Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds


So I got the 0.5ml carts filled and am delightfully blasted on a few draws from one! 5 mostly filled carts. It gets a person there! Wow!

The test begins! To see if these carts are able to run smoothly through a whole load of rosin. I'm ready to take one for the team! Ms Otter is on board for this one as well, and my BIL will have one too.
For starting out so blond the oil got pretty brown yet stayed transparent enough.
@Ispire 's 0.5 ml adjustable flow X model all nice and oily.
And Ispire's S 0.5 ml cart.
The three batteries on the left are 900 ma/h rated. That's high from what i've seen. I can run a whole cart on a half charge I'm almost sure. Maybe more. Ispire did a good thing with these I think.
Sorry about your Runtz Muffin, Stone. Could it be fusarium? Like what @Trala had? Hers happened fast, too, I believe.

Or, maybe it's root bound? That's an awfully small pot.
Thanks HashGirl! It was my Stankberry bonsai mother so the 5 inch pot.
Sorry to hear that StoneOtter!

Question for you. If you want to see if she can recover, wouldn't a transplant be the best way to see? And if you think you've got root rot, some Hygrozyme (it's soil compatible) should help clean up her roots.
And these are more questions then answers as well, soil & me ya know :laughtwo:

I'm guessing weed by now :Rasta:
That's a good idea Rex. I just did a root prune so it got done. She got to thriving, then not.
Sorry to hear that, Stone.

But I think you're giving up too easy. See if you can save her by repotting, even in the same pot but with new soil and maybe a flush with H2O2 to kill any root rot. Who knows, you may learn something new and she will continue to teach new lessons.

Give it a go!
Damn I love that talk! I did give up slightly early. I was planning on letting her go soon. My migraines have been constant lately and I haven't been up to doing much of anything. Today was a great day for none of that so YAY! Would have been a good one!
Looking forward to the .5g cart experiment Otter, and I'm guessing that mother went too long without root pruning. That's what happened to mine. :(

This is worth a shot! I think root prune, upcan, and H2O2 watering would be your last best chance.

Here we go! That probably would have worked. Oh well.
Omg the ups and downs!

You look super swag in your 420 garb :)

And sorry about your bonsai mum. Sick plants make my heart sad.
Good thing there's both up and down!
Are the two mutually exclusive?

Like do we have to pick one? :laughtwo:
It's an old comedy song title by Martin Mull. A fun tongue twister of sorts to say.

Good day folks! This is so cool! Halving the cart size to 0.5ml gave me a flawless draw the entire cart this time! YES! Pleasant taste all the way to the end and make sure you know where the seat is! Yeow!

Ok so I started with the Ducore X 1.0 ml tank cart. paired to a BKD900 Battery. Almost full it got a little stuck about half way through the rosin causing me to turn up the heat and it made it through the entire tank! Awesome but not for company:). So good! This time with the 0.5ml tank it drew perfectly!:kiss:
Now I'm onto the next thing. Testing the lesser diameter cart., the S style in 0.5 ml size tank. This one could go into the BKD900 but I want to try the DSD900 Battery Ispire sent me. It's different! It know when you toke and turns on automatically when you do! I like that! So here's the next tester and I gave it a couple of hits last night with fantastic initial results! Auto turn on! Love 2022! Look at this thing in a stealth way! It's half the size of a pack of cigs or less!
A magnetic connector gets screwed to the cart and is held in the Battery by the invisible force of magnetism.
As a user the 0.5ml cart lasted me 3 days of pretty intense blasting testing. It was too much for Ms Otter. 2 and a half tokes one night and she couldn't make it out of the chair to eat supper. That was a bad thing for her. Don't let it happen to you! Seriously, I'm not sure she's up for even trying it again. People funny.
Enough for today, have some fun on this Fantastic Friday!
That battery is pretty cool auto turn on sound legit. Im going to have to bookmark where you showed how you make these. Im definitely going to give it a try with this next harvest.
If I was going out more often this auto one would be for me for that! It's completely hidden in your palm, even a small hand, and no putzing around for a fire button! Half a hit and no one even sees, or smells much at all! Stay with this to be sure the process is legit. I think it is so far. Almost positive. If I get this one to go flawlessly I'll say it's successful. This will be the third acceptable cart, and the second I expect perfection in. @Ispire has done rocked my world :Rasta: ! I'll let you know in a few days for sure.
Stoney you’ve almost got me ready to invest. I really like what you’ve done. :thumb:
It's hammertime right now Nev! WooHoo! I did all the work up front squishing and baking. Now breathing in is the hard part of the day! WEEEE!
I want to say again. I didn't think, and I still don't, that I'd replace vaping flower with this. It's too much for me for every day as I often use it most of the day, most days. I'm not that ill or want to be that high really. I'll save it for later. I'm going to want to try new harvests like this too! YUM! It is kinda fun doing only it while testing!
So, do I order the press now (once I figure out where it's going to fit)?

When do you find out if they're refillable? It would be better off not being like Gillette. ;)
Not yet, I'm having a taste issue with the S "thinner" style cart. I'm in the first quarter of the cart and I'm tasting plain oil taste. Not something I'd want every day! It may have been me yesterday. I'll have to look at that again tonight. The X style was fine to my taste through the entire cart. Not this one.

The Gillette landfill syndrome is something I wished I could have helped thwart but the last few tokes taste lousy. I'd have to alcohol wash them. There's some info on line that says some carts can be washed and reused. I'll try one after this S, then an X to see if time from bake is a thing. Oh the testing:)!

When I repaire Red Line subway cars in Boston, Gillette World Headquarters was in eyesight. It's a huge piece of real estate in the heart of town! R+D and manufacturing go on there.
:circle-of-love:BOX O GOODIES FROM GJOTM:circle-of-love:

GOOD SATURDAY! I hope you're well today, I am! Woke up to a package of goodness on the front steps. Filled with my hearts desire! Feed for the summer grow! Thanks @GeoFlora Nutrients and sister company @GeoPot ! I see a new thing about the pots! Velcro zippers! Nice move GeoPot! I like them already! Also a box of Neem from Ecoworks! OMRI listed and ready to kill! My kind of weapon! Thanks a bunch!
Party at my place today, group birthday, going to be nice! Grilling some thighs, burgers, and sausages @40F. I no longer accept winter!
:circle-of-love:BOX O GOODIES FROM GJOTM:circle-of-love:

GOOD SATURDAY! I hope you're well today, I am! Woke up to a package of goodness on the front steps. Filled with my hearts desire! Feed for the summer grow! Thanks @GeoFlora Nutrients and sister company @GeoPot ! I see a new thing about the pots! Velcro zippers! Nice move GeoPot! I like them already! Also a box of Neem from Ecoworks! OMRI listed and ready to kill! My kind of weapon! Thanks a bunch!
Party at my place today, group birthday, going to be nice! Grilling some thighs, burgers, and sausages @40F. I no longer accept winter!

Always like goodies. Just ordered me some 3 falling bags. And some harvest bags . Self burp ones.
Highya SO,

Congrats on nutes and growpots! Always fun to get stuff that way! I won't be coming down for your party, so I hope you have/had a fun time! Happy Smokin'
That's weird because there's no oil in it.
So weird! I'm going to guess this is the reason the mainstream makers put flavors back in. I turned up the temp last night and had a better experience. I found it odd that up, not down with temp made it taste better. More testing!:)
Keep on testing and enjoy the thighs
Will do! Oh my goodness! I got a "sausage party" assortment from my local butcher. They had 6 or 8 very different of the most fantastic saucies to date! Oink city at the Otterfarm man! A party in my mouth! My thighs were all that too I'd say. I love feeding people!
Always like goodies. Just ordered me some 3 falling bags. And some harvest bags . Self burp ones.
Falling bags?
Highya SO,

Congrats on nutes and growpots! Always fun to get stuff that way! I won't be coming down for your party, so I hope you have/had a fun time! Happy Smokin'
Hehe, missed a tasty one!
So weird! I'm going to guess this is the reason the mainstream makers put flavors back in. I turned up the temp last night and had a better experience. I found it odd that up, not down with temp made it taste better. More testing!:)

Will do! Oh my goodness! I got a "sausage party" assortment from my local butcher. They had 6 or 8 very different of the most fantastic saucies to date! Oink city at the Otterfarm man! A party in my mouth! My thighs were all that too I'd say. I love feeding people!

Falling bags?

Hehe, missed a tasty one!
Hi @StoneOtter, you don't happen to know a recipe for BBQ sauce, it's not worth much here, so I'm trying to ask like that;)
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