Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkle

Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

Hey Curso,
I finally got caught up, I spent te better part of last night and this morning reading through 26 pages lol. Good stuff, your plants have been looking great! I just wanted to get subbed in and say good job, Ill be hanging for the rest, although it sounds like your about to wrap this one up. This high brix is really interesting! Keep it up!
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

Hey Curso,
I finally got caught up, I spent te better part of last night and this morning reading through 26 pages lol. Good stuff, your plants have been looking great! I just wanted to get subbed in and say good job, Ill be hanging for the rest, although it sounds like your about to wrap this one up. This high brix is really interesting! Keep it up!

Thanks bro!!! Its funny to see progress as things got in a better environment. This one still has a bit more to give I have some in the tent 4 blueberry gum, 4 sour diesel and a chem valley kush oh yeah and a critical jack (that's not all to impressive) that will be the end of this journal. The clones I have rooting are for Doc's kit and that I'll start a True High Brix journal, the soil will be ready the end of the first week next month/year. I do however have 2 cvk clones in red solo cups in the 1 week cooked soil using doc's instructions with the "root" and "conditioner" and they are starting to take off pretty good now, one grew about a 1/2" yesterday and it's only like 5 days old.
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

Hey Curso!! Just swinging through and holy schmoly your cola shot is beautiful!!! I am happy that you are doing the High Brix, I hope more catch on and we all grow better meds together :) excellent job on your grow and can't wait to see how Doc's kit performs for you :)
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

Thanks Ice!!!!! These results are amazing!!!! I took down that last sour diesel today, I am blown away with how dense these buds are. This sour d was a fun plant to grow and it's a really nice med, a happy high that keeps giving thanks to this method. I really should start testing my results but my plants have been so happy I haven't been that curious :D Any discoloring on my leaves is just from bleaching out from having the light 1" from its head for 2 months, my tent is running nice and cool, idk the temp in there heat isn't an issue so I took the thermometer out a while ago. Anyways...Here's some pic's of almost the end of this plant, I took its first 2 good branches and rooted them and FIM one and let the other just grow. They are in the recycled soil from the BBG grow.

Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

that last pic is a notm canditate i think, the problem with guns is not the gun or the laws its people plain and simple guns,basebalbats knives dont go hurt ppl on their own, its the ppl, if someone wants to kill another person they can use nearly anything , i believe the media and world controllers want to disarm the American ppl so theres no chance we can defend ourselves and change out the leaders when they become corrupt (also a right of ours given us in the constitution) its a slippery slope i know, but you cant blame a tool for how its used , im a firm believer that if they are successful in banning guns it will be a very short time until we are forced to all get an rfid capsule if we want to continue getting paychecks,medical ins,into stores etc. they have already started getting us comfortable with it with chiping our pets, and key chain tags credit cards, after all a built in chip/rfid/credit card is only the next logical step ,no losing your cards or identity theft makes sense right? no need to carry a wallet its as simple as swiping a card, and such a great way to track "criminals"right?
think about it ,we are doing things everyday we swore would never happen 30 yrs ago, i refuse to have a credit card, but i do have a debit card its just so much easier than cash and having to go to the place in person to pay a bill, buy a xmas present etc, so tho i dont have "credit" my money is 90% electronic, it makes me think, and they figured out a way to get a card into most everyones hands
i dont mean to sound like a nut but its the truth, sorry ive been watching a bunch of documentaries on net flix, that have me looking around going hey this is not how the vast majority of ppl wanted it to be, yet its been done! they have the will,determination and $$ to mold the culture how they want it, while were to busy chasing our tails trying to keep the lights on and food in the frig, and being entertained by our tvs,games,ipads,etc to notice whats being implemented all around us, its a brave new world and like it or not were a part of it, im really worried about our childrens futures will they be human droids? with xbox 1080 implanted in their eyes/brains? whats it gonna be like in 10 yrs?
sorry for the wild tangent bro i just think to much i guess :peace:
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

that last pic is a notm canditate i think, the problem with guns is not the gun or the laws its people plain and simple guns,basebalbats knives dont go hurt ppl on their own, its the ppl, if someone wants to kill another person they can use nearly anything , i believe the media and world controllers want to disarm the American ppl so theres no chance we can defend ourselves and change out the leaders when they become corrupt (also a right of ours given us in the constitution) its a slippery slope i know, but you cant blame a tool for how its used , im a firm believer that if they are successful in banning guns it will be a very short time until we are forced to all get an rfid capsule if we want to continue getting paychecks,medical ins,into stores etc. they have already started getting us comfortable with it with chiping our pets, and key chain tags credit cards, after all a built in chip/rfid/credit card is only the next logical step ,no losing your cards or identity theft makes sense right? no need to carry a wallet its as simple as swiping a card, and such a great way to track "criminals"right?
think about it ,we are doing things everyday we swore would never happen 30 yrs ago, i refuse to have a credit card, but i do have a debit card its just so much easier than cash and having to go to the place in person to pay a bill, buy a xmas present etc, so tho i dont have "credit" my money is 90% electronic, it makes me think, and they figured out a way to get a card into most everyones hands
i dont mean to sound like a nut but its the truth, sorry ive been watching a bunch of documentaries on net flix, that have me looking around going hey this is not how the vast majority of ppl wanted it to be, yet its been done! they have the will,determination and $$ to mold the culture how they want it, while were to busy chasing our tails trying to keep the lights on and food in the frig, and being entertained by our tvs,games,ipads,etc to notice whats being implemented all around us, its a brave new world and like it or not were a part of it, im really worried about our childrens futures will they be human droids? with xbox 1080 implanted in their eyes/brains? whats it gonna be like in 10 yrs?
sorry for the wild tangent bro i just think to much i guess :peace:

The only thing crazy about your post is your right!
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

Thanks Ice!!!!! These results are amazing!!!! I took down that last sour diesel today, I am blown away with how dense these buds are. This sour d was a fun plant to grow and it's a really nice med, a happy high that keeps giving thanks to this method. I really should start testing my results but my plants have been so happy I haven't been that curious :D Any discoloring on my leaves is just from bleaching out from having the light 1" from its head for 2 months, my tent is running nice and cool, idk the temp in there heat isn't an issue so I took the thermometer out a while ago. Anyways...Here's some pic's of almost the end of this plant, I took its first 2 good branches and rooted them and FIM one and let the other just grow. They are in the recycled soil from the BBG grow.


That last pic looks like frosty the weed man made it!
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

I'm with bid you should get clear shot of that one. send it over here I will photograph it for you. The price is it. LOL Just kidding 420!
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

You're 100% right bid, and I agree it's not the tool it's the user. However I can walk into a gun and knife show being a felon and a mental patient and walk out with an ak or a ar15 without any questions....Something needs to change, not banning, just change how easily available they are and whom we are selling these to. I also think that the thing that needs to change is preparation in the schools and maybe arming the guards that are in the schools might be a good idea. How secure do you think those kids are when their first line of defense is the first to run, cause he isn't going to try to stop an armed person. A known armed person in a building is a better at stopping it from happening then anything IMO

I am going to get better pics of that big bud once its dried I don't want to bother it, it's drying so it stays a it Weigh's 80g wet :D
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

Thanks bro :D Yeah man its pretty sticky and stinky for that matter...:D

I forgot I took a pic of the Chem Valley Kush she's lanky and stinky as well she has more of a lemon sent to her it's hard to get a whiff of her because of the diesels but she's going to be a nice plant. She got the last dose of bloomit/pgr and a dose of tea today.
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

yup really good looking danks there bro!!!
im just very suspicious about how everytime this stuff happens the lawmaker stampede on the gun laws like vultures waiting to strike out against our right to bear arms, not focusing on the real issue of making sure sick ppl get the help they need! we dont pay attention to to kids like we should we assume that they are safe and in good hands in public schools, but reality is those same leaders dont think twice about cutting spending on schools ,its as if they want the kids to grow up uneducated,unevaluated and neglected, those kids grow to be unstable adults , as if they want us commoners to destabilize and self destruct, has something like this happened in an upscale high $ private school my guess is no , i'll have to go look that up
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

yup really good looking danks there bro!!!
im just very suspicious about how everytime this stuff happens the lawmaker stampede on the gun laws like vultures waiting to strike out against our right to bear arms, not focusing on the real issue of making sure sick ppl get the help they need! we dont pay attention to to kids like we should we assume that they are safe and in good hands in public schools, but reality is those same leaders dont think twice about cutting spending on schools ,its as if they want the kids to grow up uneducated,unevaluated and neglected, those kids grow to be unstable adults , as if they want us commoners to destabilize and self destruct, has something like this happened in an upscale high $ private school my guess is no , i'll have to go look that up
There's no money in healthy educated people for the government. You're right they always go after the kid's first with spending cuts. Well, kids and public safety. Never do we hear "congress is taking a 15% pay cut" it's always we are going to cut spending to the already broken parts of the nation, which is funny because it's only the future of the nation they are cutting. They depend on the wealthy to stay wealthy and the poor to stay poor, that's why there was such a panic when wall street crashed. "Oh fuck, we're going to be broke" said all the people who have been lining the governments pockets for years. What did they get? A full fucking, the same people that got the refund, in great gratitude, take the houses of the very people that bailed them out...
If the country makes it another 100 years, the history books are going to be a dumb read.
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

I have had to raise the light like 8" in the last 2 days, CVK is stretching she is super lanky I really hope she fills in :D
Edit: This cvk has my light maxed out and I had to do some clever moving to make everything fit again so she could still stretch, she keeps this up she's looking to get a good snapping, I'll have to put my wife beater on and go at Damn small tent...That ak seed cracked and I put it in doc's soil it'll be in the other journal. I might keep this journal going because I know I'm to cheap to chuck the and I will be able to rotate the soil's in and out.
Re: Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkl

80 GRAMS !!! in the palm of your hands wet is crazeee! wow that will retain like 25% of the weight. So hmm around an ounce dry?
Man I hope mine are as dense as that! :thumb:
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