recommend for mid veg after flushing for 2 days with PH 5.8 water.

For 10 gallons of RO water:
PH to 5.8
25ml Cal/Mag
42ml Micro
42ml Grow
15ml Bloom

For 10 gallons of well water:
0ml Cal/ Mag
42ml Micro
42ml Grow
15ml Bloom

That should give you about 400-500 ppm of nutrients. All can be adjusted once you have your ppm meter but without that we're guessing a little bit. I used this recipe in mid veg for 10 gallons and had excellent growth with no issues what so ever.

I'll just bet thats a lot less than your feeding
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

To correctly flush out the nutrients I would top feed the plants from your reservoir and if it is a 3 gal container, you want to put at least 6 gallons of water through it. if possible do this in 2 flushes 10-20 minutes apart (3 gals then 3 gals). This way the salts will flush out more easily. This is when your PPM meter comes in handy, you will want to see the PPM run off decrease each time you "flush". You can measure the water coming right out of the bottom of your fabric pot, if you have troubles just scoop some up with a small cup and measure it. This way you will get an accurate reading of what would be in the soil.

From this point forward you really need to monitor your PPMs and continue to check PH/PPM levels in your res daily and adjust as needed. You really gotta check out those 101 videos from Everest ferndandez, he will give u a lot of info and guided examples of how to do it correctly.

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Magnus...listen carefully. Your feeding way to heavy. Aggressive veg mix as per the bottle is way to heavy. Heres what you do, don't overthink it just do it and lets get you on the right track.

1) drain your system and throw away everything you have mixed up.
2) flush with straight PH 5.8 water for 2 days.
3) tell me if your using RO or well water.
4) tell me your reservoir size and I'll give you back a General Hydroponics 3 part Flora Series recipe to mix that won't do any more damage.

I don't mean to be harsh but you need to quit over feeding nutrients and heed some of the advise thats thrown your way.

Hi Scrogdawg,

How do we flush our plants? We cannot put them under running water. Our water is nonpotable. Undrinkable. Impossible to use for human or animal or plant consumption. It is as though the only water we have is for washing dishes or for flushing the toilet. We have very, very limited water to use. Only what we buy or what we get from the landlady (who is often at her other residence and not at the farm).
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Thanks, both of you. Just, thanks.

I'm sitting here laughing. You wanna know why I'm laughing? I'm laughing because of all the money I was worrying about having to spend on nutrients, following the directions on the bottle. You wouldn't BELIEVE just how much FloraGro and FloraMicro I just put in my last 5 gallon pail of water! You just wouldn't believe it.

That's why I'm laughing. I can't believe the stress I was feeling thinking of how much money I was goign to go through growing my own weed considering the cost of nutes and how much I thought I had to use.

Thanks for that recipe, Scrogdawg. I truly appreciate it. I should have a ppm meter by friday evening to make things all easier. On Friday I go into Edmonton for yet another appointment with another dr to try to get my mmj license.

We just got home from picking up 25 gallons of water from a friend's place. I had forgotten that I have a friend who has always said that I can come get water from him. And there's no problem with questions asked -- he knows about my grow, so there's no problemm with getting water to supply it.

Again, thank you so very much for all this help. You've no idea how much I appreciate it. I'm not sure why I attracted such thoughtful, helpful and wonderful people to my grow journal for this being my first one, but I'm sure lucky I did.

I'll flush the plants after I get up from a nap. Very tired after the day I've had. A late evening nap will just refresh the hell out of me and I'll have the energy to start hauling 5 gallon buckets of fluids from the back of the house to the bathroom!
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