Buckshot's Perpetual Grow, LED, Pro-Mix, Evolving Feeding Routine

I'm usually in the basement smoking weed if I hear a big BOOM look up and see cows flying by I'll figure we got nuked. I'll roll up all the dope I got into one big doob and go running face first into the flames with it in my mouth puffing like a big dog too :thumb:

It will be worse, the BOOM will be economic and there won't be power to light our basements. I don't want a wild weedless simon prowling the streets who knows what the fuck will happen
Sounds like the neighborhood I used to live in..... :straightface:
I'm just gonna growl at wild weedless Simon I sound like the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street I toke so much it'll scare him away for sure :)

I meant simian, maybe I can do too many dabs
Alright I am on a borderline rant so let's talk cannabis

I like you have been busy. Potted some solo girls, soloed some clones, processed a couple plants, put on my killer bee suit and pollinated a whole slew of girls with grandaddy purple :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey Folks!! Dang there was a party in here and I was crashed so all I got was my face painted... I think... Dirty Sanchez wasn't here was he? :yikes:

Sorry I did a bunch and just crashed

You sound like an old friend of ours "Propagator". Bless his soul. :love:

I wish I knew the gator. He was here for too short a time for trust. He lives in the state and I asked if he needed help but that was at the same time he was going dark.

argh i miss gator! i make similar rants time 2 time. im glad i live 30 miles from nothing!


you have a TT #1 x GDP ?

I am trying hybrids with all girls in play

I wondered whatever happened to Propa Gator. The way things are with the law, there's really no way of knowing; people just disappear. Yeah I know the busy thing, Buckshot. Seems like I put in 3-4 hours a day myself. At least I won't wind up wild and weedless..... :tokin:

Yup poof.

I go down "just for inspection" and I find one issue and I am gone :cheesygrinsmiley: that is why she calls herself the ganja widow...
i would have to check to see if i have gdpxtt but maybe
i heard gator had a stroke or something so sad i miss him dearly we had such great wordplay and fun,i just pray he heals up and comes back with a vengance and those lovely snarky poems

Yes the rhymes :cheesygrinsmiley:

so... Trash Daddy, Purple Trailer or just TT #1 x GDP :cheesygrinsmiley:
i think i was gonna call it purple park model lol or trashed purpz lets have a vote pick th 4 best and vote


First do you want folks to throw out names? If so we are going to have to describe both sides so there is lots for their gourds to jumble :cheesygrinsmiley:
harvested a dd

couple zips


Another guy who harvests barefingered. :cheesygrinsmiley: Something about gloves just seems tactilely incorrect. I have a strong love/hate relationship with the gooey.
Another guy who harvests barefingered. :cheesygrinsmiley: Something about gloves just seems tactilely incorrect. I have a strong love/hate relationship with the gooey.

There is no other way for me... but... I have found a quick solution to the sticky, hand sanitizer :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hotel Purp.




Purple Fingers

Dank Purp

I C Purple

I love them all, both you and BID have shown me how "square" I really am :rofl:
Looking good Buckshot. Healthy looking bud full of frosting. :high-five:
Don't feel bad the only thing not square about me is my round bowl I'm trying to get this last little bit of hash oil out of with my square blade but I can't 'cause there's no flat place to scrape it to help Buckshot, help!!!!! ;)

That is like a dog chasing its tail :cheesygrinsmiley: just leave it for the next run!!

Looking good Buckshot. Healthy looking bud full of frosting. :high-five:

Thank you BB :cheesygrinsmiley: speaking of bb


First two pics are the two blueberry plants



Unknown gender blue cheese


Blue moon



My grandson caught his first striper... (striped sea bass) do yourself a favor and take a kid fishing
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