Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

I've had a Da Buddha table top vaporizer for like 8 years now. It works great. I did have to send it in once to have the heating part replaced, after many years of use, but the repair cost was cheap and their customer service was great. The only thing I wish mine had was the hands-free attachment they now offer. If this one were to die, I'd buy from 7th Floor again. Vaping to me tastes better and a little goes a long way. However, for a handheld vape I'm eyeing the Firefly 2. The biggest reasons I like it are because it's an on-demand vs session vape, can also vape concentrates, and is super easy to clean. I wish it were cheaper though. I've dropped a lot of hints and am hoping it will be under the Christmas tree. If not, I'll have to take matters into my own hands. :)
I have the DaVinci accent and the taste is great but to me it takes a lot to get a hit. Maybe it's because I couldn't find a decent temp range. 275 to 300 I found it to work the best. Hard to go to a shop and the employee doesn't know a damn thing about them. I saw a review by doc bud though...I might have to read it again.

As a desktop version I was looking at the vapirise 2.0 ultimate. A couple other people here have it and seem to like it.
Nothing like a good drench in the morning!

The kosher Kosher will be getting a couple Tbsp. Of MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate AKA Epsom salts) scratched into her soil and watered. Was going to give her straight water even though it is is a GE drench day. This will happen within the next hour or so, so if we can drench her...let us know. :thumb:

Will be a busy day as more panda film showed up yesterday and we will now finish the veg room. We have been able to turn off the AC in the veg room and have the flower room set on low and thermostat is at 82. Even though it hasn't gotten above 79 in a couple weeks.

More pictures later.
Mornin' Nis...quick question...I believe you have used Ace seeds...if so...registered or standard mail??...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

I used registered mail and had no issues with delivery to NH. I like the tracking feature so I can try to be home when its due. Im sure my postman knows whats up though, he even asked if I was ok with him putting the signed for packages in my box and fudging the siggy. He is getting a nice tip this Xmas :)
I used registered mail and had no issues with delivery to NH. I like the tracking feature so I can try to be home when its due. Im sure my postman knows whats up though, he even asked if I was ok with him putting the signed for packages in my box and fudging the siggy. He is getting a nice tip this Xmas :)
Yeah ours is going to get a good one this year also. Since he delivered 75% of our rooms lol.
Hello guys, looking great, I really like the idea of the drench, what is it exactly for? I really like to play with my soil using high brix methods, and I love the idea of great quality 100% homemade plants. I also love the ways to water the plants. I hope cannbis will be legal soon and used widely in hospitals for their healing properties and pain relieving values. More research done about it as for replacing old and dirty materials with cannabis and creating amazing and degradable materials that will last. I Wish you luck with the soil. Ok so I have vaped some of the White Russian today and the taste was not bad, considering it was fresh bud, and the effects are pronoun. It tastes sweet kinda mix of forrest fruits with rose hip in it. Quite clear relaxing high that lasts for hours. You can go hiking with it, listen to music, go to sleep. I got one more question about the vape: What kind of use you want it for? The ideal places to use it? Thank you. :love: :Namaste:
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Brix Update

Today they got their first GE drench since they were transplanted 2 weeks ago. They have started to take off and they have a nice healthy appearance and color.

Kosher Kush got some Epsom salts scratched into the soil. Lets see some better color out of ya!


Super Silver Haze





Blue Dream



Strawberry Cake




The veg room is looking happy today and will look even better tomorrow after they soak in all of that yummy goodness. Have a good day everyone. Tomorrow we will visit the flower room and the devil's carnival will be getting her first treatment of STS.

Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Good morning Canna and Nis. Looking good over here you guys! Have a great Sunday !
A lil tip Nis,....plants will and should not require additional Mg. when they are this small....it's when they grow up when the soil runs out of enough Mg to sustain them....that's when we give lil bits to her ,...just to stop the shortage but not overload the soil with salts OK. At this very early stage i would lay off the Epsoms for a month or so OK guys. At this very early stage , the last thing we want is to overload the soil with too much salt....it will eventually throw our very delicate Calcium /Magnesium ratios off too much OK! The GE you just gave them will darken up the color some and they will really like all the goodness the GE has to offer them . Good work so far though guys. Cheers.
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Good morning Canna and Nis. Looking good over here you guys! Have a great Sunday !
A lil tip Nis,....plants will and should not require additional Mg. when they are this small....it's when they grow up when the soil runs out of enough Mg to sustain them....that's when we give lil bits to her ,...just to stop the shortage but not overload the soil with salts OK. At this very early stage i would lay off the Epsoms for a month or so OK guys. At this very early stage , the last thing we want is to overload the soil with too much salt....it will eventually throw our very delicate Calcium /Magnesium ratios off too much OK! The GE you just gave them will darken up the color some and they will really like all the goodness the GE has to offer them . Good work so far though guys. Cheers.

Thanks duggan. She is looking much better today. Had to raise the light a bit since she was reaching a closer to it that I thought she would be. Her leaves were saying she was a little warm. Has a much better color and her over all appearance is awesome.
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Breeding room update STS application

Today is flip day for the devil's carnival. So with that we have the first silver thiosulfate (STS) application. The recipe we used was from heirloom and it is the one he used and was very successful with. Make sure to have gloves on when handling these chemicals and we wore long sleeves. Use no metal tools either for the silver. We used plastic spoons, glass, and a piece of paper on the scale.

Here is everything you will need:

Silver nitrate
Sodium Thiosulfate pentahydrate (pentahydrate use 1.56 times more than anhydrous version)
Distilled water


First up: 1g silver nitrate put into 60mL of water. Stirring. Should dissolve in about 10 seconds.



Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate - 6.25g into 240mL of water. This needs to be a 4:1 ratio to the 60ml silver nitrate solution.


So in total:

1g silver nitrate in 60mL of water...check
6.25g sodium thiosulfate in 240 mL water...check

So now we have our solutions. Separate they can store for years in a cool dark place (light degrades the silver). But now we want to take enough to do our sprayings. Mixed together it'll last the 2 weeks we need it to. Now we will mix it at 4:1 with the solution and then 5:1 with distilled water.

We took 10 ml of silver nitrate solution and rapidly stirred it into 40 ml of the sodium thio solution. Once that was mixed it was then stirred into distilled water at a 5:1 ratio. Since we had 50 ml solution, we mixed it into 250 ml of water. BAM! Time to spray our victim.


She has acclimated to her new home and is looking quite healthy. Starting to look more like her carnival mother everyday.


When you go to spray this solution, it is advised to put news paper down. Well we just had a large 2'x2' box that she fit into to spray.



We didn't want to her to be all pollen so we marked the branches to be sprayed and put a bag over the rest to protect them.


Sprayed like she had mites. All over. As Heirloom said, "If I had a vat of it, I would dunk the whole plant."


She will have 2 more days like this a week apart. A total of 6 applications. After the first application today, around noon, and the final one will be just after I post this. Once this is done she will be in 12/12 and in 4 weeks we should have pollen. On spray days...twice a day. No direct light. The carnival reveg that will be pollinated also will stay for another week in 18/6. So when pollen flies, it'll be prime pollination time.

I hope this helps anyone that wants to dip their toe into breeding or to just make fem seeds. If you want to go the colloidal silver route, you can and we did with success. Just wanted to try out what the pros use.

Everyone have a great night. Bud pictures in a bit. Been hitting the hookah this afternoon. :hookah::bigtoke:
Hi Canna & nis and everybody :hug:
Ho is job search going canna?

reps for tutorial nis good job. It is waaaaay beyond my had at the moment, but even I understood it :)
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Breeding room update STS application

Today is flip day for the devil's carnival. So with that we have the first silver thiosulfate (STS) application. The recipe we used was from heirloom and it is the one he used and was very successful with. Make sure to have gloves on when handling these chemicals and we wore long sleeves. Use no metal tools either for the silver. We used plastic spoons, glass, and a piece of paper on the scale.

Here is everything you will need:

Silver nitrate
Sodium Thiosulfate pentahydrate (pentahydrate use 1.56 times more than anhydrous version)
Distilled water


First up: 1g silver nitrate put into 60mL of water. Stirring. Should dissolve in about 10 seconds.



Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate - 6.25g into 240mL of water. This needs to be a 4:1 ratio to the 60ml silver nitrate solution.


So in total:

1g silver nitrate in 60mL of water...check
6.25g sodium thiosulfate in 240 mL water...check

So now we have our solutions. Separate they can store for years in a cool dark place (light degrades the silver). But now we want to take enough to do our sprayings. Mixed together it'll last the 2 weeks we need it to. Now we will mix it at 4:1 with the solution and then 5:1 with distilled water.

We took 10 ml of silver nitrate solution and rapidly stirred it into 40 ml of the sodium thio solution. Once that was mixed it was then stirred into distilled water at a 5:1 ratio. Since we had 50 ml solution, we mixed it into 250 ml of water. BAM! Time to spray our victim.


She has acclimated to her new home and is looking quite healthy. Starting to look more like her carnival mother everyday.


When you go to spray this solution, it is advised to put news paper down. Well we just had a large 2'x2' box that she fit into to spray.



We didn't want to her to be all pollen so we marked the branches to be sprayed and put a bag over the rest to protect them.


Sprayed like she had mites. All over. As Heirloom said, "If I had a vat of it, I would dunk the whole plant."


She will have 2 more days like this a week apart. A total of 6 applications. After the first application today, around noon, and the final one will be just after I post this. Once this is done she will be in 12/12 and in 4 weeks we should have pollen. On spray days...twice a day. No direct light. The carnival reveg that will be pollinated also will stay for another week in 18/6. So when pollen flies, it'll be prime pollination time.

I hope this helps anyone that wants to dip their toe into breeding or to just make fem seeds. If you want to go the colloidal silver route, you can and we did with success. Just wanted to try out what the pros use.

Everyone have a great night. Bud pictures in a bit. Been hitting the hookah this afternoon. :hookah::bigtoke:
I thought you were going to make your devils carnival an auto? The carnival cross is going to get your further from that unless the one you're spraying is showing auto characteristics. Unless this is the photo version you're working on. Hmm, now that would be nice. A DDA that you could veg into a good sized plant....

Sent from this funny device I carry around and still call a phone even though I hardly ever make calls with it.
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

I thought you were going to make your devils carnival an auto? The carnival cross is going to get your further from that unless the one you're spraying is showing auto characteristics. Unless this is the photo version you're working on. Hmm, now that would be nice. A DDA that you could veg into a good sized plant....

Sent from this funny device I carry around and still call a phone even though I hardly ever make calls with it.
This current version of devil's carnival (f1) is only showing the dominant traits for the most part. A self cross now will bring out recessive traits, like being an auto, in the offspring. It takes 4 generations to stabilize the strain. So this next batch of seeds will hopefully start showing autos. The carnival is there, because why not lol, to ensure a carnival dominant strain. If it just gives us mostly carnival seeds, that's fine with me.

Hope this clear things up a bit. I do like the idea of having a DDA that you can veg out a bit longer.
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

This current version of devil's carnival (f1) is only showing the dominant traits for the most part. A self cross now will bring out recessive traits, like being an auto, in the offspring. It takes 4 generations to stabilize the strain. So this next batch of seeds will hopefully start showing autos. The carnival is there, because why not lol, to ensure a carnival dominant strain. If it just gives us mostly carnival seeds, that's fine with me.

Hope this clear things up a bit. I do like the idea of having a DDA that you can veg out a bit longer.

I've got you. I forgot about the auto trait being there but in recession. That keeps the number of plants down as opposed to growing them until you get two with auto characteristics and crossing those. I've not studied breeding autos as I'm trying to make regular photo seeds. It makes sense when you apply the rules of genetics.


Some quick pictures tonight as it was a brix spraying night. 4 oz with 3 ml of brix. Had a splash left over...half oz id say. I'd say they will be do for a water tomorrow night and training will be tightened up. The KK has taken nicely to her last drink. :thumb:



Left one is under the 45 watt LED from Twilight. Right is under T5s.


Back left to right - Strawberry Cake and Crown royale and the front is the blue dream and carnival reveg.


Packing it on


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