Radogast 2016 - The Neverending Growing

The pictures look so much better in nature, in my opinion. Congrats on your harvest Rad.

This house is in the woods by a river and completly sorrounded by streams. It is truly the house outisde of town in the edge of the woods where spirits come to life. I have said my goodbyes to the land. I'm sad. I'm happy, but mostly just sitting in the vehicle waiting for it to start and drive me away.

Looks great, Rad! :thumb:

Thanks JimmieJ :) Are you all set for your harvest? Scissors? Good tunes? A friend to help share your weed?

Alright Rad!

Congrats on the harvest. What a beautiful plant. Crystals for days! I'm sure you're cherishing these last 9 harvests! :Namaste:

I a lot of acid, shrooms and mescalin (Peyote) back in the day. Once I turned 30 that crap took about a week to recover from. I think my Intelligence quotient dropped about 2 points every trip lol! :Namaste:

I was not an adventurous young man. There are rumors of a jar of Gold Cap spores coming my way in the next few weeks. If they do show up, I'm not telling anyone :)

Every drop in IQ points is a blessing. Those Downs Syndrome people are the happiest folks on earth. Most animals are happy and lacking an awareness of their mortality. My very old rats scamper around the cage and joyfully beg for food like puppies. I'm willing to lose 10 IQ points before winter :)
Congrats on the harvest of Boarderliner Iman Rad. :high-five: Kinda bittersweet isn't it? It's almost painful for me to watch it, even as I'm getting excited about your family adventure in moving. Change is good. Isn't it surprising how much more stuff you accumulated since moving in?
Congrats on the harvest of Boarderliner Iman Rad. :high-five: Kinda bittersweet isn't it? It's almost painful for me to watch it, even as I'm getting excited about your family adventure in moving. Change is good. Isn't it surprising how much more stuff you accumulated since moving in?

Not at all surprising ... This house added a 16x32 two story family room with a balcony.. so that was 2 new sofas. Our King Size steel canopy bed couldn't fit under the dormer, so the girl and her romance novel boyfriend got the romance novel curtained bed and we had to buy a new one. We are avid roadside pickers and LOVE a good furniture auction (there's always room for one more antique travel trunk.) ... The surprise is that we aren't hoarders :) ... Nothing gets into this house until we have a place for it !

To be honest, the largest accumulation is lights, pots, trays, soil, ....
Hi Radogast, I subbed and read a little, will have to come back and read more! I am very interested in both the perpetual grow (I've heard it called a sea of green before) and the organic approach! When I was at the hydro store, I bought a starter kit of nutrients and asked if they were organic and she said everything in the store is but they seem much less organic than what you are doing. Thanks for your help in my journal! Rock on!
As a child of a nomad hippy, I found change to be and exciting part of life that would never cease to amaze or create wonder. As an adult I have grown to appreciate the beauty around me almost to the point of taking mental possession of the mountains and rivers in my immediate vicinity. I learned to hold on to those places in my mind and take them with me whenever it was time for a new adventure. I hope you have the same kind of attachment and beauty in your new environment that you have with your present space, Radogast.
As a child of a nomad hippy, I found change to be and exciting part of life that would never cease to amaze or create wonder. As an adult I have grown to appreciate the beauty around me almost to the point of taking mental possession of the mountains and rivers in my immediate vicinity. I learned to hold on to those places in my mind and take them with me whenever it was time for a new adventure. I hope you have the same kind of attachment and beauty in your new environment that you have with your present space, Radogast.

We made the decision to move around Easter Sunday Weekend. Historically this week after the spring equinox has been one of those times when connections get made....

One year it was wandering up to the Napa Valley vineyards and finding everything closed (Easter Sunday...Doh) EXCEPT for we found one winery open and providing shelter for other lost souls who didn't note the Christian holiday. We huddled together and celbrated with the owner for hours - sampling more waine and more varieties including some truly private reserves, playing guitar, singing songs and having a true Easter fellowship experience.

One year it was deciding to spend my unexpected 4 day weekend driving to Yosemite National Park. On the way through Big Oak Flat entrance, I noticed lots of snowmelt waterfalls and no cars. Once inside the valley there were less than 5 guests in the Wawona lodge and only on cabin campground open in the valley, everyone else had continued higher up to go skiing. I spent 2 days in the valley seeing only the park ranger who collected my campground rent and a kid selling me pizza near the lodge. On my first morning I walked through 6" of snow to the bottom of Bridal Viel falls and played my trombine under spray of the falls until mid-day. I saw only animals, animal footprints, and my own. This in arguably one of the most beautiful places on earth normally choked with thousands of tourists.

Another time it was seeing the ghosts of native peoples in cave dwellings in New Mexico.

And meeting local, living natives on narrow pathways in Northern Arizona.

Driving the backroads in a string of fast moving cars along the New Jersey - Pennsylvania border

Doing a hillclimb on a private road in Vermont.

From other seasons in California, I carry memories of walking from the coastal redwood forests to the abalone coves of the pacific ocean. Watching whales, Elephant Seals, Seal lions, otters, banana slugs, bear, deer, coyote, many forms of birds, bees and butterflies including migrating monarchs. Walking through groves of redwoods, manzanita, wild oaks, and eucalyptus. Playing in fields of wild anise, california poppies, and lupine. Walking through manmade gold mining tunnels and silver mining ghost towns. Joshua tree forests. Sand dunes east of San Diego. Wind swept trees overlooking surfers from south to north. Salmon swimming upstream in tiny streams and massive dam fish ladders.

Thanks for reminding me I carry memories of places in my mind. :)

Happy Beltane to all.
We made the decision to move around Easter Sunday Weekend. Historically this week after the spring equinox has been one of those times when connections get made....

One year it was wandering up to the Napa Valley vineyards and finding everything closed (Easter Sunday...Doh) EXCEPT for we found one winery open and providing shelter for other lost souls who didn't note the Christian holiday. We huddled together and celbrated with the owner for hours - sampling more waine and more varieties including some truly private reserves, playing guitar, singing songs and having a true Easter fellowship experience.

One year it was deciding to spend my unexpected 4 day weekend driving to Yosemite National Park. On the way through Big Oak Flat entrance, I noticed lots of snowmelt waterfalls and no cars. Once inside the valley there were less than 5 guests in the Wawona lodge and only on cabin campground open in the valley, everyone else had continued higher up to go skiing. I spent 2 days in the valley seeing only the park ranger who collected my campground rent and a kid selling me pizza near the lodge. On my first morning I walked through 6" of snow to the bottom of Bridal Viel falls and played my trombine under spray of the falls until mid-day. I saw only animals, animal footprints, and my own. This in arguably one of the most beautiful places on earth normally choked with thousands of tourists.

Another time it was seeing the ghosts of native peoples in cave dwellings in New Mexico.

And meeting local, living natives on narrow pathways in Northern Arizona.

Driving the backroads in a string of fast moving cars along the New Jersey - Pennsylvania border

Doing a hillclimb on a private road in Vermont.

From other seasons in California, I carry memories of walking from the coastal redwood forests to the abalone coves of the pacific ocean. Watching whales, Elephant Seals, Seal lions, otters, banana slugs, bear, deer, coyote, many forms of birds, bees and butterflies including migrating monarchs. Walking through groves of redwoods, manzanita, wild oaks, and eucalyptus. Playing in fields of wild anise, california poppies, and lupine. Walking through manmade gold mining tunnels and silver mining ghost towns. Joshua tree forests. Sand dunes east of San Diego. Wind swept trees overlooking surfers from south to north. Salmon swimming upstream in tiny streams and massive dam fish ladders.

Thanks for reminding me I carry memories of places in my mind. :)

Happy Beltane to all.

Is it OK to ask who/what Beltane is? I haven't heard that term before.
Is it OK to ask who/what Beltane is? I haven't heard that term before.

Beltane is one of 8 festivals in "The Wheel of the Year" developed in England by good buddies Gerald Gardener (founder of the Wicca religion) and Ross NIchols (founder of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids) somewhere around 1950. There are 4 'natural' quarters to the solar year, the longest day (Summer Solstice), the shortest day (Winter Solstice), and the two equal length days (Spring and Fall Equinox.) All of these days like the Spring Equinox, Ostara (pronounced Eastara) have long traditions in Europe (Easter has eggs and bunnies and such.) Gardner and Nichols decided, what with random days important days, like Halloween, it would be fun to divide the year into 8 parts and have 8 official pagan party days evenly spaced through the year instead of just 4 plus a few special party days.

May 1, ancient Roman day honoring Flora (one of the 3 graces) and ancient germanic/swedish Walpurgis night (Bonfires and witches), and christian era maypole dances became Beltane. It's one of the less awkwardly named of their 8 holidays, so I remember it.

Until the last decade or so, most Wiccans thought it was some ancient scheme of the year followed by witches for centuries. The Druids (easier to say than the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, OBOD) have always known it was a recent concoction since they are a lot more about scholarship but have always enjoyed imagining how the old Druidic cults might have celebrated The Wheel of the Year and developed elaborate rituals to simulate the possibilities.

- - -

So Beltane is one of 8 fairly equally spaced holidays celebrated by most pagans worldwide.
Beltane is one of 8 festivals in "The Wheel of the Year" developed in England by good buddies Gerald Gardener (founder of the Wicca religion) and Ross NIchols (founder of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids) somewhere around 1950. There are 4 'natural' quarters to the solar year, the longest day (Summer Solstice), the shortest day (Winter Solstice), and the two equal length days (Spring and Fall Equinox.) All of these days like the Spring Equinox, Ostara (pronounced Eastara) have long traditions in Europe (Easter has eggs and bunnies and such.) Gardner and Nichols decided, what with random days important days, like Halloween, it would be fun to divide the year into 8 parts and have 8 official pagan party days evenly spaced through the year instead of just 4 plus a few special party days.

May 1, ancient Roman day honoring Flora (one of the 3 graces) and ancient germanic/swedish Walpurgis night (Bonfires and witches), and christian era maypole dances became Beltane. It's one of the less awkwardly named of their 8 holidays, so I remember it.

Until the last decade or so, most Wiccans thought it was some ancient scheme of the year followed by witches for centuries. The Druids (easier to say than the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, OBOD) have always known it was a recent concoction since they are a lot more about scholarship but have always enjoyed imagining how the old Druidic cults might have celebrated The Wheel of the Year and developed elaborate rituals to simulate the possibilities.

- - -

So Beltane is one of 8 fairly equally spaced holidays celebrated by most pagans worldwide.

Pagan,, Taking apart Altars..... I suspected. That's cool, I truly believe in man's right to worship any God he chooses/feels is must. I commend you for standing up for your beliefs!
Hey there Rad - that was one beautiful lady you chopped - congrats on your harvest and I'm wishing you many many more healthy happy harvests to come. The purple buds always look great don't they?

Good luck with packing stuff up... you can always start new collections and remember to wrap up the glass 2x ... you already know that I'm sure.

Snowcap FTW! right on...

If celebrating with psychedelics lowered IQ - I'd be in the negatives by now. Remember that guy Timothy Leary? He had part of it right, he was celebrating with the good stuff and the good people, the rest, meh.

Beltane - 1/2 way between spring equinox and summer solstice. I've got a fair amount of Welsh blood mixed with Scottish and in Wales this celebration is called Galan Mai (May Day). For folks that live off the land these celebrations are very very important and very spiritual as Rad celebrates this special time of the year.

It's always a good thing to take some time off and thank mother nature and the Gods for life, spirit and good will in hopes for a bountiful harvest.

Homage Respect Thanks :Namaste:

Now lets get back to gardening...
Always great when you drop by Bobrown :peacetwo:

I'm close to half Welsh myself. According to ancestry.com my grandpa was telling the truth when he said Henry Morgan the privateer was a great-great uncle :) I like the sound of the Welsh language but the way they connect letters to sounds when they spell is attrocious. It's almost like the kings of England forced them to spell everything wrong as a punishment for resisting conquest. The way the Welsh widely celebrate old bardic traditions such as the eistedfodd is amazing.

Borderliner Iman is dry today. She smells fantastic.


P.S. My wife used to be an eBay seller of fine porcelain - she packs very well :)
Homemade AK47 seeds to start off a new growspace Rad? How neat.
The joy that seeds bring :) I look forward to the next gen of AK on the way mate!

Thanks folks :)

Borderliner Iman dropped a seed today. Borderliner is my favorite homegrown smoke with the major downside that she is hard to clone. I had either 1 or 0 Borderliner seeds left, so I am VERY happy to save this seed :) Of course, she might not breed true, but since I believe she was self fertilized chances of quality genetics are very good.
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