Magnus8's Coco Coir Big Bud & Pineapple Express, First Grow Ever! Grow Journal

Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Well, did my first flushing with hP'd water tonight. Everything went okay. Couldn't top flush with the system I have, so flushed by hand, over and over again, using the same water, two reservoirs and a jug. was pretty tired after the ordeal, and the wife-bot was also exhausted. Finished just before midnight! But we got a late start on it because we had to pick up the water fairly late due to the schedule of my friend who gave me the water.

I'm basically writing so late tonight (or early this morning) to thank you both again. I wouldn't be able to do this without the boh of you. I finally have some confidence that this grow might actually turn into something worthwhile, and that's saying something. All through this grow there has been problems, and this nute toxicity is just one in a long line of many difficulties I've had. But I've learned a lot along the way, I can tell you that much. And so thank you again, my two friends. I appreciate your help more than you know.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I just use regular tap water for my grows - with the exception of clones. Then I boil regular tap water to sterilize it.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I just use regular tap water for my grows - with the exception of clones. Then I boil regular tap water to sterilize it.

I can't do that with our water. It has heightened levels of arsenic, chromium and other shit that's bad for human, animal and plant use. We've had the water tested and been warned not to use it for anything but dishes and laundry and flushing the toilet. We're not even supposed to bathe in it, so we try to bathe at a friend's home as often as we can, but it gets hard to do so. So we bathe in it, unfortunately.

The landlady is supposed to do some work on the well this spring, butt we'll believe it when we see it!
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Crazy to think that next province over we have amazing water. I run tap water and get 15ppm total - cleaner than some RO bottles! I have only ever used phd tap water for my feedings and never had any issues

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Then I suggest you get yourself a reverse osmosis filter. I have one laying around here but did not put it together yet. Our water taste kinda shitty. Found one really cheap on EBay
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Edmonton seems to be the dividing point here. All water west of Edmonton is fine to drink. All water east of Edmonton is shit. I remember growing up east of Edmonton and we had to have our water trucked in from the city. A big water truck full of fresh water every couple of weeks. It drove my stepfather nuts to have to spend all that money, which pleased me more than anything!

I, obviously, live east of Edmonton.

Our water is particularly bad. My landlady, who lives only about 1 km away up a hill, has great water. We use it for drinking all the time. But the water from our well? Completely unsafe.

Apparently, they have to redig the well out, widening it and such, i'm not sure what all, and then, they say, it'll be different. But I have no confidence in it until I see a change.

You must be in BC. West of Edmonton. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

HI Magnus,

I am not familiar with your area or any levels of precipitation you get. Are you able to collect rainwater? Certain areas in the U.S., it's not legal to do that. Not sure on your area.
Is it possible for you there?


We don't get enough rain to collect rainwater. I've thought of it. And right now it's a cold winter, but one without much snow. So I'm stuck carrying 5 gallon jugs of water back and forth, back an forth. And with my back, too. It's really unbelievable.

But thanks for the excellent suggestion, Cannafan. I truly appreciate it!
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

We don't get enough rain to collect rainwater. I've thought of it. And right now it's a cold winter, but one without much snow. So I'm stuck carrying 5 gallon jugs of water back and forth, back an forth. And with my back, too. It's really unbelievable.

But thanks for the excellent suggestion, Cannafan. I truly appreciate it!

That's a shame. Well.....when we get our next winter storm here, I will be very happy to send it your way. :)
I will have snowmen for sale...assembly required.

Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

how comes your water is like that:jawdropper:???? and i always thought canada was the cleanest country....:straightface:
it's sounds like tjernobylwaterstates:thedoubletake:
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

how comes your water is like that:jawdropper:???? and i always thought canada was the cleanest country....:straightface:
it's sounds like tjernobylwaterstates:thedoubletake:

That's just the way she rolls on our property. The next property over, my landlady's, has beautiful water. We often get water from her to drink and feed the dogs/plants.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I bet your well water is tabled into a USA stream as thats probably why its bad.

Most wells in the high north regions of the USA is bad water as the water is polluted from maby years of argriculture feeding and garbage dumping into streams.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Yah Vancouver, BC is where I'm from, can't complain about our water supply here. 15-20ppm I get in a 60L res

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You live in VANCOUVER, Kush? Hell, you don't have the right to complain about anything! Except maybe rent prices...
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

You live in VANCOUVER, Kush? Hell, you don't have the right to complain about anything! Except maybe rent prices...

Hahahaha. Good thing I own . but yes, Vancouver is quite lovely minus the ridiculous real estate prices

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Well just got to say that my little angel babies have perked right up and are now looking like they might survive the winter! Seriously they are doing considerably better than only two days ago. They no longer look sick and dejected with life like disaffected teens and seem to have the vitality of toddlers. Wow! What a difference a few days make, eh? This has been after two days of flushing without nutrients only, and they are like different plants altogether. And growing!?! Do we wanna talk growing? Hell yea, they're growing like the fucking weeds they are supposed to be. They are still bushing our and dare i say it, might they be getting slightly taller too? I don't know. Hard to tell, but i think so.

Tonight i start them on their new diet of nutes. A Weight Watchers Slim Fast diet of reduced nutes for my sweet little angel girls.

So there's my update, given from the side of the road where i've run out of gas! Am currently waiting for a friend to arrive with a jerry can of gas that will get me to Two Hills Gas Station
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hello Magnus.

I was just skimming your grow and picking up some great tips from Scrogdawg and kushnoj27 for Felonious and my grow and saw this one where you listed the seeds you've ordered. Personally, I've never heard of Northern Lights Mazar Auto and when I Googled it, I didn't get any hits but Felonious and I are growing 2 Northern Lights Auto and I think you might be short-changing it. It might not be a big producer but it's good for stress and pain and insomnia (my top 3 ailments). Here's what Leafly says about it:

Northern Lights Strain Information - Leafly


How wonderful to see you here and subbed! I truly appreciate it, and will honour your help whenever it is offered. I already know that you'd never offer advice just to offer it when it wasn't exactly what was warranted. I know that you'd only offer advice when you thought it was useful, and I appreciate that.

Yes, I do have some great experience behind me. Some great people helping me out. I think Scrogdawg and Kush and the others will be able to help me with the ppm and pH stuff. But I still don't understand what it means to have a lot of minerals dissolved in my water. I understand it means that the ppm readings of my water would go up, but does that mean that I would necessarily use less nutes in it? And if so, how to I determine which nutes to cut back on, especially with a 3 part nutrient system. Seems quite confusing to me already. And I'm not an easily confused kinda guy. I'm pretty smartified, if I do have to say so meself.

I guess this one's a question for Scrogdawg, eh?

And by the way... How's everyone doing this morning?

I think we should institute morning check ins on this journal. Where everyone just checks in and gives a run down of their day ahead and how they think they'll manage it! I think that would be great, though it'd be hard to institute, I bet.

So with that said, I'll sign off. But not without telling you all that, after buying screws today, the wife-bot will be able to finish building the table the flood and drain system will sit upon, holding my plants. We changed out the nutrition last night, and I'm going to see if they pick up in their growth any this week. I'm sure I forgot to change their nutrition last week, which would mean that they were going with the same liquids they were running on for 2 solid weeks, and it would have been so depleted that it would be no wonder they weren't growing fast.

And I'm repotting my damaged little girl today. The coco has been soaking to try to soften up overnight. I bought these different coco bricks than the ones I had purchased on Amazon and they are much rougher, less finely ground. I'm not sure I'm going to like them as much. Mind you, they were a helluva lot cheaper. $4.50 per brick compared to $8.95 per brick. I have to look at those kinds of costs, I do. And I hate having to count the pennies so carefully, but we're behind on paying our bills because of all the money we've put into this grow system. We have to catch up somehow, and soon. But at least I've got my seeds for my next grow already on the way. They're coming from London, UK, and should be here within the week. I think I told you all about them already, but I'll give you the rundown again:

Blue Dream
(great for pain, great for anxiety, huge producer)

CBD Critical Mass
(great for pain, huge producer)

Cinderella 99
(great for pain and having a high ol' time -- gotta have some of this, too!, big producer)

(nice relaxing strain, and since I luuuurve to vegitate in front of a movie, this is perfect, was a freebie)

Ice Bomb
(great for anxiety, huge producer)

Northern Lights Mazar Auto
(freebie, take it or leave it. I think I'll plant it outdoors for a "hoot")

Kali Mist
(great for pain, great for anxiety, huge producer)

Notice a couple of common themes in there? I chose strains specifically to target my pain and anxiety, and also huge producers, or at least big producers. Most bang for the buck, I always say. Actually, I never say that. But it sounds good, no?

So anyway, hope everyone's having a grand ol' day today. Keep well. Drive safe.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hello Magnus.

I was just skimming your grow and picking up some great tips from Scrogdawg and kushnoj27 for Felonious and my grow and saw this one where you listed the seeds you've ordered. Personally, I've never heard of Northern Lights Mazar Auto and when I Googled it, I didn't get any hits but Felonious and I are growing 2 Northern Lights Auto and I think you might be short-changing it. It might not be a big producer but it's good for stress and pain and insomnia (my top 3 ailments). Here's what Leafly says about it:

Northern Lights Strain Information - Leafly

When you put it that way, HashGirl, it looks quite good to me. I couldn't find anything on it either, which is why I discounted it. But if it's simply a Northern Lights by another name, then that's a strain i wanted to try anyway. Thanks, HG, for putting it in such light for me. I appreciate it.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hello Magnus.

I was just skimming your grow and picking up some great tips from Scrogdawg and kushnoj27 for Felonious and my grow and saw this one where you listed the seeds you've ordered. Personally, I've never heard of Northern Lights Mazar Auto and when I Googled it, I didn't get any hits but Felonious and I are growing 2 Northern Lights Auto and I think you might be short-changing it. It might not be a big producer but it's good for stress and pain and insomnia (my top 3 ailments). Here's what Leafly says about it:

Northern Lights Strain Information - Leafly

HashGirl, Did Felonious get my Private Message from today? Had some ideas for him in there regarding the problem you are having with your grow right now.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hey bud I did reply back to your post on my journal with some of the questions you had. Have a read when you get a chance!

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