"Bad Thang, fine as hell, thick as fuq, oh my God, that's my baby" - (Amine)
Check my Trap Princess and her little sister, the stars of my show. That 27 gallon SIP got em thicker than a Hooters girl in Atlanta Georgia.

I feed mine 2 gallons of full strength Rx Blend and 1 gallon of water with silica and Great White in it - straight down the gas-hole. Nothing else really. The dirt is FFOF with added perlite, a cup of soft rock phos and azomite (70/30) to keep the "Fox-Pox" at bay (the rock powders help FFOF buffer my acidic ass water) , and some bokashi (Thanks @Bill284 ). It's a dynamite grow mix for me, cheap too, in comparison with supersoil building.
Edit- @Azimuth suggested I post here and stop lurking on yalls SIP-porn in silence. :ganjamon:



Trying to reclaim the hydroballs and get to the bottom of this..
As I thought right from the get go what would happen is.. since I planted in it.. she just threw a huge root puncturing straight to the reservoir... casting out some big feelers along the way but not colonising the soil at all, the soil actually hardly feels used, I think I can reclaim that as well.. there's not much root mass in it, it still smells fresh and is moist, I haven't watered in weeks , droughting this container will be a no go.. I've not seen any droop, the plant just keeps praying, I'd need to stop watering weeks in advance.


Cat Inspection
IMG_0928 2.JPG

The buds all have been great, twelve of these
"Bad Thang, fine as hell, thick as fuq, oh my God, that's my baby" - (Amine)
Check my Trap Princess and her little sister, the stars of my show. That 27 gallon SIP got em thicker than a Hooters girl in Atlanta Georgia.

I feed mine 2 gallons of full strength Rx Blend and 1 gallon of water with silica and Great White in it - straight down the gas-hole. Nothing else really. The dirt is FFOF with added perlite, a cup of soft rock phos and azomite (70/30) to keep the "Fox-Pox" at bay (the rock powders help FFOF buffer my acidic ass water) , and some bokashi (Thanks @Bill284 ). It's a dynamite grow mix for me, cheap too, in comparison with supersoil building.
Edit- @Azimuth suggested I post here and stop lurking on yalls SIP-porn in silence. :ganjamon:



I must find this, "Hooters" of which you speak.
But Azi turns out you're right there is no actual roots entering in the reservoir, oh she went to look at all the weak spots but there she just developed a web of water roots..
The plant however does not seem to like the idea of Sipping.. well in the sense of oh you're wicking up moisture through the hydroton and soil? nono I go first! as she completely got underneath all the hydroton..
I think the meter got out of whack, part by caky nutes bothering the little iso ball and I do think they count the water channel to the volume and I think at the end not much water would pass the roots into the channel hence spilling over faster before the meter got to the top.
hmm this makes me think.. my pot is way too big.. I could have grown the same size plant and flowers in the smallest container of the series...resulting in roots completely colonising the soil, but I would have to water a lot more.

This pot could probably do an already sizeable outside plant and I'm using it for grows I keep below 20" in height.
Ha! Finally caught up!

I've made a DIY SIPish planter for the upcoming outdoor season.
It's a 63 litre tote, 25 litres of perlite, a raw cotton bag, 2 bags of 3/1 vegetable soil, a length of PVC pipe, and some burlap.
I mixed 10 litres of perlite into the soil. I filled the cotton bag with the soil/perlite mix, put it in the centre of the tote, and surrounded it with the rest of the perlite. I then added the PVC pipe with a section of cotton covering the bottom end, and drilled an overflow hole 2cm below the top of the perlite.
I cut the burlap to go around the bag, and then cut the excess material from the top of the bag to expose the soil and filled the tote. All but the first couple of pics disappeared, so I added a quick drawing to give a general idea of what it looks like inside.
Sippish better.jpg

Ok, so I'm going to use SIP on my next grow. For many reasons I can't cook my own TLO soil. I was thinking about getting maybe some Roots Organics Original Potting Soil, and then add some microbial inoculant (or not). This is because I don't want to hassle with PH and synthetic nutes. Does this sound viable or should I just stick with the Fox Farm products?

Hey Sleepy, I'm not familiar with Roots Organic Original.

Do they touted it as being a kind of Super Soil with enough inputs to get deep in a grow? If not, you'll likely have to add nutrients, but I'll let others who have some experience with it weigh in.
Ok, so I'm going to use SIP on my next grow. For many reasons I can't cook my own TLO soil. I was thinking about getting maybe some Roots Organics Original Potting Soil, and then add some microbial inoculant (or not). This is because I don't want to hassle with PH and synthetic nutes. Does this sound viable or should I just stick with the Fox Farm products?

FFOF is the bees-knees. Don't let hearsay turn you off of it because it isn't handmade organic, it grows plants fast and hot. Start em on nutrients at the end of week 2 and don't let off the gas. The Fox farm Trio will grow damned good weed, but Prescription blend will grow better. If you grow vegetables, "Grow Big" is Phenomenal for your garden. My corn was over 8 feet tall last year. Just my 3 cents, YMMV.
I'm open to any other design ideas that still make for something not too large/heavy/unwieldy to carry twice a day. Otter just suggested this:
Hiya Shed!

I am seriously considering a SIP container for my outside summer grow and this design looks very doable for me.
I'll use Fox Farms Trio nutes.

My brother wants to grow so I may build a pot for him using Grow Dots for the nutes. He'll need something very easy for his first grow. The SIP bucket will simplify watering, and the Grow Dots will simplify nutes. I'll give him some SNS-209 to add to the water to combat bugs and I'm thinking he will be golden.

Hiya Shed!

I am seriously considering a SIP container for my outside summer grow and this design looks very doable for me.
I'll use Fox Farms Trio nutes.

My brother wants to grow so I may build a pot for him using Grow Dots for the nutes. He'll need something very easy for his first grow. The SIP bucket will simplify watering, and the Grow Dots will simplify nutes. I'll give him some SNS-209 to add to the water to combat bugs and I'm thinking he will be golden.

Rock powders are really good for sweetening the soil and preventing ph swing. Just don't go crazy, and maybe avoid Lime, (I recommend SRF and Azomite, but Leonardite and morganite are also good) a couple tablespoons go a long way.
My brother wants to grow so I may build a pot for him using Grow Dots for the nutes. He'll need something very easy for his first grow. The SIP bucket will simplify watering, and the Grow Dots will simplify nutes. I'll give him some SNS-209 to add to the water to combat bugs and I'm thinking he will be golden.
Give him some HP Promix, too, and he won't have to worry about ph- I haven't ph'd anything for my last 5 plants, and there's been no ph related problems. The buffering in the Promix evidently does what it's supposed to do..
Give him some HP Promix, too, and he won't have to worry about ph- I haven't ph'd anything for my last 5 plants, and there's been no ph related problems. The buffering in the Promix evidently does what it's supposed to do..
Thanks Carcass!
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