Radogast 2016 - The Neverending Growing

I was just over at the Analytical 360 website - looking up test results for Amherst Sour Diesel, Pineapple Express, and a few others.

Above the gas chromatograph and numbers they show pictures of each bud tested.

I was struck by the fact that all these 21-24% THC tested strains showed 30-70% cloudy trichomes with no amber. It makes me leery of letting any future plants go to amber.

I have a 68 day girl with half-cloudy trichomes right now ! Should I be harvesting?
I also find that interesting. Even more interesting to me is my favorite smoke of all times was just 17 percent thc and around 4 cbd. The few samples I've tried over 20 percent didn't make much of am impression on me at all?? So much more to it than thc%. Hopefully with legalization coming on strong, we'll get to find out why.
That i cant answer, i only go by what i have read on here which everyone states if you are after a heady high then go cloudy but couch-lock more amber, not sure if the differences change the THC %. In the past with all my outdoor grows i have felt we have harvested way too early on multiple occasions but have still had great results on the finished product, I didnt do any research about ripeness really until i started indoors and became a member here, would be some interesting information to know, especially from a grower of one of these tested nugs.
I was just over at the Analytical 360 website - looking up test results for Amherst Sour Diesel, Pineapple Express, and a few others.

Above the gas chromatograph and numbers they show pictures of each bud tested.

I was struck by the fact that all these 21-24% THC tested strains showed 30-70% cloudy trichomes with no amber. It makes me leery of letting any future plants go to amber.

I have a 68 day girl with half-cloudy trichomes right now ! Should I be harvesting?

I've found I harvest the vast majority of the time when I get "almost all cloudy". Sometimes there are a few amber, but usually more clear than amber. I'd say 60-70% cloudy. But, I also get to let them cure for 3+ months and even this 8ball kush I just broke out has 50 weeks in the jar and it's absolutely incredible. I know the cannabinoid profile changes naturally as it all cures and ages. Whatever it is, I seem to prefer a slightly early harvest and a nice, long cure.

Thanks for all the responses.

You would think I would have a better handle on trichomes and harvest by now. Maybe because I only sample the grows instead of smoke them. My wife, like governmentchz, is more pleased with the 'slightly early' harvests and long cures. I should relax and be happy with her choices. :)
Happy wife is happy life! My Lady likes whatever is strongest and smoothest so the rest is up to me lol. Though she does give good feedback!
I believe it was Doc Bud that suggest defoliating so that you can see the soil while looking down from the top of the plant. This method allows light to penetrate to the lower limbs which should increase the yield per plant.
Rad...suggest using all 3 indicators of ripeness to decide when to harvest: bud appearance & fragrance in addition to trichomes. Waiting for amber can often take you beyond peak ripeness.

I harvested Caramelicious today, 68 days since 11/13. I have harvested the one before at 70 days and the other at 77 days with amber, 70 days was much better.


I believe it was Doc Bud that suggest defoliating so that you can see the soil while looking down from the top of the plant. This method allows light to penetrate to the lower limbs which should increase the yield per plant.

I'll have to think about how this works. I can't imagine a situation where the leaves don't form a canopy above the soil.

There is a direct relation between PH and nutrient uptake which this handy chart helps to work out.

Part of the reason these are scrawny plants is they started life at 6.6 PH in a sterile soil and stuck there for a long while.
Thanks Rad,

I've also found that buds harvested a little too early are superior to buds harvested even a day late. I really don't take chances anymore. As soon as I see a few amber (or none at all) and mostly cloudy, I usually chop (exception is the experiment). I'll be watching for your smoke report. Great job my friend! :bravo:
Thanks Rad,

I've also found that buds harvested a little too early are superior to buds harvested even a day late. I really don't take chances anymore. As soon as I see a few amber (or none at all) and mostly cloudy, I usually chop (exception is the experiment). I'll be watching for your smoke report. Great job my friend! :bravo:

This is what she looks like today, so the smoke report will be next month :)

(I'm not sure what is going on with my phone camera. The flash pictures all seem out of focus lately.)

Thanks Rad,

I've also found that buds harvested a little too early are superior to buds harvested even a day late. I really don't take chances anymore. As soon as I see a few amber (or none at all) and mostly cloudy, I usually chop (exception is the experiment). I'll be watching for your smoke report. Great job my friend! :bravo:

It's one of the surprising things I'm learning, that the harvest timing can so drastically effect the potency. It appears that the real window of opportunity is just as they all turn cloudy, or at least that's the effect I find most enticing. I can see it's one of those things you develop a strong sense of over time.

I like this hobby. :battingeyelashes: :love:
A question about cloning

I have two plants soon - and 1 plant later that I would like to clone to determine sex.

I don't need the clones to survive, just live long enough to show sex.

So how should I do it?


Flowering room - always on at 11/13.

1 gallon bucket cloner - always on, but it must stay in the garden room. So I could use it to root the clones, but not to flower them.

Rockwool cubes and clone domes - I tend to kill or half-kill the cuttings when I rockwool them, but I still have the supplies.

perlite, peat moss, etc.

The Plan

I don't have a plan yet. I'd like to take cuttings in 5-10 days.

I have considered but have no experience with: cuttings in water, cuttings in perlite, cuttings in peat

I have experience in: rockwool and clone domes (hate it), bucket cloner (love it)

I would consider buying another bucket cloner to keep as a spare. The hydro store about 30 minutes away has a 5 gallon one for $17 + gas. Ebay has a 1 gallon one for about $35 + shipping.
It's one of the surprising things I'm learning, that the harvest timing can so drastically effect the potency. It appears that the real window of opportunity is just as they all turn cloudy, or at least that's the effect I find most enticing. I can see it's one of those things you develop a strong sense of over time.

I like this hobby. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Thanks Sue :circle-of-love:

I was getting myself twisted into mental circles - it's nice to find someplace solid to stand after spinning around.
It's one of the surprising things I'm learning, that the harvest timing can so drastically effect the potency. It appears that the real window of opportunity is just as they all turn cloudy, or at least that's the effect I find most enticing. I can see it's one of those things you develop a strong sense of over time.

I like this hobby. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I'm with you Sue! It's another one of those things I start paying attention to when my grow seems to be right where I want it. Now these are the types of problems I like to have lol.

When to chop is my biggest problem = I'm growing some top notch herbs. :circle-of-love:
After lollygagging around for 3 months, Flower, an unsexed Hawaiian Skunk has put on some larger, greener leaves and was transplanted.


This is one of 3 unsexed seeds I planted to try to improve the vigor, and maybe the potency of existing White Widow, Caramelicious and Hawaiian Skunk lines.

I hope to avoid future weak clones by using cropped, tight-node leaders as clones instead of weaker lower branches.

It is to sex these new seedlings that I need to keep some clones alive in the flower room for a week or so. I am leaning towards rooting in the cloner and planting in seedling soil before flowering. I am also leaning towards a spare clone bucket.
Definitely want to get those rooted clones in some seedling soil. It's key to having a really happy plant. Once the roots are thriving and the clone shows significant new growth, then it's time for the final container. I have not seen any advantage to up potting multiple times unless final container is 15+ gallons YMMV. :high-five:Namaste:
Definitely want to get those rooted clones in some seedling soil. It's key to having a really happy plant. Once the roots are thriving and the clone shows significant new growth, then it's time for the final container. I have not seen any advantage to up potting multiple times unless final container is 15+ gallons YMMV. :high-five:Namaste:

That makes sense If I want to grow and harvest plants.... I was not clear... in this case I only want to sex the cuttings, not grow them.

I have some plants that I want to veg for about 45-50 more days ... but they are unsexed seeds.
My goal is to take cuttings and sex the cuttings in the flower room - sexing the plants should take less than 2 weeks.
If I discover they are male, I get the bad news a month early.
Then I can chop the mother plants instead of continuing to use up lights and space vegging them.
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