Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Week 5 update on the Autos:

Pistils on both Northern Lights and Alien Mephisto. None on Diesel and I haven't seen a lot of change in the last 2 weeks so wondering wtf. No biggie as she was a freebie and at the end of the day I don't really even know what she is...she'll get another week or so to prove herself! Temp dropped to single digits last night and this week will be more of same...

The 2x NLxBB I dropped 2 weeks ago are textbook "who knows why?"...same pot, soil, water, light, love, is crushing and the other is unsure if it wants to remain in this world.

I'll give the runt another week or so to prove it's worth ...she may get squeezed out by the 2x latest additions which will hit soil today...Stank Genetics ATF and Stankberry!

Try putting some sort of dome over the runt NL and give it some foliar feeding. It would seem that 31% RH might slow the growth of a seedling. And sometimes when a runt finally decides to take off it can be the best of the bunch.
Try putting some sort of dome over the runt NL and give it some foliar feeding. It would seem that 31% RH might slow the growth of a seedling. And sometimes when a runt finally decides to take off it can be the best of the bunch.

The RH only drops that low when I open the Box (for photos and watering). I usually take a quick peek when I open it to see temp (always first!) and then RH. It is usually around 60-70% (and you can see on the gauge above the "high" of 72, the "low" the moment the photo was shot!)

Would the dome only be to increase RH? Is it still recommended if RH is actually 60-70%?

As far as foliar feeding, I'll give her a spray of diluted worm juice (just did it...we'll see)

I'm not done with her yet...I just like to put the pressure on her to deliver! :)
No dome if the RH is that high.
No dome if the RH is that high.

Cool, just wondered if there were other benefits. I hit her with some diluted worm juice so we'll see. If I had to attribute any environmental factor I would say cold shunted...we have had some serious temp variations here and it's challenging to keep Box in a perfect range. Nights get colder but light is on so there is a constant heat element. It's the cloudy, cold days when I go dark in the Box for 4 hours and I saw a couple days where it dipped to 55F in the Box...not an issue for established plants but I can see that seedling thinking wtf?
For a first grow newbie you've certainly grasped the How-To aspect of producing nice plants. Good Job.
2x more Stank Genetics going into soil today...Kushberry and DPxATF

And.....we have two (2) new additions...Stank Genetics ATF and Stankberry...dropped on 48 hours ago and they already popped. Maybe the sweet maple steam helped?

Midweek Update:

Clicking along. Many pistils on the Mephisto Alien Auto and emerging pistils on the Northern Light Auto. No pistil action on the Diesel Auto. I took @Itibitiguy 's advice and did a foliar feed (of diluted worm juice) on the lagging NLxBB and, as you can see, she responded well to that. New leaves are nice and green. The other NLxBB is chugging along...

Group Shot:


NL Auto:

NLx BB (runt)

NLxBB (week 2.5!)

Midweek Update:

Clicking along. Many pistils on the Mephisto Alien Auto and emerging pistils on the Northern Light Auto. No pistil action on the Diesel Auto. I took @Itibitiguy 's advice and did a foliar feed (of diluted worm juice) on the lagging NLxBB and, as you can see, she responded well to that. New leaves are nice and green. The other NLxBB is chugging along...

Group Shot:


NL Auto:

NLx BB (runt)

NLxBB (week 2.5!)

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