Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I was reading something from one breeder where they changed the strain name on a release twice because no one would buy it under the original name given. But they finally renamed it a third time and the name made it a hit (aside from good genetics....but the genetics weren't changed at all during the renaming). Just goes to show what a difference a name can make. Remember that when you name your next kid....don't go naming it Apple or North.
Ok guys and gals, I need some help. PM any names of members here in the USA that you guys think would be in need of a MBM2 machine. I will be getting one from the POTY and I don't really have anyone else I can think of here that can use one.

I am looking for someone that probably relies on cannabis for daily life, probably someone in pain where they will have good use for edibles or oils. I want it to go to good use.

Sorry for limiting it to the USA but shipping fees are pretty crazy for international.
Super nice of ya'll to gift away the MBM2 to someone who needs the pain relief. Kudos!

Also, I love the tent. Just wished I could've helped and seen it built in person. Hard work indeed!
Thanks everyone!

Been a busy few days here. Yesterday was no exception. Got to play some more of the real life game I have created in my basement....its called adult tetris. Shit will only fit one way and moving stuff is no different. I spent the day playing it as I moved my 5x5 on the opposite side of the basement in the corner by the 10x10. It was a FREAKING pain in the ass to get all the exercise equipment past the tents and poles as I shift things this way and that way. Got the tent all the way to where I needed it to be and had a path cleared to push it right back into the corner where it will reside when it hit something. After a quick check, I saw Murphy popped his ugly mug into the basement again. Seems the main beem running down the middle of the house is on the low side in the far corner and the freaking 5x5 wouldn't fit its far corner under the beam and the basement ceiling is too low to flip her on her side.....:hmmmm:

What to do? I wasn't going to have wasted 4 hours of adult tetris only to be beaten by a single corner. So I set out on the task of finding my chisel and mini sledge (fun doing this with elbow being jacked up after the fall but having to push it let me know that I don't think its injured, wouldn't have been able to do what I did if it was actually injured) and of course like everything else, that took about 10x longer than it should have. Literally tore through every tool bag I had (which is alot) and found them in the last one, go figure. I chiseled out a gap in the main support beam :eek: and was able to slowly and carefully wedged her under and with about 20 minutes of a centimeter per side, I got her through!

Needless to say I am glad I don't have any cameras around to capture my reaction or neighbors around to hear me, but I let loose! LOL It was one of my finest unfinest moments for sure. Then I realized my mistake..:oops: The sub flooring. So I undid what I just accomplished and wasted 15 minutes by squeezing it back through the gap I chiseled out. Grabbed all the sub flooring and squeezed it through the very small remaining gap while I hop back and forth through the side openings of the tent (being careful not to trip again....lesson learned there let me tell ya). Got the sub flooring set up and then squeezed the 5x5 through one last time (at least for now) and turned her into her final resting spot.

I was too tired to celebrate again. Got all the electrical wired into place and zip tied up nice and tiddy and realized the plants I needed to move into the tent were all in need of watering. Go freaking figure right? Think I finished up around 10pm, got them all in their new tent with a lot more room for them to spread their branches too.

Still have to run the recirculating ducting and set up the big de-humidifier (courtesy of the deal with Vex....thanks again brother) but got most everything done up last night. Today will be up potting the ATF that was flipped yesterday, up potting the two Stankberry girls, taking clones off all three of them and finishing up the ducting. Good times. Feels good to get rolling with the new set up.
:eek: is right! [Children...don't try this at home!]

I hope those cut-off water bottles are back in place ;).

Congrats on a job well done!
Those water bottles didn't survive the move Shed......a moment of silence please......RIP water bottles. Good news is none of us will have to answer THAT question anymore!
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