Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

They just released what we got in our area......26" in about 12 hours. Thats some pretty impressive snow fall rates right there! Got both vehicles dug out and the walkway dug out. Guess I will get the pathway to the grill tomorrow. Thats about as important as digging out cars for me! If I can grill, even in 3 feet of snow, I am happy!
Ya'LL are freaking CRAZY !! Man we got that little burst (1-2") and next day gone ,it's time to start thinking about planting a crop >> just a couple more months. :rollit:Tomorrow in the 60sF still to low at nite 30-42F ,but it coming !
They just released what we got in our area......26" in about 12 hours. Thats some pretty impressive snow fall rates right there! Got both vehicles dug out and the walkway dug out. Guess I will get the pathway to the grill tomorrow. Thats about as important as digging out cars for me! If I can grill, even in 3 feet of snow, I am happy!

That is a shitload indeed. We love grilling in the snow...
You should have seen me in 2013. We got about 130 inches of snow in about a month and it never warmed up enough to melt any of it. So I had to dig down to my grill and stomp out a flat area to stand on over the grill while I used it. I have some pictures somewhere of standing above the grill on the snow bank and grilling steaks. We had about 7 feet of it that we had to walk through on the walkways up to the front door. That was a fun winter! Shoveling snow was fun but I didn't mind at all as it was pre back injury I would love to be able to shovel snow again pain free!
we can gift up to an ounce per day. I will definitely feel him out and see if it looks doable!! I produce way more than I can use on my own and with what I hook friends up with.

If it's legal to gift 1 ounce a day why not just come straight out and ask him if might be something he is interested in doing? Not asking as a wise ass, just a straightforward question. He obviously couldn't get in trouble saying yes, and you can't get in trouble asking. I guess he could be really straight laced and tell you to find another mechanic. Heck how about (now this is more of a joke) taking out an ad in Craigslist looking for a mechanic who will work for pot?
If it's legal to gift 1 ounce a day why not just come straight out and ask him if might be something he is interested in doing? Not asking as a wise ass, just a straightforward question. He obviously couldn't get in trouble saying yes, and you can't get in trouble asking. I guess he could be really straight laced and tell you to find another mechanic. Heck how about (now this is more of a joke) taking out an ad in Craigslist looking for a mechanic who will work for pot?
I don't know if there are any rules against paying for something with Cannabis LOL. I just love the idea of it. I have a few extra ounces laying around, I don't have a few extra hundred of bucks laying around....I would much rather part with a few ounces than 500 or 600 bucks!

The only real hesitancy I have in asking him is that he was referred by someone at Ms Stanks work....and that can be tricky. But its something I definitely intend to look further into!
The only real hesitancy I have in asking him is that he was referred by someone at Ms Stanks work....and that can be tricky. But its something I definitely intend to look further into!

I can understand your hesitancy in that case. I interpret the law to say it is illegal to sell cannabis in your State. It is legal to give it away within the limits set forth by the State. So you couldn't help it if after giving your mechanic 2 ounces (separate days) he was so happy, and feeling so generous he offered to fix your vehicle for free right?
You should have seen me in 2013. We got about 130 inches of snow in about a month and it never warmed up enough to melt any of it. So I had to dig down to my grill and stomp out a flat area to stand on over the grill while I used it. I have some pictures somewhere of standing above the grill on the snow bank and grilling steaks. We had about 7 feet of it that we had to walk through on the walkways up to the front door. That was a fun winter! Shoveling snow was fun but I didn't mind at all as it was pre back injury I would love to be able to shovel snow again pain free!

I remember that winter...brutal. I couldn't keep up with the clearing the snow at our farm and I had to snowshoe in with 2x 5 gallon jugs of water for the critters. I was in better shape than I wanted to be after that! I like my winter and summer pants, thank you very much.
I don't know if there are any rules against paying for something with Cannabis LOL. I just love the idea of it. I have a few extra ounces laying around, I don't have a few extra hundred of bucks laying around....I would much rather part with a few ounces than 500 or 600 bucks!

The only real hesitancy I have in asking him is that he was referred by someone at Ms Stanks work....and that can be tricky. But its something I definitely intend to look further into!

These are two separate scenarios...1) does he enjoy cannabis? 2) Is he willing to barter? They do not always go hand in hand. If he is a "successful" mechanic and makes plenty of $, then I would presume he would be more willing to barter...that's just my experience. People can't pay their electric bill with barter, so only after people have that shit covered can they get into a comfortable space to barter. Barter is very real in my area.
I can understand your hesitancy in that case. I interpret the law to say it is illegal to sell cannabis in your State. It is legal to give it away within the limits set forth by the State. So you couldn't help it if after giving your mechanic 2 ounces (separate days) he was so happy, and feeling so generous he offered to fix your vehicle for free right?
Yes true, but for some reason governments feel they are missing out on something they are "entitled" to in order to......yeah I am a lost......because they feel the need to take what they want from us and don't think we can function or exist without their theft? Its all about the money for the whores in charge.
These are two separate scenarios...1) does he enjoy cannabis? 2) Is he willing to barter? They do not always go hand in hand. If he is a "successful" mechanic and makes plenty of $, then I would presume he would be more willing to barter...that's just my experience. People can't pay their electric bill with barter, so only after people have that shit covered can they get into a comfortable space to barter. Barter is very real in my area.
Definitely agree with you there Blew! I don't know the answer to any of those questions at this point, but as the weather improves and I get out and about more, I will find out. Plus I want to wait for my perpetual to start harvesting so I have more options to potentially barter with!
Just a GORGEOUS day on the coast of Maine. Sunny, warm and snow everywhere. Sap is running and we are cooking (some of) it down tomorrow in the barn. Waiting on photos till Monday, but all the gals are clicking along in the GH.

BONUS! Was actually game planning our Summer crop yesterday and had a few undecided slots...then stumbled across these on my front step from Stank Genetics. Love Fridays!

Ok, here is a quick post about our worm farm. We use vermicomposted material for most of our grows, and the media is so rich we cut it with 30% coco and Pro-Mix. All our old soil is used as a starting media and we thoroughly water it (to where it puddles in the bottom of the container) and then add veggie scraps, coffee grounds, and crushed egg shells. Worms thrive on the bacterial breakdown of these inputs and three (3) months later you have an amazing, organic, perfectly ph-balanced growing medium. We use fish totes, which are common in our area, strong, and priced right (for the quality).

How many worms do you figure you need in each bin like that?

I "seed" each bin with about the handful you see above...but from the worm that translates into probably 4-500 worms (big and small). In 6 weeks it's #1200, in 12 weeks it's #2400....

I load about 30 lbs of soil, an inch or two of leaves, inch or two of my farm (standard) compost, 5-10 lbs of veggies scraps, about 3-4 gallons of water for each fish tote. Park it in a shaded spot and add food (and possibly water depending on the climate) every 6-8 weeks. Nothing impressive happens until 12-16 weeks into because the worms are slowly massing and then suddenly they reach a critical point where they convert the whole tote into Vermi-Soil.
Thats cool as shit. Definitely a way for me to start increasing my soil amount. Going through so much more soil doing this perpetual. Need to start turning the tide and adding to it Do you have holes anywhere in the tote for oxygen?
Thats cool as shit. Definitely a way for me to start increasing my soil amount. Going through so much more soil doing this perpetual. Need to start turning the tide and adding to it Do you have holes anywhere in the tote for oxygen?

Yes, the totes have air spaces between the lid and body...they aren't designed to be fully closed. I also drill 2x 1/4" drain holes (one each end) about 2" from the bottom on the summer totes. I water them with a hose till they drain from the holes...

Without a doubt this is worthwhile for you. Vermicomposting is so easy and the product is unbeatable. All your used soil becomes brand new monster soil in three months. You don't even have to chop it...the whole root ball gets thrown in and it just gets broken down by thousands of worms.

We actually started 3 years ago with one bin and then I realized it is just as easy to do twenty. Space, media, water, scraps. I have all of those so it just comes down to putting it on the schedule. All in all it takes about 10 hours of my time all year and I get more soil than I can use (and it keeps fine, even better when cold, so if you don't use it this year it will be there for the following year).

Like I said before...say the word.
Now there is a good fishing partner!
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