Fun In The Sun 2016 - Tiger - Ape - Pitbull - Gorilla & More - Run Wild

Do birds ever try and build nests in outdoor behemoths like these?

Not yet (here) but I wouldn't be surprised. We find nests in smaller bushes than these.

While I'd rather not have them around, at least I'm finding the yellow jackets help with pest control. The little buggers seem to like eating leaf hoppers. :thumb:

We have a large wildfire burning about 30-40 miles away. Right now our place looks like a hellscape with the smoke and ash. Sort of depressing, but at least we are in no danger. The plants are getting covered in ash. :(

Looks like the two Liberty Haze plants may be another write-off. If so, only 3 of 7 plants will get harvested, and two of them I really don't need as I have a bunch already. Everything I've read says LH is a mid-October harvest outdoors with 8 -10 weeks of flowering. Neither of mine are really even showing pre-flowers yet. That puts them into November even if they get their act together ASAP. Obviously they forgot to read their strain descriptions. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Well at least the ash is easy enough to wash off assuming you've got a hose that can reach? Either way, best of luck man. :)

That's why we do us some bud washing. Or, maybe I should go for a BBQ-ranch flavor. :thedoubletake:
Hey Major, evenin pal! Has it cooled off a bit yet where you are ?:high-five:

Much cooler. It is only about 80 today and we'll be in mid-70's for a few. Now we have a large fire that makes it almost gloomy all day from the smoke. Oh well. We're safe.
I hope today has been a better day for you! Another congrat's on your win! :Namaste:

These fires are pretty scary. We passed Big Sur where some dumbass started a fire while camping in the wild.
Hermine is dumping rain around these parts. It's been a constant mist/drizzle with occasional downpour all day. If I could send it your way to clean your ash laden homestead, I would. :)
Hermine is dumping rain around these parts. It's been a constant mist/drizzle with occasional downpour all day. If I could send it your way to clean your ash laden homestead, I would. :)

Looks like I'm poppin back in just as the party is getting started! Hope all is well mate. Skimmed over the past 10 pages but need to do a more thorough catch up when I have the time :) Cheers bloke!

Hey GL!
I don't think you missed much. It's great to have you back from your trip.
Good morning Major...hope you and your family are well this long weekend. Thinkin of yous down there. hope that fire has been put out and if not hope your still safe and your girls arn't gettin all yucky from the smoke and ash! cheers bud.:Namaste:

We're doing great. :thanks:

It is a bit sad to see summer wind down already. It seemed like a quick summer, and an odd one at that. Still not even any real preflowers out of LH or GT, and just barely anything on ZD.

The fire is growing and making a real mess in other places. It is now well over 20,000 acres and only about 10% contained. Luckily we had a shift in the wind so the smoke and ash are headed somewhere else for now.

Have a great holiday weekend gang! Adios to summer. Here comes autumn ... and outdoor buds!
Girls are looking fine major & looks like ya got over that little problem some few odd weeks ago or more :thumb:

Damn weather ah, Hermine dumping tail ends off that storm in my neck of woods way across the pond & still not enough rain after 2 months dry here !

I'm glad i'm not an out door grower, a friend suffered when local kids set fire to near by hills & lost a few plants, not quite a wildfire but devastating on his behalf !
Girls are looking fine major & looks like ya got over that little problem some few odd weeks ago or more :thumb:

Damn weather ah, Hermine dumping tail ends off that storm in my neck of woods way across the pond & still not enough rain after 2 months dry here !

I'm glad i'm not an out door grower, a friend suffered when local kids set fire to near by hills & lost a few plants, not quite a wildfire but devastating on his behalf !

Thanks Fuzzy!
I thought we might get our first light rain today, but nope.
I'm still battling with ZD's problem, but I'm not having a huge impact. She is still growing well and looks like she can produce, but she's out of time. All the rest are on cruise control.
I've been trying to get a structure built in hopes of salvaging this late-flowering group. So far, not much luck. To clear the center plant it needs to be nearly 14' high. I'm still working on a solution.
Cheers! Thanks for stopping by.
14 feet!!!!!!! Major , what did i tell ya......:blunt:.........did ya ever get that bigger ladder i talked about?
Got a lil BIG news for ya....they're not done yet.....:rofl::rofl:
OK , i won't laugh, it's clear you have a bit of an issue cuz of those Sat dom ladies ya got there. At this point is there a way you can pull them down over a few days to get them down to 8 feet ,or a more manageable height!? What is your idea for a frame for a tent? I think if it was me i would get a very large , very strong tarp and rig it up with poles and tie ropes like you would a least that way you will keep a lot of frost and late season , mold causing rain , off it. You could set it up with the help of one other able person, i'm sure. You could also make it very strong after the initial set up by adding more support ropes, etc. Just thinking out loud bud....have an awesome night my friend!:Namaste::high-five:
Sorry to hear that your gals are lagging behind, and the summer's winding down. While I've been absent it's been dry for almost 3 weeks now, and temps keep up in the low 90s, so I'm looking at a hot September here. a shame to lose that big girl...still leaning towards a teepee as an idea...dimensional lumber would be nice...but even 16 footers might be pushing it to enclose her...could find some poles in the woods maybe!??...wrap it in 2 layers of six mil poly...have a fairly sound...sort of insulated green house...could even throw some sort of heat source for low overnight temps...a lot of effort...or a lesson learned!??...either way...very impressive growth in your garden with all the girlz!!...:thumb::adore:...cheerz...h00k... a shame to lose that big girl...still leaning towards a teepee as an idea...dimensional lumber would be nice...but even 16 footers might be pushing it to enclose her...could find some poles in the woods maybe!??...wrap it in 2 layers of six mil poly...have a fairly sound...sort of insulated green house...could even throw some sort of heat source for low overnight temps...a lot of effort...or a lesson learned!??...either way...very impressive growth in your garden with all the girlz!!...:thumb::adore:...cheerz...h00k...

Hook, i gotta tell ya bud, i like it...that's a great friggen idea. Major could possibly harvest some long poles from the woods or aquire suitable poles and wrap it like you said. They would still get almost all the light and yet be protected from the elements. It could even be done with flap affair at the top to open if temps suddenly climbed. Just as a real TeePee. There's no way around it though , Major has got his hands full with his very beautiful ladies there!
Major, have you given Hook's idea some consideration? Cheers bud!
:thanks: gang for all the support and ideas.

I could use lumber or poles, but...

I've been trying to come up with something that will protect all of them. With a teepee structure I would only be able to cover ZD(+). I'd like to also protect LH and GT(+). I think LH has the best chance of finishing. Also, the plants have grown together. There is no spot to work from. Every time I pull a ladder in there, I end up breaking branches.

You will hate this idea, but I'm considering a massive chop on ZD(+). She's the problem. I could build a lower structure, and I would have room to set up a ladder and work on the cover. I got close yesterday to getting a hoop house sort of framework built but I can't quite reach to assemble the peak. I can't pre-build it and move it into position w/o making a mess of several plants. I'm still working on it and haven't given up, yet.

ZD(+) is a little under 11', but that is measured from the soil in her cage. That cage is a little more than 6" above the surrounding ground. I'd like to leave a little room above her for ventillation and I'm allowing another foot for future growth. If she stretches once true flowering hits, then I'm totally screwed. Otherwise 13'-14' should cover it.

I'm loving the look and smell from GG4. It has a very unexpected smell of bright lemon. There is a bit of a sweet fuel note in the background, but the predominant smell is lemon zest. The buds are progressing well, too, but keeping the branches supported is difficult. Another reason to get a structure built. I could tie branches to the frame.

Happy holiday / goodbye summer to all who calibrate (or don't) Labor Day.
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