Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

If there's a chart, I didn't write it. Use at your own risk.

I recommend following the actual directions.
In all honesty I thought it was on the website, that's the only reason I asked for a reference here, couldn't find it myself lol. I must have been medicated when I seen it. I will stick to the Instructions:Namaste:
yes, very good plan Killer. A chart is not suitable for our methods. There are way too many variables to make the numbers , always correct.
Absolute best way is to follow Docs original instructions for two or 3 grows....after that , u will have a better understanding of how and why things in the kit what they do. Have a great day Killer and gang!
Doc and all of you are a great resource. It is funny but when I do something out of the norm and it screws with the plant I look at it as a success. As long as you know what you did that caused it. If I could have one thing above all it would be total control of the environment. That would be great. Well I could I guess, just don't know that I could afford it. LOL I think we all pick up little things from each other and that makes this group great.

Total control of the environment is the first, second, and third goal of any successfull operation. Following 1, 2 and 3 are soil, nutrients and water.
Dugs, I was afraid that my new (white) light would show the lines you see, here's another one. I also agree with others who have suggested its genetics.

As long as it’s not tobacco virus. I had that on one of mine had to kill it.
Just out of curiosity Doc, what do you take your pics with? Very nice shots! You capture the perfect beauty of the plant!

I'm trying to use my "smart" phone, which I hate, to take a picture of my favorite phone and my only camera. Ten minutes later and I'm seriously asking why in the world anyone would use such a cumbersome device as a smart phone when they can use a 20+ year old camera and a computer? I can get this stuff done much faster without all the tech stuff.....I must be getting old.

So, the forum software timed out and I couldn't upload from my "smart" phone. Trying again......

This camera is a 10 megapixel Canon PowerShot SD1200 IS. I have it set to "auto" and I depress the button to focus and press all the way down to take the shot.

At times, the camera and my fingers are so sticky I can pick the thing up with one finger.....
I'm trying to use my "smart" phone, which I hate, to take a picture of my favorite phone and my only camera. Ten minutes later and I'm seriously asking why in the world anyone would use such a cumbersome device as a smart phone when they can use a 20+ year old camera and a computer? I can get this stuff done much faster without all the tech stuff.....I must be getting old.

So, the forum software timed out and I couldn't upload from my "smart" phone. Trying again......

This camera is a 10 megapixel Canon PowerShot SD1200 IS. I have it set to "auto" and I depress the button to focus and press all the way down to take the shot.

At times, the camera and my fingers are so sticky I can pick the thing up with one finger.....
LOL!!!:rofl: I don't think it's an age thing, I think it's just having the attitude of why try to change things for the sake of change...if something works...leave it alone and don't make it more complicated to use. It's the whole keeping up with the Jones's.

The company I used to work for targeted these groups. The "have to haves" The must have the latest and greatest toys...aka..."Suckers ripe for the sale".

My plants are just oozing resin right now. I noticed it does not wash off without real effort! Very sticky! :laugh:

I've been using the iPad to take pics and then I email them to myself! Still not ideal. Next grow I'll invest in a camera with a macro.

Excellent shots! :thumb:
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