Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

It should work. It’ll take her a week or two to recover, but eventually she’ll grow back. Just don’t stress her anymore :)
It should work. It’ll take her a week or two to recover, but eventually she’ll grow back. Just don’t stress her anymore :)
I think so and hope so were coming into spring more sun warmer temps shes going to stay outside during the day and I will do my best to not stress her out anymore or any of my plants I new you would spank me lol!:)
Good! I thought that one was a goner already. It looks like it should be okay with some tlc. You know that looks an awful lot like hemp mite damage.... KNock on wood! You might take a loop to it to be sure.

already looked nothing there this time I was the pest so did you lose all 3 #5s or did you give any away im thinking if you gave any away you would be able to get a cut I really wanted to watch you grow it that was the main reason for giving it I was hoping woody would grow one to I would love to see how she looks with the different growing techniques!:)
If you're running her outdoors now, make sure to give her extra light so that she doesn't start flowering on you. Keep her on her vegetative state so that she can continue to recover. Hopefully she makes it for you.
thanks man im already on it the light comes on at 5 am im going to match the sunlight hrs for when she goes out full time the end of april!:)
heres my full veg tent this is a 3x3x5 its full I cant wait to get these into the 5x5 where they'll have some elbow room so far there doing good theres some yellow leaves under from no light I
this bb cut is doing fine!
the rest!

this black doggy in back!
when I get up in the morning both tents are lights on so I open the veg tent and pull that monster bb out a bit and put these lights on them they love this shit!

had a little pm but that's gone first a tent pic!:)
Nice pics. What settings? I have a Canon EOS 500D with a kit lense, but mine never look that good :)
im using a Nikon d3100 idk anything about your cannon as I no very little about the camera I have lol I have it set on a macro setting and im using a tripod just in case you didn't no to haul those downstairs outside taking 130 pics of the two plants then onto the laptop to go through them one at a time with some cropping about 2hrs.!
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