VG & InTheShed Are Darin' To Grow Varin From Weed Seeds Express

for the record i love sativas. the heavier the better. i have adhd and they only make me better .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Proof of life! DV day 13:

Fed it again yesterday because it's really hot and dry these last few days. I gave it a slight bump in strength and next one will be closer to 2.25g/gallon eq.

And just to clarify about my nute-mixing, there are many ways to get to the target numbers that don't involve 5 different ingredients. I'm pretty sure @MrSauga uses just Blue Plantet's BlueMax 2-Part system (they're also a sponsor here) along with silicia. But since I have pounds of MC left, I start with that (and a need for ammoniacal N) and build from there.
Proof of life! DV day 13:

Fed it again yesterday because it's really hot and dry these last few days. I gave it a slight bump in strength and next one will be closer to 2.25g/gallon eq.

And just to clarify about my nute-mixing, there are many ways to get to the target numbers that don't involve 5 different ingredients. I'm pretty sure @MrSauga uses just Blue Plantet's BlueMax 2-Part system (they're also a sponsor here) along with silicia. But since I have pounds of MC left, I start with that (and a need for ammoniacal N) and build from there.
She's a beauty!
132,000 lux from birth will do that. :)
Lmao. Mine is at 20,000-ish lux.
My lux meter is on the fritz so that's an estimate...
Highya VG, ITS, Guys,

It's good to see pics of each little girl in your joint grow. Fun to see the banter without negative emotions! You guys are great. Happy Smokin'
Highya Bode :thanks:
We do love our banter.
More pics of my chickie, coming up...

Looking nice and healthy so far.
Are you going to have any of the Doug's Varin tested?
I wish that I could have some testing done. I'm in a non recreational state so we don't have easy access to something like that. Not sure I can part with the cash right now either. I think those tests are expensive?
Not sure what Shed's plans are.
Looking good and very interesting o watch these grow. :popcorn: This is one of those times I like to just lurk and watch. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good evening Morda.
You're welcome to lurk all you want. :laughtwo:

Here is my girl this evening. Same age as Sheddie's plant.

She's growing although she looks a bit odd yet.
Hoping she's the ugly duckling/beautiful swan in this scenario.

She will eventually get a 2x2 tent all to herself. Once I get her under my @NextLight Core , she'll be much happier and so will I.

Have to deep clean that tent first. I just reversed some DDA and want to make sure any extra pollen is taken care of.
May take a week or so before I get to it. I still have my reversed plant drying in there and have to harvest the seeds yet.

Hope y'all have a great evening. :green_heart: :passitleft:
Hoping she's the ugly duckling/beautiful swan in this scenario.
I have no doubt that your swan will end up better looking than my plant!
I wish that I could have some testing done. I'm in a non recreational state so we don't have easy access to something like that. Not sure I can part with the cash right now either. I think those tests are expensive?
Not sure what Shed's plans are.
I hadn't even considered it, but when I have my CBD oil tested I just send it up to the lab in SF via regular mail. Not sure what flower cost to test but the oil was $75 when I had it done in 2019.
Someone's a little droopy this morning:

20211115_082831 DV.jpg

Poor Doug. Or is it his Varin that's feeling tired?
I'm pretty sure @MrSauga uses just Blue Plantet's BlueMax 2-Part system (they're also a sponsor here) along with silicia.
Who are you???

I do use the 2 part system. It's almost gone now. I used silicia and calamag with it as well. The calamag dropped off after I hit flower, since the amount of nutes from the 2 part system eliminated the need. That worked really well for me.
Hey y'all.

Sorry for the absence.
I've been down for a few days with a neck issue that gives me migraines.
Looking at a screen and trying to form coherent sentences was just too much.

My little Varin has grown a bit since I last posted. She's at day #15 since sprout.

She looks like she is starting to outgrow her funny leaves. She should look like a normal plant by her third or fourth node.
She is on week one vegatative for her @Prescription Blend nutes.
That comes out to be.
2 ml Bio Si
5 ml Core A
5 ml Core B
2 ml Kelpful
2 ml Precursor 1
This is added to one US gallon of my aged (24+ hrs) tap water. Since I'm only feeding one plant I halved the amounts.

It's about a week until Thanksgiving. We're having it here this year again so I'll be pretty busy. I hope to get on here once a day at least.

Hope y'all are doing well. :passitleft:
Sorry for the absence.
I've been down for a few days with a neck issue that gives me migraines.
Looking at a screen and trying to form coherent sentences was just too much.
Hit that Forum and feel better soon! At least in time to host Thanksgiving anyway. :thumb:
She looks like she is starting to outgrow her funny leaves. She should look like a normal plant by her third or fourth node.
I told you yours would look better than mine before long, like as early as today (day 16). :)

Still droopy with not much new growth. I'm hoping it's just downshifting into the corner.
Your little Varin is looking good. Definitely better than Shed’s “hope it’s downshifting into the corner” Varin. ;)

Get better and good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner.
Hey VG!

Your lil Varin is looking happy and good!
Hope you find yourself feeling similar soon :hug:
Thanks Rexer. :hug:
I am much improved over yesterday. I can actually turn my head to the right now. I haven't been able to do that since Tuesday.
Hit that Forum and feel better soon! At least in time to host Thanksgiving anyway. :thumb:

I told you yours would look better than mine before long, like as early as today (day 16). :)

Still droopy with not much new growth. I'm hoping it's just downshifting into the corner.
The Forum helped immensely. It didn't take care of all of the pain but it greatly reduced it. Getting ready to harvest the one I have in flower. I'm gonna hang her right before Thanksgiving.

What's up with your chica? Just being difficult?
What's your rh like right now?
You're on a new bale of HP right?
Too many questions?

Your little Varin is looking good. Definitely better than Shed’s “hope it’s downshifting into the corner” Varin. ;)

Get better and good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner.
I'm sure his plant will straighten out.
Babies can be difficult.

I'm paring down the menu this year. I'd like to spend some of the day out of the kitchen and we always have way too much anyway.
What's up with your chica? Just being difficult?
That's my best guess!
What's your rh like right now?
It was down in the 30s Friday to Monday but I think it's in the 50s now. Doesn't seem to like either at the moment.
You're on a new bale of HP right?
I yam. I fed it 1/4 strength again this morning and I'll get some root shots tomorrow.
I'm paring down the menu this year. I'd like to spend some of the day out of the kitchen and we always have way too much anyway.
To all invited: I am making a turkey. Bring whatever else you want to eat.

That's my best guess!

It was down in the 30s Friday to Monday but I think it's in the 50s now. Doesn't seem to like either at the moment.

I yam. I fed it 1/4 strength again this morning and I'll get some root shots tomorrow.

To all invited: I am making a turkey. Bring whatever else you want to eat.

Yeah. Maybe she's being crabby about the rh. Who knows?
I haven't see a lot of info about actually growing it since it's hard to get ahold of. I see theories though.
Like one that says it probably wants a warm and dry climate.

Maybe transplanting will snap her out of it? It usually works for my plants when they look like this.
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