Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

Mar. 29th, and it's Tuesday my hell day at work. But I managed to get er' dun and got home with time to diddle with girls. None are ready for feeding yet, but they're all close. It's now 7 weeks since the twins sprouted, I guess I'm on par with veg time... 8 weeks veg plus 8 weeks flower, Easy math. I'm really looking forward to this new powerhouse Led panel I've got coming from the TWILIGHT-GROUP, hope i can give it good reviews but only one way to find out. On to the ladies...

Ellabella veg. Day 63 : 7.6 lbs

She's just about ready to be trained once again. She's like a boulder on the ground. A symmetrical bush like orb... Stellar!

Winnie veg day 63 : 7.0 lbs
I'm letting her grow, I've pinned down the tips at the edge of the pot and gave them all pinches to slowdown their growth. Hoping it will help fill out the other side of the pot more.

Leialoha day 55 : 8.4 lbs.
my darling child is in recovery from yesterday's training session / torture hour... I'll leave her be for today.

Thanks for following everyone, cheers!

KiG :green_heart:
Theyre looking great, hope this new light works out a bit gutted I only found their post today lol.

Your last girl looks like she enjoyed the bondage I mean training session
that would be advisable, I'm sure you could let her dry out over a few days. A good wet:dry cycle is a positive thing. It allows even more root expansion especially in first weeks of flower and early veg stage too.

I've come along way that's for sure... No worries about keeping up here man, plenty of newbies needing our attention. Like I posted at your place, I'm finding it hard to keep up to date on the 100's of threads I'm following. Average amount of posts when I wake up is 65ish, hopefully I can dwindle it down to a dozen vet member by the time I fall asleep holding my phone... Lol.. U think I'm going crazy?

Thanks hydro I'm very happy with them so far, tied down, hell yeah, that's what I'm going for bushy bush bushes... Hope they get even bushier, hoo hah!


You got it brother, pull up a chair :welcome: im glad you came by for visit. Stinky Snid's Nursery is just getting warmed up. Stay tuned! And :thanks:

Thankfully vlad I was able to grab up one of the free TWILIGHT GROUPS LED'S that they were offering to members. 864 max wattage. 288x3w panel... Full spectrum. Just pay shipping... Lol I'm like... OK! So as I was saying this light is more power than all the ones I've got combined. I'm trying to read up on these LEDs...

Anyone have any info on these twilightgroups LEDs?

So the plan is to use it as a main coverage light and use my reflectors as supplementary angled side lights (45° or less) creating an angled light ceiling in this shape.. /““\ ..
You wanted more light well Stinky Snid is gonna bring it to you... Courtesy of TWILIGHT GROUP LEDs. Thank so much Jason! :thanks:

I will try and make this community proud with all these possible POtM nominees. Only time will tell if this novice is ready for the big leagues. Cheers comrade, appreciate the positivity... One day at a time :thumb:

KiG everyone :green_heart:cheers

Hey snid I found them on the internet here in the States. Found no reviews but looks like nice lighting. I ordered the 300w (288x1) for my tent. Online they were $365 so $81.70 seems OK Jason said 5-6 days for delivery and it should have been sent out Sunday night that's moday morn for them. He is supposed to send me a tracking # tonight but still waiting it is 9:41am there. Did you receive a tracking number yet
I've come along way that's for sure... No worries about keeping up here man, plenty of newbies needing our attention. Like I posted at your place, I'm finding it hard to keep up to date on the 100's of threads I'm following. Average amount of posts when I wake up is 65ish, hopefully I can dwindle it down to a dozen vet member by the time I fall asleep holding my phone... Lol.. U think I'm going crazy?

I haven't been able to get to under 50 unread subscriptions in a week or two. May have overextended myself, how completely unsurprising.
A+ job! Keep it up! :bravo:
Thank you nismo, didn't get any A's in school so this is a great honour... Jk... But thanks for the support. :thanks:
Theyre looking great, hope this new light works out, I'm a bit gutted I only found their post today lol.
Your last girl looks like she enjoyed the bondage I mean training session
I sure hope it benefits the plants, it'll probably run me another 15-20 bucks a month in electricity. So it better do some good :)
Dude, if I get a free light out of this, I'm in debt to you. Thanks for the heads up Snid. Plants look awesome as usual.
Please... I didn't do anything, just pointing out the post for you guys to capitalize on the offer. I saw it thanks to someone else too. I'm hoping he gets back to you, there were quite a few lights on the list, and he said priority goes to people who posted on the thread that they're interested. Keep those fingers crossed :)
I want a free light lol. I want to try LED but don't like the upfront price tag. We shall see soon enough if she let's me get one.
Always ask the misses first. Sent you a pm. :)
Jumping in late but happy to be here Snid!!
Hope you like the sights on this journal, not quite the mature budporn.. But I've got something for all flavours of interest. Lol.. That's getting weird... Welcome to this adventure of mine, thanks for stopping in:Namaste:
They keep looking better every day, very impressive!
That's for sure, everything is going smoothly so far. They do all the work, I'm just the hair stylist :slide: thanks CMJ, your two ladies are getting huge too.
Congrats on the new toy perfect timing:welldone:
Thanks rhettorikz, it's my bday coming up in April too... So this is a great gift from the community. Oh. And speaking of new toys I just got my new Bluelab soil ph pen. :yahoo: take it to whole nother level. A'la mad TV. It's going to get use in my veggie garden aswell, so it's dual purpose.
Hey snid I found them on the internet here in the States. Found no reviews but looks like nice lighting. I ordered the 300w (288x1) for my tent. Online they were $365 so $81.70 seems OK Jason said 5-6 days for delivery and it should have been sent out Sunday night that's moday morn for them. He is supposed to send me a tracking # tonight but still waiting it is 9:41am there. Did you receive a tracking number yet
Yes sir, that's a mighty fine deal if you ask me. If I remember mine was 499usd on alibaba direct from twilight. So ya my shipping was 85ish. Booyah!!!
I haven't been able to get to under 50 unread subscriptions in a week or two. May have overextended myself, how completely unsurprising.
RTK =:nomo: lol... I hear ya, that's brutal. I'm barely able to keep up with my subscribed threads and I still sub up to new journals everyday. I think I've got a problem :helpsmilie: please :)

KiG everyone :green_heart:cheers
Mar. 30th, This week's Humpday is a good day for Stinky Snid. First off I arrive home to find my brand spanking new Bluelabs Soil ph Pen waiting at the front door, Direct from Auckland, New Zealand. And next I got my vitamins, youngevity's beyond tangy tangerine 2.0... Check it out, no joke... It will change your life.. It's like advanced nutrients for humans.

On to the plants, I've been waiting for my new Ph soil pen from Bluelabs, starting tomorrow my note taking is going to whole new level.

**correction from yesterday's update, it's been 9 weeks since sprout is 7 weeks of they were 9 day weeks lol. :) **

Ellabella veg. day 64 : 7.0 lbs
She's getting a feeding today, full line of veg nutes. G/m/B, b52,cal mag, silica. Same will go for Winnie. I'll mix a double batch. No training on feeding days

Winnie veg. Day 64 : 7.0 lbs

The tips that are growing outside the pot, I think I'll try and use these as clones. Suggestions please, I'll cut off 4-5 nodes, strip it to the top 2 nodes and trim leaf matter?. FYI my last attempt failed, it rotted away completely idk what I did wrong.

Leialoha day 56 : 7.8 lbs

Simple Day for Leialoha, she is just getting started on flowering, nodes are stacking up and her pistils are starting to show on more branches.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
:Namaste: :passitleft:"The tips that are growing outside the pot, I think I'll try and use these as clones. Suggestions please, I'll cut off 4-5 nodes, strip it to the top 2 nodes and trim leaf matter,?. FYI my last attempt failed, it rotted away completely idk what I did wrong." the first part seems spot on, i dont really trim the upper leaf matter unless it is touching other clones when i set them to root , what did you do with them next? i.e. what medium did you plant them in and how did you prep it?
100% success with coco solo cup cloning - cut clone scrape dip in rooting gel use a pen make a hole in coco put clone in -water tap water not even ph and mist cover with clear solo cup 18/6 23w cfl check in a week -lil bit of water and mist- check in a week- roots
I fluked it and have 2 size solo cups that actually push togeather but you can tape them in place .. also helps to have a tiny bit perlite in the bottom of the cup and a little hole so the excess water can escape from the coco . pretty low maintenance and effective
Snid maybe it was a humidity thing or too wet ?
I think most of us are subbing addicts snid, i got 140 on the books ive had to turn off email notifications......
It's nice to know I'm not alone in this addiction... Lol. Cheers welshpony
:Namaste: :passitleft:"The tips that are growing outside the pot, I think I'll try and use these as clones. Suggestions please, I'll cut off 4-5 nodes, strip it to the top 2 nodes and trim leaf matter,?. FYI my last attempt failed, it rotted away completely idk what I did wrong." the first part seems spot on, i dont really trim the upper leaf matter unless it is touching other clones when i set them to root , what did you do with them next? i.e. what medium did you plant them in and how did you prep it?

100% success with coco solo cup cloning - cut clone scrape dip in rooting gel use a pen make a hole in coco put clone in -water tap water not even ph and mist cover with clear solo cup 18/6 23w cfl check in a week -lil bit of water and mist- check in a week- roots
I fluked it and have 2 size solo cups that actually push togeather but you can tape them in place .. also helps to have a tiny bit perlite in the bottom of the cup and a little hole so the excess water can escape from the coco . pretty low maintenance and effective
Snid maybe it was a humidity thing or too wet ?

After cutting and dipping it went into a presoaked Jiffy pellet and into my humidity domes with a warming tray...i imagine it was to wet in there, the stem rotted away completely. I'll give it another try... Thank so much guys, really gonna get this right.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Mar. 30th, BREAKING, Ellabella had been up potted... I finally got the courage and the help from my gutsy I needed to get this done. She was completely dry, so I removed all her stakes and got my bowling hand under her canopy and took hold of her stem. Flipped her over , have it a couple taps and she fell right out. PLOP her into the new immense pot, nearly double in size. I completely saturated her new digs with a mild feeding (2/3 dose) then let her drop for 15 minutes. She had a huge root ball under her, lots and lots of strands. Now she got another 6 inches of soiless mix to dig into. Here you can see the difference in size. Winnie will be staying in get original pot, I don't have the room for two of these in my tent with the others already in there...

Hope she's happy, thanks for everything y'all.. KiG :green_heart:cheers
Nice bush Snid! Lookin mighty fine my friend. Good call on the "up cup" shes gonna love the leg room.. Chicks love crampy fast sports cars... Beautiful cannabis plants love a big ass basement.. :rofl: :high-five:
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