The MedManhattan Project - 1080W LEDs - Scrog Adventure


New Member
Hello fellow growers, My name is Stoopingcrane and welcome to my second journal. I hope for everything to go well and also to learn something along the way, :Namaste:

What strain is it?

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?


Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower

If in Veg... For how long? Vegged 8 weeks from seed

If in Flower stage... For how long? 28 Days
Meet Neo, she is a looker, nice and thick with tight internodal spacing

Then there is Lorettta (sshhh we caught her shaving her legs) damn cannabis papparazzi :volcano-smiley:

not to be outdone but showing slightly more sativa look. I will put up some pics of the internodal diff I have noticed between these two phenos

Indoor or outdoor? Indoor

Soil or Hydro? Soil

If soil... what is in your mix? 1 part Fox Farm Ocean Forest to 2 parts Promix Hp

If soil... What size pot? 10 gal prune pots

Size of light? 6 each 180w led using 3watt diodes and secondary optics, for a total of 1080 true watts

Is it aircooled?The room has inlet and extraction, dehuey runs constant for RH here has been 70 to 90 this whole grow where i live

Temp of Room/cab? 74-80

RH of Room/cab?50

the dehumidifier runs into this tote which i pump the grey water up the hill to my back yard from:Namaste:

PH of media or res?

6.13 last measure

Brix Measurement? Neo= 15 Loretta =14

averages I measure once a week

Any Pests ? knock on wood, i am not going to answer this one, me and murphy have an understanding, I have 2 yellow stickies up, two empty yellow stickies:cheer:

How often are you watering?twice a week

Type and strength of ferts used? Fox Farm Grow Big/Big Bloom/Beastie Bloom

and moving to ROots organic Buddah Bloom as my indoor grow becomes more organic, Botanicares Silicone and Cal-Mag , Golden Tree all at about a 1/3 strength and I change ratios as I measure parameters.

Thanks for stopping buy all comments are welcome. I have a MedMan stud named Scud in a hanger and I am going to breed him with one of the clones I have of these two ladies, what ever one I like the best. This is my 3rd attempt at my medicine and my first attempt at breeding. I will leave you with a shot of the clones.
I do use a H/O T-5 2ft 8 bulb light for seeds and clones, it has 6 6500k tubes and 2 @ 3100k its pulls about 190w from the wall.
Looking very promising, I'll be here for the time remaining in this flower session. :popcorn:
KiG :green_heart:cheers

Welcome Snid and thanks for stopping in, here is a shot of Loretta Prime after her feeding on her 33rd morn of flower,

and some baby pics from back in December of 2015


its a stinging nettle in the back left corner


Moved to individual buckets after roots became entangled


Then to soil when I couldnt keep the water cool enough

I have 5 gal DWC Bubble buckets built and this was supposed to be a hydro gro, but I am flexible if anything and when things turned south I retreated to the relative comfort of soil.

Monk Fish, Scud, and Robot Heart all had balls, Scud had the traits I found most desirable so his clone ended up surviving. So out of five seeds I have two girls, of two distinctly different phenos. The rest are all culled and autopsied to see how "Experiment Wet Walls" went

This is the bottom of Scud, one of the males

The root mass after two weeks of transplant from 5 gal plastic pots

I wanted to see if i could push root growth

I am going to run controls with the same pheno clones to see if it is just extra work or if it does accelerate new root growth

I made wet walls with the new soil and a mold of the old container

Then I removed the container

Removed the dry root mass from the old container

Plug and play, i only watered in the edge of the soil after top dressing it

Pre Op

The post op room under a healthy glow of LED

Here are his Scud Primes balls, he will hopefully be my champion stud :cheer: lol

this one only exist in a veg form clone at the moment

Speaking of clones, I took four from each plant and 5 from MonkFish, one week after final transplant and one week before the 12/12 flip

Fresh Clones Day 1

Day 7

I had a 100% sucess rate gently scraping the base of the stems to expose the parenchyma then using clonex and grodan cubes balanced in a 5.5 ph filterd water for 48 hours. I run a bubbler under the tray so the water stays moving . All had rooted within 2 weeks and then to soil within 20 days

Ok Ok enough with the data dump, i must sleep.......more in the morrow :Namaste:
:Namaste:Sparks and :thanks: glad to have you on for the trip.
The ride is going to be looking in the mirror for moment
as I flesh out the beginning of the journal.
Very nice Stooping crane! Very nice indeed. I'm subbed for the rest of the ride! Thanks for having me, and for taking the time to share this grow with us.

Day 12 in flower, the morning of the removal of males

Here is more of the grow at day 13 of flower

I manipulated them every other day for the first two weeks to gain back the net surface area after removal of the three males. Hands mostly off at this point.

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 21 Airwolf shot (its code for i am to medicated to see where the horizon is) :volcano-smiley:

Day 23 and Neo Prime started to become "the one"

Day 23 Data collection, I have been collecting 5 points of atmospheric readings daily. Canopy-Inlet1-Outside-Inlet2-House. I soon started collecting leaf surface temps. I hope to crunch this into a set of graphs.

Day 23 Loretta Prime

Obligatory upskirts, my secondary inlet runs underneath them ala Marilyn Monroe subway vent style

Neo Prime

Loretta Prime

Ok almost caught up, pant pant gasp :volcano-smiley: :thanks: &:Namaste:
:Namaste:Good Day to all and welcome to the continuing adventure of the perpetually confused stoop.

Here are some pics of the ladies to round out the beginning of the journal and to bring us all the way to present.

Day 24

Day 24

Day 25

Day 28

Ok that bring us to the present week with Loretta Prime and Neo Prime

This here is Velma at day 33, she is an Amnesia Haze that was vegged 4 weeks from seed in soil and started flowering with the rest o the medicine man.

We dont really talk about Velma to much, she is a left over seed from before I learned what my medicine needs were, She is quite a sticky stinky thick crystally lady, the odor is redolent of working at my grandfathers cattle farm when I was a kid. Its a pleasent smell to some lol, myself included:love:

Ok caught up :volcano-smiley: end transmission and start on current data dumps. :Namaste:
:Namaste:& welcome to the first live post of this journal. :cheer:
Some efficiency yammering:volcano-smiley:
Here is what the room pulls as far as juice goes
Lights on

Lights off

This includes the Dehuey and the two oscillating fans, the inlet and outlet are on a seperate circuite pulling around 2 amps. I like to keep it as safe as possible. I dont want to approach the 16 amp (code where I live) max pull of my 20 amp circuits wires gauge. Run it cool and run it long.
I run the 12 amp pull from a 20 amp circuit and the small pull from a 15 amp. I love LEDs. I have a 600w and a 400w HID 8"cool tubes that I started growing with, only one grow, (they live in the packaging they came in) I needed to have two ciruits for it, it ran almost 19 amps with lights on and necessitated an A/C unit that would run an additional 8 amps. This is so much better imo and my wifes, who happens to be my banker, trader, and financial consultant. 27 total amps to 16 total amps. The tree hugger in my cringes at both numbers but the control of a labortory type enviroment is pretty awesome. Yield per total watts consumed will be the numbers I will be running over the next couple of grows as we figure out this strain. Kinda like Advanced who use mass par, I use watts consumed, a similiar wholistic measurement that brings in all the variables to generate the true cost of running an artificial enviroment.


Flower on Neo, morn of day 36.

This is whats swimming through my brain pan as I peer down the road to the neo loretta crossbacks stabilizations. Its fun to actually just say that. Gregor has always been a hero of mine, on the shoulders of giants....

I just cut the meatiest bits out from Thread: Marijuana Botany - An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Cannabis

The explanation for the predictable ratios of offspring is simple and brings us to Mendel's first law, the first of the basic rules of heredity:

I. Each of the genes in a related pair segregate from each other during gamete formation.

A common technique used to deduce the genotype of the parents is the back-cross. This is done by crossing one of the F1 progeny back to one of the true-breeding P1 parents. If the resulting ratio of phenotypes is 1:1 (one heterozygous to one homozygous) it proves that the parents were indeed homozygous dominant WW and homozygous-recessive ww.

The 1:1 ratio observed when back-crossing F1 to P1 and the 1:winkyface:1 ratio observed in F1 to F1 crosses are the two basic Mendelian ratios for the inheritance of one character controlled by one pair of genes. The astute breeder uses these ratios to determine the genotype of the parental plants and the relevance of genotype to further breeding.

This simple example may be extended to include the inheritance of two or more unrelated pairs of genes at a time. For instance we might consider the simultaneous inheritance of the gene pairs T (tall)/t (short) and M (early maturation)/m (late maturation). This is termed a polyhybrid instead of monohybrid cross. Mendel's second law allows us to predict the outcome of polyhybrid crosses also:

II. Unrelated pairs of genes are inherited independently of each other.

If complete dominance is assumed for both pairs of genes, then the 16 possible F2 genotype combinations will form 4 F2 phenotypes in a 9:cheesygrinsmiley:3:1 ratio, the most frequent of which is the double-dominant tall/early condition. In complete dominance for both gene pairs would result in 9 F2 phenotypes in a 1:winkyface:blushsmile:winkyface:battingeyelashes:winkyface:blushsmile:winkyface:1 ratio, directly reflecting the genotype ratio. A mixed dominance condition would result in 6 F2 phenotypes in a 6:cheesygrinsmiley:3:winkyface:blushsmile:1 ratio. Thus, we see that a cross involving two independently assorting pairs of genes results in a 9:cheesygrinsmiley:3:1 Mendelian phenotype ratio only if dominance is complete. This ratio may differ, depending on the dominance conditions present in the original gene pairs. Also, two new phenotypes, tall/late and short/early, have been created in the F2 generation; these phenotypes differ from both parents and grand parents. This phenomenon is termed recombination and explains the frequent observation that like begets like, but not exactly like.

A polyhybrid back-cross with two unrelated gene pairs exhibits a 1:1 ratio of phenotypes as in the mono-hybrid back-cross. It should be noted that despite dominance influence, an F1 back-cross with the P1 homozygous-recessive yields the homozygous-recessive phenotype short/late 25% of the time, and by the same logic, a back cross with the homozygous-dominant parent will yield the homozygous dominant phenotype tall/early 25% of the time. Again, the back-cross proves invaluable in determining the F1 and P1 genotypes. Since all four phenotypes of the back-cross progeny contain at least one each of both recessive genes or one each of both dominant genes, the back-cross phenotype is a direct representation of the four possible gametes produced by the F1 hybrid.

So far we have discussed inheritance of traits con trolled by discrete pairs of unrelated genes. Gene inter action is the control of a trait by two or more gene pairs. In this case genotype ratios will remain the same but phenotype ratios may be altered. Consider a hypothetical example where 2 dominant gene pairs Pp and Cc control late-season anthocyanin pigmentation (purple color) in Cannabis. If P is present alone, only the leaves of the plant (under the proper environmental stimulus) will exhibit accumulated anthocyanin pigment and turn a purple color. If C is present alone, the plant will remain green through out its life cycle despite environmental conditions. If both are present, however, the calyxes of the plant will also exhibit accumulated anthocyanin and turn purple as the leaves do. Let us assume for now that this may be a desirable trait in Cannabis flowers. What breeding techniques can be used to produce this trait?

First, two homozygous true-breeding ~1 types are crossed and the phenotype ratio of the F1 offspring is observed.

The phenotypes of the F2 progeny show a slightly altered phenotype ratio of 9:cheesygrinsmiley:4 instead of the expected 9:cheesygrinsmiley:3:1 for independently assorting traits. If P and C must both be present for any anthocyanin pigmentation in leaves or calyxes, then an even more distorted phenotype ratio of 9:7 will appear.

Two gene pairs may interact in varying ways to pro duce varying phenotype ratios. Suddenly, the simple laws of inheritance have become more complex, but the data may still be interpreted.

Summary of Essential Points of Breeding

1 - The genotypes of plants are controlled by genes which are passed on unchanged from generation to generation.

2 - Genes occur in pairs, one from the gamete of the staminate parent and one from the gamete of the pistillate parent.

3 - When the members of a gene pair differ in their effect upon phenotype, the plant is termed hybrid or heterozygous.

4 - When the members of a pair of genes are equal in their effect upon phenotype, then they are termed true-breeding or homozygous.

5 - Pairs of genes controlling different phenotypic traits are (usually) inherited independently.

6 - Dominance relations and gene interaction can alter the phenotypic ratios of the F1, F2, and subsequent generations.

Morning of Day 36

Loretta flexing

to her left is a clone Loretta I will work on a better name later.
She is about 44 inches from the light source after starting from 20" and getting taco curl repeatedly having to back it down in stages 4 times, I hope this is far enough. I used LEDs to veg Loretta and Neo Prime, but the clones have only been under a H/O T-5 light, within an inch of the tubes. I must be very careful and not underestimate the transition phase,until i can afford to veg under LEDs for every set. :thumb:
Lorettas center

Neo outlined against Velma in the back, the outline was more visable on the editing page lol, see I am learning stuff already.

Neo is a metric kinda lady, she has a Talk nerdy to me t shirt

We will leave today with a day 12 whole room photo, right after the culling of the males

Then Day 36 whole room for a 24 day time jump

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:
Day 37 is coming alive, :peace::rollit:

Neo Prime


Loretta Prime, I am so happy with her looks :circle-of-love:

Night time *- 74 degrees, 48% humidity

Day time*- 79 degrees, 47% humidity

Leaf Surface temp*- 77.5 degrees

*Read at 6 six times over the cycle and averaged

VPD -16
I dont know how this number fully correlates yet, but I know how so I will keep measuring until I can actually observe its effects or I can find a scholarly article on cannabis flower formation. I have read that cooler temps and lower humidity cause the plant to develop more and more glands (unverified) I understand mold and dense flowers and high humidity, but since I cannot find any cannabis specific articles or studies I dont understand the full effect at running plants at such a skewed VPD number. If some one understands VPDs effect on cannabis flower formation enough to field some questions for me or point me somewhere peer reviewed that would be great. :reading420magazine: :thanks:

Soil Ph-6.38

Brix :tommy:

Loretta Prime =14 :yikes: the low end of :allgood: still magically charmed against bugs and pm according to ancient Brix legends passed down from the grape monkey viticulturalist and enologist and fellow growers who translated it into cannabis numbers, from 14 to 24 is good :bigtoke:. :party: I think my memory doesnt :hmmmm:

Neo Prime = 16:slide: I am very happy with that

OK :sleep::sleep::sleep: Good night
Brilliant.......3 years here, to my disappointment Chevy was never mentioned, now twice in two weeks :thumb: I'm loving the name stoopingcrane....
Brilliant.......3 years here, to my disappointment Chevy was never mentioned, now twice in two weeks :thumb: I'm loving the name stoopingcrane....
They took my picture of Chevy, ah well it was worth a shot, as long as you got a laugh out of it Grizz it was worth it lol :Namaste:
:Namaste: :bong: and welcome to the perpetually perplexed stoops 38th day of flower.

Lights just came on


Below is a set of flowers on Neo Prime that I am have clipped one and left one as a
control to try the back building technique outlined in one of Light Addicts threads.
I have read in other threads that it causes foxtailing toward the bottom of the flower
on some strains so its an experiment on theses two, to see if it is a proper technique
to use on Medicine Man or in fact this phenotype of Medicine man. I also have a control
experiment pair on Loretta Prime

Brix Measurment Photos from day 37
Everything is cleaned with soap and then rinsed with distilled water. I use a mortar and
pestle, amazing how close it feels to making pesto. When the leaf ball is smashed and
wet looking I squeeze it with my hands and into a small glass dish covered with cheesecloth.
Then I wait until the sap is the same temperature as the distilled water I calibrated my
refractometer with, only takes a couple of minutes, the heat from the mechanical action
of smashing the cell walls disappates quickly. Then I draw off the solution with a pipette,
being careful not to pull any leaf matter into the pippette, by tilting the small glass dish it
lets the heavy particulates fall down and leaves a clean liquid on the top.

this is the juice of 8 leaves taken during the weekly defoil, I grab them from 8 different parts of the plant in a systematic order.


I dont know if you can tell in the photo, this is Loras measument of 13.85 -14. With the naked eye
the line is very prominent and blue, the red tones only show up in the pic. I must get better at taking photos of it. I chose to use this technique because I have pretty weak squeezing mechanism in my hands due to nerve damage, they are getting better......slowly. My body seems to have decided healing like a snail is better then no healing at all. I will glady accept any healing. :Namaste:

I just like this pic, from simpler times,

it also shows the inlet/exhaust port that is not needed. I stuck a fan through it. I was pretty happy with that idea. :volcano-smiley:



Thaks for stopping by :Namaste:

Day 39

FlowerCanopy 80.2 -- 52%

Inlet 68.5 -- 71%

Outside 61.2 -- 91%

Veg Canopy 71.4 -- 71%

Leaf Surface Temp 77.5

Neo Prime Side

Loretta Prime side

Prune pots are light & full of atmo, time for a feeding. :morenutes:

38 L Filtered water
30 ml Buddah Bloom
10 ml Grow Big
90 ml TigerBloom
10 ml Golden Tree
30 ml Silica Blast
10 ml Cal Mag
15 ml Ph Up

Ph 6.22
TDS 985

Soil Ph Test 6.08
(taken previous evening)

ok so tired, so many doctors appointments,,,,,,,:bong:

:thanks: for stopping by.
:Namaste: and welcome to day 40

Night Time
F/Canopy -76.5 50%
Inlet - 68.8 71%
Outside- 61.3 99%
V/Canopy- 71.8-75%


F/Canopy - 82.4 49%
Inlet - 68.6 73%
Outside - 66.6 99%
V/Canopy- 73.7 70%
Leaf Surface- 77

It is so humid and unseasonably warm here. It is hard to keep temps down while extracting all that water in the air.
I think they responded very well to the nutrients I gave them, they appear to have put on wieght over night.
They are by far the best looking flowers I have grown if you dont count my fresh picked and fried squash blossoms.
I dont think I was feeding them enough and may have starved them a bit.
I figure I will try and nail down at least what these two phenos need with diligent note taking and a little luck keeping the mothers alive and healthy.

Neo Prime


Neo Primes Legs

I am pointing at 38" under the light, this is where i stopped the leg waxing, I am getting a bit of tip burn and I cannot raise the lights anymore. Next turn of the clones I will set the screen at 38 under the light and hopefully maximize the foot prints of the smaller units I invested in. I dream of a par meter and 4 CXB3070s and one meanwell driver to fill the voids I have drawn up in lighting blueprints. The thing is the meter cost more then the lights lol, so i might as well just fill the voids and keep dreaming of the meter :drool:

Lorettas has the bends

Loretta is having a dream she is upside down

Airwolf shot*

*it took looking at this shot for me to realize I hadnt plugged back in the fan on the wall from when I installed my new dehuey. I was just staring at it heavily medicated :tokin:wondering why the fan in the picture had stopped moving :rofl:

Thanks for stopping by. :Namaste:
:Namaste: and welcome to day 42 of Flower

Everything has been seeming to go along smoothly. . I have a couple of questions and maybe you can help out the perpetually pendatically perplexed stoop.

Here is a picture of Medicine Man Neo Prime on the morning of the 41st day


Here is Loretta Prime the same morning


It seems to me there is an excessive amount of yellowing going on all the lower fan leaves. There also seems to be some fading to yellow of the upper larger fan leaves.

Questions for noobs (<thats me:slide:)

1: Is this natural at this phase of the plants life?
2: I thought the discolorization of the leaves at the end of the plants life was from flushing out nutrients. Does this indicate that my soil is not well fed enough and that the plants are drawing off energy reserves therefore causing early leaf discolorization?
3: With only 16 to 25 days left to harvest (breeders estimate) is it worth it to try and correct? second part:volcano-smiley: If it is correctable what is the method? :morenutes:
I was going up the nutrients again on the next watering instead of just plain filtered water as scheduled.
4:Is it to late to do this and will it require extensive flushing?
5:I have only found anecdotal evidence that soil needs to be flushed, in my brain pan it seems it would matter upon the nutrients used and the biological mechanism of action on the soil. Ummmmm the question is ; Is the length of the flush dependent on several factors or just one (i.e. time)?
6:Do all these questions show how green my gills are underneath?

Soil PH of 6.2
Loretta Brix 15.75
Neos Brix 16.75

Daytime Temp 80.4
Daytime Humidity 48%
Leaf Surface temp 76

Nighttime Temp 73.4
Nighttime Humidity 49%

Here are some pics of the trichs, to my noobvision they seem to need a lot of time to mature.

little loop for my phone, testing it out

Neo Prime

Loretta Prime

also the clones are on the move, the closet cannot contain them anymore
today is day 1 for Lorah (lorettas second clone into flower)

she is going to flower in the 5 gal Plastic container. she is almost 20", i have only used prune pots to date.

day 42 flower shots

Loretta Prime

i am starting to see a white rhino horn in the room

Velma (Amnesia Haze)

Neo Prime

Thanks in advance for any help, ask yo friends & as always :Namaste:
I don't think a flush is required, it's definitely nitrogen deficiency. But at this stage lots of growers cut out nitrogen all together, personally I would just let it be. They will fall off naturally, or if you can't stand to see them you can pluck them out. (wait until they're at least 50%dead/brown). Hope you can get a more concise answer from some of these experts.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Thanks for the rapid response Snid. I too thought it might be a N def. I added extra N to the last feeding. Something about the ladies seemed off, like they stalled after putting on all the size and crystals after the feeding of week 3, and not just the stretch.

FED on Day 39
38 L Filtered water
30 ml Buddah Bloom
10 ml Grow Big <--------here
90 ml TigerBloom
10 ml Golden Tree
30 ml Silica Blast
10 ml Cal Mag
15 ml Ph Up

I don't think a flush is required, it's definitely nitrogen deficiency. But at this stage lots of growers cut out nitrogen all together, personally I would just let it be. They will fall off naturally, or if you can't stand to see them you can pluck them out. (wait until they're at least 50%dead/brown). Hope you can get a more concise answer from some of these experts.

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Tonights Menu Day 43

38 L Filtered water
60 ml Buddah Bloom <---small amount of N
110 ml Tiger Bloom<---med supply of N
20 ml Golden Tree
20 ml Cal Mag

Then next feed switch to just the last couple of servings of Beastie Blooms to cut out all N. Then I think I am only one turn away from using the rest of my FF line of nutrients and I can get started on super soiling. Doc if you ever show up here, you will be getting a PM about 40 days before I need it :thumb:

Thanks again snid and thanks in advance to everyone who has taken the time to get here :Namaste:

Does this seem like a good plan moving forward? All suggestions welcome :welcome::thanks:
:Namaste: and Welcome to day 44

Night Time Environment consumption = .4 kWh dehuey on

F/Canopy- 73.1 52%
Inlet - 66.5 68%
Outside- 56.8 75%
V/Canopy 72.8 68%

Daytime Environment consumption = 1.3 kWh dehuey off

F/Canopy - 77.8 52%
Inlet - 67.2 64%
Outside - 54.7 71%
V/Canopy- 73.7 70%
Leaf Surface- 74.5

I have had success with stopping the yellowing from moving further up the leaves with the addition of small amounts of nitrogen and the flowers themselves seem to be responding as well to the :morenutes:

The Brix levels seem to be responding to the more aggressive feeding as well. Here are some pics from this morning :bong:






Angle whole room

I like to dissolve oxygen as much as possible into my solutions. I found this cool resource when I was reading into the science behind it and what it does.
Dissolved Oxygen - Environmental Measurement Systems



I am enjoying the process of this grow much more then the two preceeding. Not because it is more sucessful then they were already, (its is) but because I feel like I understand much more of the process and the process is starting to slow down. I continually thank all those who post journals for allowing me to stand on your shoulders. :Namaste::bravo:
:Namaste:and Welcome to day 46

Night Time
F/Canopy --- 73.7 --51%
Inlet --- 68.5-- 70%
Outside --- 58.8 --75%
V/Canopy --- 69.8 -- 69%

F/canopy --- 81.8 -- 50%
Inlet --- 68.5 -- 70%
Outside --- 58.8-- 75%
V/Canopy --- 74.4 -- 64%
Leaf Surface --- 79 to 81.5

Pots are getting light and a new feeding is upon me, I believe i am riding the edge of nutes with this strain, trying to balance a little tip burn with enought food to keep them happy. They are literally oozing sap, I have not experienced that before. It makes flash photography interesting.

In Leafly they say that it is a finicky strain to cultivate...this Medicine Man. While on the seed packet it says beginners to experienced. I dont know about either of those "descriptions" being such a neophyte but it definitely responds rapidly to any change in its food. Approaching 50% of any of the nutes I am using starts to make the ladies cringe and tip burn a little bit. I am going to use a really weak solution on them tonight for the watering in between feedings. The two new flowrering clones of Lorettas, Lorah and Loran are in pure FFOF, I am going to use the same weak solution on them for the stretch portion of the flower. I think I have only one feeding to go on the primes , we will see what the scrying trichomes have to say about that in a coulple of weeks.

Whats bubbling in the cauldron in the basement
75 L water
100 ml Buddah Bloom
30 ml Silicone Blast
30 ml Cal-Mag
30 ml Golden Tree
15 ml Ph Up
PH 6.18
EC 0.8

Both the new flower room transplants recieved this solution today, and I have been stooping them over a bit everyday so when the bud sites set I can just bring them up to the screen.

I have tried taking the EC higher to levels I have read optimal EC at this stage in my plants lifes is 1.2 to 2.0, but at 0.95 that is when I started getting tip burn. Hands on learning vs reading learning is good.

I use the cheap Ph sticks and I notice they get out of calibration every few months so I like to calibrate them on a schedule.

Whole room

Velma (AH)



End Transmission
Great update, full breakdown of the whole shebang. Thanks for the nice read and good info. And pics... Omg they look good! That's a great idea to measure the temps all over the room, I'll start doing that. I've got an obsession with buying thermo/hygrometers, I got like 6. I think it's because my first day inaccurate do now I keep getting more to make sure they are all accurate. Lol. Ocd at its finest.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
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