2 Girls & 1 Kit: Major PITA Takes High Brix Outdoors, Summer 2015

Hey dude, finally got over to see what's going on.....everything looks in check, the shine is amazing........:thumb:........I'm here for the rest of the ride.

:welcome: Nate!
I'm glad you joined us. I think the cartoon is over and the real show is about to begin.
Good morning ... and thanks guys! Have a green day.
Thanks duggan! :high-five:
Dunno exactly. I'm a lightweight on a pipe, bong or jay. If it comes out with a good yield, a lot of it will go to edibles. My wife doesn't smoke but likes butters, oils and candies. I've never had enough to do much of that sort of thing for her. With July 1st coming on, I'll likely give a some away to friends.
First I've got to get 'em finished w/o a disaster. I'm actually most concerned about bears. I can keep a deer out, but when a black bear decides it likes the look of our garden, it gets whatever it wants and usually destroys most everything else. Anyone know if bears like HB weed? :thedoubletake:
So far bears have destroyed our fruit trees, some of the berries, bee hives, and compost piles.

Make some bang traps bro! Takes a battery and about a teaspoon of black powder, some fishing line and a few little pulleys. Makes a bang loud enough to scare them away for good and without injury
Make some bang traps bro! Takes a battery and about a teaspoon of black powder, some fishing line and a few little pulleys. Makes a bang loud enough to scare them away for good and without injury

Sounds like a plan (and fun too). Thanks!
Sounds like a plan (and fun too). Thanks!

OK...now we're talkin....big freekin bangs. I was gonna put a few of those 12guage blank trip wire switched guys rigged for my treehouse security....put in two fire alarm buzzers (120V.) pointing in diff. directions tripped by two diff. micro switches ...one on the trap door , the other on the windows. Just in case....hasn't bin triggered by thieves in 8 yrs. Every once and a while i do a test on the system ....i'm pretty sure the neighbourhood teenagers know not to mess with me.:high-five: Cheers gang..
Good Morning Major, Great update and your plants are looking great. They look so much better outside in the garden then growing up in a tent. Enjoy your Sunday. :Rasta:
I like what I've seen so far, subbed :thumb:
Following Doc's most excellent advice I drenched at 150% of my usual amount today and gave all the girls a pedicure this morning.

Today would be their usual Brix day, but since I used DeStress yesterday in preparation for our heat wave, I decided to give them another day. Brix tomorrow at the crack of dawn. The Pitbull was ready for Transplant, so she got about 22 ml + 2 ml Tea in 4 gal. water. The Ace of Spades was due for just "Trans water" so she got about 5.5 ml in 4 gal. water and I threw about 1 ml Tea in just for giggles and grins.

I probably could have trimmed a bunch more, but I'd rather take more off later than try to put some back on. :rofl:
As it is, I filled a shopping bag from the two plants.

This is the Pitbull before (hard to tell what's going on)

The Pitbull after its Brazillian.

Same for the Ace of Spades - Before


98 degrees for today and 102 tomorrow. So far, they are taking it in stride. I swear they grew another inch since yesterday. :peacetwo:
something about outdoors they can handle the heat a whole lot better than they can indoors. Nice work Major!:thumb:
I agree! My nl x bb is taking the 90°+ temps in the greenhouse without a hitch :)

Good to know. They are looking at 102 today. They were drenched yesterday and got DeStress on Saturday and Brix this morning so I've prep'd them as much as possible. I had to go mix up additional Brix today. They've grown enough that I underestimated how much I'd need. Next time I'll make up 8 oz. for the pair.
I don't know for sure but I think wineries use big fans for extreme weather, or maybe shade them with a portable shade canopy, some have an extra side to shade to the ground:)
I don't know for sure but I think wineries use big fans for extreme weather, or maybe shade them with a portable shade canopy, some have an extra side to shade to the ground:)

They use fans for freezing weather. Dry, hot wind....not good for plants.

Tip for hot, dry weather:

Keep well watered, but not soaking.
Foliar spray at half strength, every other day.

When it's really hot, the plants will drink a lot of water at first, and then kind of shut down a bit. Don't over water at this point, it will really weaken the plants. It also goes without saying to not let them get too dry. Just make sure they're well watered.

They'll need a bit of potassium if it gets really hot. Supply this with DeStress at half strength. It has the most potassium of any product in the kit and won't F'up the soil.

The reason to spray at half strength is so the leaves don't dry out too much due to osmostic pressure. It's the same reason too much fertilizer gives the "claw" but it comes from the leaves instead of the roots.
Doc, excuse me for needing it spelled out further, your suggesting half strength brix and destress foliar sprays every other day in a hot & dry environment?
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