Somehow it's Working - Soil, Sun & CFL's

I just planted my Bubba Kush, AK-48 and Leary in mini-hempies. They've been soaking for about 22 hrs.

I also soaked & planted 14 seeds from my last grow. Last time I tried that only 1 out of 30 sprouted so I don't expect to be overwhelmed with plants.

Only 6 of the 14 sank during the soak so they went into mini-hempies. The other 8 just went into a soil/perlite 50/50 mix.

I did this to try and get a male for some mad scientist breeding efforts.

Please join me in offering sacrifices to the bud gods for some good news in the next few days.

In other news the girls that won't finish are the same. I work 2nd shift and when I got home last night I could smell a faint but familiar odor as I walked to the front door. Out back it was even stronger. The grow room is upstairs all the way at the back of the house. Not good.

When the girls were out back and in the garage I never smelled them much, the garage smelled a little. As I mentioned elsewhere it's poorly constructed or well-ventilated, take your pick. The smell now in the enclosed room is quite strong. I'll have to work on that, it's always something.

....Oh, you said "Mad Scientist", I thought... nevermind... hehehe...

The best thing about this site... you mention a problem or situation... and chances are someone else has been there and already figured out a solution!

I increased my seed sprouting %'s by scraping/sanding the outer layer of skin that helps hold the bean together, right there where they split. In nature, the seed softens over a longer period of time. You will also have less issues with the sprout shedding the shell after it pops. I generaly remove the shell on what I consider day1, the day it pops up above the medium.

I had similar smell issues while in full bloom. Adding a 6" inline fan, vented out the back window, was enough to create a negative airflow with the door closed. Since air is now being pulled into the room from any point, there is no way for the smell to escape into the house. I dont have any close neighbors, and none behind me, so I dont worry about the smell back there, but I use a can Carbon Filter at the beginning of the run because the/my Queen told me to! I have a friend that swears by the "Ona" which is better in his case, because he does not have a place for outgoing ventilation.

:yummy:Good Luck +rep
Hello Blue! Listen for a first time grow you are bound to have 'issues'., My first indoor grow in many many years (last fall). Resulted in very low potency smoke and like you I waited a long time! Mine was 12+ weeks (for an indica dominant strain!). I'm glad you have some smoke that get's the job done at least. Mine was a total waste except for the experience I gained form it that is.

I've learned that pH is one of the deciding factors in growing a good crop, along with complete darkness (never knew this), humidity (dryer the better), stay away from MGrow (must flush very good and do not overfeed) and to alternate between feedings and waterings. Just a few of the many learned lessons from this site. I also think much has to do with 'genetics' of the seed. If you order seeds from a company or get them from a 'very' reliable source, chances of a better outcome increase dramatically. Of course you have to apply everything else you've learned to make it all come together.

This was a great learning experience and I'm glad you are planning to try it again..We all learn from our mistakes and at least in my case it worked out just great. For you it will also!

Best of luck and enjoy that smoke you got from Big Amber.:goodjob:

Thanks Woodsman! I'm not discouraged, although when I look at what you pulled down I should be lol!

I'm wondering about the potency too. Obviously genetics play a huge part. But maybe transitioning from full sun to full cfl's hurt the cause too, and my ph/feeding issues were also a problem.

Or maybe they'll still come around. However it seems very odd to me that I'd have 3 plants, all pretty different looking, that are all 16+ week plants? And of course my first 6 that I pulled at 9 1/2 weeks that were hardly any good at all.

I'll hopefully find out soon enough with my hempy grow. I'd trying to eliminate as many problem points as possible because if something can be screwed up I'm the one to find out how!

Thanks for stopping by my friend. And good luck with your remaining harvest:thumb:

....Oh, you said "Mad Scientist", I thought... nevermind... hehehe...

The best thing about this site... you mention a problem or situation... and chances are someone else has been there and already figured out a solution!

I increased my seed sprouting %'s by scraping/sanding the outer layer of skin that helps hold the bean together, right there where they split. In nature, the seed softens over a longer period of time. You will also have less issues with the sprout shedding the shell after it pops. I generaly remove the shell on what I consider day1, the day it pops up above the medium.

I had similar smell issues while in full bloom. Adding a 6" inline fan, vented out the back window, was enough to create a negative airflow with the door closed. Since air is now being pulled into the room from any point, there is no way for the smell to escape into the house. I dont have any close neighbors, and none behind me, so I dont worry about the smell back there, but I use a can Carbon Filter at the beginning of the run because the/my Queen told me to! I have a friend that swears by the "Ona" which is better in his case, because he does not have a place for outgoing ventilation.

:yummy:Good Luck +rep

Hey Med Scientist thanks for stopping by and for the reps!

I basically did what you suggested and put up a window fan blowing out into the backyard. That fixed the worst of it. And my new hempy grow is going to be conducted in a bathroom that already has the usual exhaust fan so I hope that will cover it.

Thanks for the germination tips, I'll keep them in mind for the next batch. Most of my seeds that didn't sprout were immature I'm guessing, they were taken from a plant that was pulled before her time. I got all 3 of my purchased seeds to come up thank goodness!

Take care, reps back at ya.
Thanks Woodsman! I'm not discouraged, although when I look at what you pulled down I should be lol!

I'm wondering about the potency too. Obviously genetics play a huge part. But maybe transitioning from full sun to full cfl's hurt the cause too, and my ph/feeding issues were also a problem.

Or maybe they'll still come around. However it seems very odd to me that I'd have 3 plants, all pretty different looking, that are all 16+ week plants? And of course my first 6 that I pulled at 9 1/2 weeks that were hardly any good at all.

I'll hopefully find out soon enough with my hempy grow. I'd trying to eliminate as many problem points as possible because if something can be screwed up I'm the one to find out how!

Thanks for stopping by my friend. And good luck with your remaining harvest:thumb:

Hmmm .......sounds like they had a problem with the lighting, going from sun to CFL is quite a difference. But pH and the actual genetics and or the health of the seed are very important. I'm no expert, though because I has similar issues with potency, I had to do some investigating. On my next grow (This winter/spring.) I used mixed spectrum in flower. Daylight and Soft white CfL's in a mixed array. This can aid in potency. Also for the first time I was able to keep a good check on my pH. They have the test kit at Wally's in the aquarium section of the pet supply area for like 6 bucks or so. Not to hard to work with, quite simple. It's really helps in maintaining the good health of your plants as they grow.
Hey Blue May I ask about the Blot Journal? Did 420 approve of your wording? Just wondering! :) :grinjoint:

Hey OMM! So far so good, although the only added post so far hasn't helped the cause.

Maybe there's not as much interest as I hoped, but it's still a baby thread.

Took another cola from Big Amber today, 1 oz wet and now it's hanging in the box.

Then I took a cola from my big sativa B1, the worst looking one with lots of dead cola leaves. As I started trimming it and cutting it apart a bit I saw what looks like white mold or possible webbing, I wish my eyes were better. That sucks.

I'll be busy today trying to salvage what I can from it.

Aloha my friend.
Bud rot blows. All over my big sativa and big amber. Not sure about b5. Unbelievably I have a date for the first time in forever so I have to leave this stuff undone until I get back. What lousy timing etc.... only good thing is that I'll still end up with a bunch of intact bud which is getting better every day. In fact I have a nice buzz going right now.

Wish me luck!
I'm still not done but I'm tired. I chopped all of Big Amber, the upper halves of her colas were full of rot. I was able to salvage a lot, the lower buds and bottoms of the colas looked fine and went into bags to start the dry. Anything marginal went into water to cure. Everything else got pitched. It gives me the creeps being around that stuff.

Funny thing is that the buds are extremely dry. I think the rot probably started over a month ago when they were still outside and it was so hot and humid. I kept a fan on them every night and never misted them.

I saw very little living mold. Just rotted buds.

I ended up with 5.5 oz that I judged to be fine. There's probably another ounce or more water curing. So I should end up with over 2 ounces. I won't smoke any of the water cured stuff unless I have to.

I still haven't finished with B1. Every cola has rot up top. Luckily none of them had anything down below, just like Big Amber. So far I have 5 oz of 'clean' bud and 2 full jars water curing.

I'll bet I threw out 4-5 oz of what should have been the best stuff... the upper halves of the big colas.

I haven't started on B5. I hope she's ok but probably not.

In some ways this is a fitting end to this grow, and I def have some pretty good smoke. It's up to a 7 I'd say. Now I know what signs to look for bud rot - dead/dying leaves in the cola. Especially if there's more than one in a cluster.

I'll post the final results and smoke reports as I get them. I'll have plenty to tide me over until my new grow is ready.

Sounds like things didnt go perfect for you on this Grow,, although,, it does sound like you ended up with quite a bit of good Budz.. :) .. And for being only your first Grow,, Id say things turned out pretty good after all.. You did gain quite a bit of Knowledge,, along with the good Smoke.. ..

Im definately hoping this next Grow goes better for you though.. Its suppose to get a little better and easier everytime.. ..

Much Love and Respect to you and yours my Friend.. ..
Thanks guys. I still haven't finished chopping the big sativa but I will tomorrow. I have lots of good budz. I'll get some weights when things dry out.

Thanks guys. I still haven't finished chopping the big sativa but I will tomorrow. I have lots of good budz. I'll get some weights when things dry out.


Hi Blue :thumb:

Screw the rot! How did the date go? :hippy:

That one of the few things that would take priority over growing for me. Hope it went well. :thumb:

Seems like everyone got hit with rot this year. My Columbian had a bit too. Was lucky with the rest! Sure glad you have a stash already. Sorry Blue!
Hi Blue :thumb:

Screw the rot! How did the date go? :hippy:

That one of the few things that would take priority over growing for me. Hope it went well. :thumb:

Seems like everyone got hit with rot this year. My Columbian had a bit too. Was lucky with the rest! Sure glad you have a stash already. Sorry Blue!

Hey OMM! The date was great. An old friend from my past that I ran into recently. I have to stall on inviting her over until the house no longer smells like a pot factory though! She doesn't smoke but she's cool with it. That was the one of the very first things I brought up.

Things to look for in a woman - a kind heart, a ready smile, good looking and cool about the weed.

I'm kinda kicking myself over not seeing the rot sooner, but it was hard to get at the plants with my makeshift setup and the flowering lights aren't the best and neither are my eyes. Plus I didn't know what I was looking at. Dead cola leaves = definite warning sign.

Starting at the bottom of the colas everything looked great until about halfway up. This all went into bags to dry. Then I'd start seeing evidence of the rot. I took what I could from there that looked ok and put it in water to cure. The rest is getting pitched. Probably a good 3-4 oz so far but I'm not dwelling on it. I'm glad to put this grow behind me and move on.

I'm also really glad that I have another grow underway or this would hurt more.

Take care my friend!
I just brought in the 3 Big Bud girls yesterday....About 40% amber 60% was my 56th birthday....and there was a full moon. They've gotten nothing but lemon water for the last 12 days. It was time for me too.
Sorry bout things going hinky at the end, but you know the next one will be better.....and your first grow was a success!! Most aren't so lucky!
Good for you Blue!!:goodjob::blunt:
Hey OMM! The date was great. An old friend from my past that I ran into recently. I have to stall on inviting her over until the house no longer smells like a pot factory though! She doesn't smoke but she's cool with it. That was the one of the very first things I brought up.

Things to look for in a woman - a kind heart, a ready smile, good looking and cool about the weed.

I'm kinda kicking myself over not seeing the rot sooner, but it was hard to get at the plants with my makeshift setup and the flowering lights aren't the best and neither are my eyes. Plus I didn't know what I was looking at. Dead cola leaves = definite warning sign.

Starting at the bottom of the colas everything looked great until about halfway up. This all went into bags to dry. Then I'd start seeing evidence of the rot. I took what I could from there that looked ok and put it in water to cure. The rest is getting pitched. Probably a good 3-4 oz so far but I'm not dwelling on it. I'm glad to put this grow behind me and move on.

I'm also really glad that I have another grow underway or this would hurt more.

Take care my friend!

Ahhh Man That's great! Have to add that she should love you like crazy! :cheer:

Rot is so hard to see anyway my friend. You sure have experienced it all Buddy. More experience you could done with out.:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

Gotcha on lessing the pain, having another grow going! ;) Can't see either Huh?
Your gonna make a great old Fart! :hug:

If I haven't said this before or even if I have.....that for campaigning for me! :thumb:
I just brought in the 3 Big Bud girls yesterday....About 40% amber 60% was my 56th birthday....and there was a full moon. They've gotten nothing but lemon water for the last 12 days. It was time for me too.
Sorry bout things going hinky at the end, but you know the next one will be better.....and your first grow was a success!! Most aren't so lucky!
Good for you Blue!!:goodjob::blunt:

Thanks Chopper and Happy Birthday you old bastard! You've got me by a good 10 months. I can now call you old man like my son's been calling me for about the last 15 years :)

Do you have any pics? I love those Big Buds.

This grow was fine all in all. I'm just guestimating but I got about 2 smokable oz from the first batch, and I have about 5-6 more that I'm going to try making ice hash with.

This one I think I'll have 4-6 oz of pretty good smoke, the best I've grown yet. And a bunch of hashable popcorn buds and trim leaves.

I've just put out of my mind the 4-6 oz of primo cola bud I had to pitch.... sob :(

So... 6 months almost to the day from when I planted the seeds to the very end. And probably $1000 or so. I stopped keeping track at about $600 plus the extra electric. I look at that as an investment and tuition.

This next grow is going to cost me a fraction of that since I now have all the lights, azamax, etc. Just perlite ($20), OC+ ($20), the seeds ($30), a ph test kit ($8), ph down ($15) and the electric. This whole next grow should cost me less than $300 total.
Ahhh Man That's great! Have to add that she should love you like crazy! :cheer:

Rot is so hard to see anyway my friend. You sure have experienced it all Buddy. More experience you could done with out.:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

Gotcha on lessing the pain, having another grow going! ;) Can't see either Huh?
Your gonna make a great old Fart! :hug:

If I haven't said this before or even if I have.....that for campaigning for me! :thumb:

OMM all I had to do was nominate you, which was my pleasure. You've done all the rest already with your great presence here at 420!
got the pix as far as "Tinypix" but when I try to run them thru this laptop to resize them to post...they max out the ancient laptop. My PC is all but smoked at this point, so pix ain't happening right now. Maybe Santa will bring me a new Dell tower :slide::slide::slide:
Hey Blue :ganjamon:

I must have picked up some cleaning vibes from you! I swept up and picked up stuff all day today then vacuumed up....that should hold me for a couple of years! :)

Can't remember, you have reflective walls? A good flat white paint is 95% reflective. Will make it warmer in the winter. I hear there's cold headed your way.
Weather man here said that from December on we will be having much, much rain. Many wash away floods. Rain hits these straight up mountains and comes flash flooding down. Gonna be some Hawaiian fun :yikes::yikes::yikes:
Now no whining OMM is'nt that why you folks made surfboards ?
MAHALO :surf::surf::surf:
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